Duplicate top-level declaration 'METHOD main' in dart - dart

I'm new to dart, and trying to use dart to write a hello world and a unit test, but I get the error:
duplicate top-level declaration 'METHOD main' at ../app.dart::5:6
My project dir is test-dart, and it has 3 files.
class User {
hello(String name) {
print("Hello, ${name}");
void main() {
new User().hello("app");
void main() {
print("hello, test");
Now there is an error in "test.dart" on void main(), the error message is:
duplicate top-level declaration 'METHOD main' at ../app.dart::5:6
The two main() methods are in different libraries, why they are still duplicated? How to fix it?

If you import a library like this #import('../app.dart), then all names from app.dart become visible in the importing code (all public names, actually -- those that don't start with a _). So in your test.dart library, you now have two main functions visible. That is obviously a collision. There are two ways to solve it (that I know of).
First: import the library with a prefix, like this: #import('../app.dart', prefix: 'app'). Then, all public names from app.dart are still visible, but only with an app prefix, so the main function from app.dart is only accessible by app.main. No collision here, but you have to use a prefix everytime.
Second: using a show combinator, like this: #import('../app.dart', show: ['a', 'b']). Then, it is no longer true that all names from app.dart are visible, only those explicitly named (a and b here). I'm not sure if this is already implemented, though.
Maybe in the future, we will get something opposite to the show combinator, so that you could do #import('../app.dart', hide: ['main']). That would be the best solution for your problem, but it isn't in the current language (as specified by 0.09).

You are importing app.dart without a prefix which means that the symbols of the importing and imported library can collide if there are duplicates such as in your example.
To resolve these collisions the library import allows you to prefix imports with an identifier. Your example should work if you change test.dart as follows:
#import("../app.dart", prefix: "app");
void main() {
print("hello, test");
new app.User().hello("main");
Notice how the classes and top-level functions in the app.dart library are now accessed using the "app" prefix and thus do not collide with the names in test.dart.


Is there #friend functionality to accompany #protected?

I'm using the Dart annotation #protected because I want to limit a member to only be called from a single other class, like so
class Foo {
void doSomethingSpecial() {}
class Bar {
final foo = Foo();
consumeDoSomethingSpecial() {
Understandably, foo.doSomethingSpecial() triggers the warning
The member 'doSomethingSpecial' can only be used within instance members of subclasses...
In the C++ world I would annotate Bar as a friend of Foo to permit this call but I'm not seeing the equivalent annotation in Dart?
I did see that I can suppress a warning by adding
// ignore: the_appropriate_lint_rule
above the line with the warning but I'm not seeing a lint rule that applies to using the #protected annotation?
"friend" in Dart is essentially implemented by ensuring that the identifiers are "library-local" (begin with underscore), and all friends are in the same library. A library in Dart is typically just a single file; however, using part/part-of, it can span multiple files.
Any reference to an underscore-prefixed identifier is in-scope for the same library, but out of scope anywhere else, even if you import that file.

Should subclasses inherit private mixin variables in Dart?

Should I get the following error:
class.dart:11:11: Error: The getter '_privateID' isn't defined for the class 'Y'.
- 'Y' is from 'class.dart'.
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named '_privateID'.
From the following code?
class Mixin {
static int _nextID = 0;
int publicID = _nextID++; // I only need one of these lines
int _privateID = _nextID++; // but this variable is inaccessible
import 'mixin.dart';
class X with Mixin {
void run() {
print(publicID); // no error here
class Y with Mixin {
void run() {
print(_privateID); // Error: _privateID not defined
void main() {
Or is this a bug? If it's not a bug, I'd like to understand why this behavior is reasonable.
When I instead define the mixin in the same file as the above classes, I get no error.
(Dart SDK 2.4.1.)
It is not a bug.
The private field is inherited, but you cannot access it because its name is private to a different library.
Dart's notion of "privacy" is library private names.
The name _privateID in the mixin.dart library introduces a library private name. This name is special in that it can only be written inside the same library.
If someone writes _privateID in a different library, it is a different name, one unique to that library instead.
It is as if private names includes the library URI of the library it is written in, so what you really declare is a name _privateID#mixin.dart.
When you try to read that field in class.dart, you write ._privateID, but because it is in a different library, what you really write is ._privateID#class.dart, a completely different name, and the classs does not have any declarations with that name.
So, if one class needs to access a private member of another class (or mixin, or anything), then the two needs to be declared in the same library, because otherwise they cannot even write the name of that variable.
That is why the code works if you write the mixin in the same library.
If you want to move the mixin to a separate file, but not necessarily a separate library, you can use a part file.

