Twitter API to find two direction following users - twitter

Is there a quick way to find a list of users who I followed and they also followed me back? Just wanted to get a list more like "friend" aspect.


Get a review link with Google My Business API

Is there a way to get the link of a review using the GMB APIs?
The closest to what I need is this:
Where the first ID (113400145807499011881) is the ID of the user who left the review, and the second ID (ChIJSRSm38NhLxMRBgg2EGMZqKc) is the place ID.
However, the review object returned by the API does not seem to contain enough information to obtain the reviewer user ID.
Thank you,
I was searching for a way to get the url to the review overview for a specific location via the API too.
After checking the links, IDs ect. in the API Responses and lots of documentations an tuturials i found NO way to get the link over tha API.
BUT a workarround with a few manual steps can help to find the link (I know that is not a final answer to the question, but maybe it is still helpfull)
go to google search, and search for you Location/ Company that contains the reviews
on the right side you should see a pannel that shows the current stars for your location and a link "xxxx Google-Rezensionen"
klick on this link and copy the url in the browser
(optional remove parameters like "&client" ect.
Check this youtube-video of the Step by Step Tuturial to see a tuturial how you can do this.
newReviewUrl is the Parameter if someone read this:

Return Users ordered by followers Instagram API

I have an issue, I want to get the biggest accounts in Instagram using the API for ruby. When I said "biggest", I meant the accounts ordered by the amount of followers.
I found the service /search, but I don't know how to make the query. It seems that it's only to search by username.
Any idea or workaround?
As far as Instragrams documentation goes this is not possible:
From what I can see you can only search by username and I don't see any other way to add parameters. So unless there is an unknown hidden param I don't think this is possible.
If you have a specific user you can see how many users follow that user here: but you would need an access token for that user.

How to get the follow suggestions from twitter?

On Twitter there is a page that lists some users that are suggested "Twitter accounts suggested for you based on who you follow and more." from this link:!/who_to_follow/suggestions
I didn't find an API to retrieve the same list (maybe I am missing it?).
Does anybody knows how that list can be accessed? (other than parsing the html)
The good thing about that list, is that it is not categorized and it does contain common people (ie. not sport/cinema superstars etc.)
I think this can be achieved in two steps by twitter API. Seems like first you need to get the categories that twitter suggested to user, then from those categories you can get the suggested users to the authenticated user.

Display a list of twitter accounts with twitter controls/info

I have some lists of twitter accounts that I would like to recommend on my website (e.g. follow these great crafting bloggers). If I have the twitter ID for each of these people, is it possible to create a list of items that show their twitter info (pic, number of tweets/followers, etc.) as well as controls that allow the user to follow each (or multiple) twitter account? I'd like to be able to do it dynamically based on the list of accounts so that I can update the list and not have to redesign the page. I feel like I've seen this around the web before, but I don't see any widgets for doing it and I'm wondering how it's done.
(I would like to use javascript/jquery, but am pretty flexible here)
I would first look at the Twitter API. You will find more information on how Twitter works, and you may find information applicable to what you want to accomplish on your website. It's a start, and there's no better place to start than the source itself.

Facebook Stream Posts Missing

I was querying fql for all the posts on my wall and trying out different things with it. I noticed that there were certain posts that were missing. Just to test it out, I started looking at the "feed" option on the Graph API Explorer (with all possible permissions checked on all three tabs). I found out that I could not view a particular post either. My friend and I tested, and he posted a link to my wall. When he queried the feed on the API explorer, he could see