iOS blocks, how to use in different implementation files

I am trying to make some reusable blocks for my application.
void (^testBlock)(int) = ^(int number) {
// do nothing for now;
#import "CommonBlocks.h"
(void)setup {
Unfortunately, when I try to push this code to iOS device I receive error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation). It seems that I missing some.
Any advice?
You try add static keyword before the declaration:
static void (^testBlock)(int) = ^(int number) {
// do nothing for now;
Your code causes error because you have non-static variable testBlock declared in .h header file.
When you call #import "CommonBlocks.h" in VariousImplementationFile.m, testBlock is declared once. Then you import CommonBlocks.h in some where else, testBlock is declared once more, so you'll get symbol duplicate error.
Declare block in CommonBlocks.h this way
typedef void (^RCCompleteBlockWithResult) (BOOL result, NSError *error);
Then you may use in any method for example:
-(void)getConversationFromServer:(NSInteger)placeId completionBlock:(RCCompleteBlockWithResult)completionBlock
This is not specific to blocks. Basically, you want to know how to have a global variable that is accessible from multiple files.
Basically, the issue is that in in C, each "symbol" can only be "defined" once (it can be "declared" multiple times, but just be "defined" once). Thus, you cannot put the "definition" of a symbol in a header file, because it will be included in multiple source files, so effectively, the same symbol will be "defined" multiple times.
For a function, the prototype is declaration, and the implementation with the code is the definition. You cannot implement a function in a header file for this reason. For a regular variable, writing the name and type of the variable is defining it. To only "declare" it, you need to use extern.
It is also worth mentioning static. static makes a variable local to a particular source file. That way, its name won't interfere with variables with the same name elsewhere. You can use this to make global variables that are "private" to a particular file. However, that is not what you are asking for -- you are asking for the exact opposite -- a variable that is "public", i.e. shared among files.
The standard way to do it is this:
extern void (^testBlock)(int); // any file can include the declaration
// but it's only defined in one source file
void (^testBlock)(int) = ^(int number) {
// do nothing for now;

Dart 2 libraries in one lib folder causing type 'X' is not a subtype of type 'X'

I have a following problem:
In my application, I have web and lib folders.
Lib folder is supposed to contain utility libraries.
library my_lib;
part 'src/person.dart';
library my_lib1;
import 'my_lib.dart';
part 'src/other.dart';
In my_lib1, I want to use classes defined in my_lib
the classes are as follows:
part of my_lib;
class Person {
part of my_lib1;
class Other {
Person p;
Other(this.p) {
Now, in web/testpackage.dart
import 'package:TestPackage/my_lib.dart';
import 'package:TestPackage/my_lib1.dart';
void main() {
Person p = new Person();
Other o = new Other(p);
Fails with:
Exception: type 'Person' is not a subtype of type 'Person' of 'p'.
Other.Other (package:testpackage/src/other.dart:7:14)
How should I structure my project to prevent that?
My libraries are local to the app, and I don't really want to develop them separately for my toy project.
Problem in that the your library my_lib is a publiclibrary and anyone (and you, of course) can use it elsewhere outside of lib directory.
In this case it must be imported (becuase it's a public library) always as the package library.
To solve this this problem you must change your source code.
From this lib/my_lib1.dart
library my_lib1;
import 'my_lib.dart';
part 'src/other.dart';
To this lib/my_lib1.dart
library my_lib1;
import 'package:TestPackage/my_lib.dart';
part 'src/other.dart';

Internal Error:... ambiguous reference: 'DataGrid' is defined in library web/DataGrid.dart and also in web/out/DataGrid.dart

I created a bare-bones datagrid using web-ui for testing and had it working just fine. Then I decided to try to declare it as a component. I changed around the library references and now it is giving me the above error when I try to run the application. You can see my file structure below. The reason I am getting the "ambiguous reference" message when I try to run it is that when I went into the auto-generated DataGrid.dart file in the out directory, it had the following declaration
import 'DataGrid.dart';
import '../DataGrid.dart';
I am confused as to why the generated code imports them both. One thing that I considered is that it could be because the DataGridPage.html file instantiates my DataGrid component and my DataGridPage.dart file imports DataGrid.dart so that it can have references to DataGridColumn (it needs to set the columns for the DataGrid). In DataGridPage.dart, I also attach to certain DataGrid events such as SortColumnChanged and SelectionChanged so I need to request a copy of my DataGrid instance in DataGridPage.dart (I don't think there is a way to attach to events from the web component instantiation in DataGridPage.html).
Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?
Here is my file structure:
library datagrid;
part 'DataGridColumn.dart';
part 'DataGridRow.dart';
class DataGrid extends WebComponent{...}
part of datagrid;
class DataGridRow {...}
part of datagrid;
class DataGridColumn {...}
[contains the component declaration UI]
<div is="s-datagrid" id="myDataGrid" ItemsSource="{{app.Assets}}" Columns="{{app.Columns}}"></div>
import 'DataGrid.dart';
import 'Asset.dart';
void main() {
DataGridApp _app;
DataGridApp get app {
if (_app == null) {
_app = new DataGridApp();
return _app;
class DataGridApp{
//provides ItemsSource and DataGridColumn data
jmesserly has answered this on the github site. He said that you need to remove the component import in your main dart file. So in my example I would remove the import 'DataGrid.dart' statement from the DataGridPage.dart. The IDE will give you a warning but you can ignore it because it will actually be run from the out folder.
GitHub Web-UI Issue 342
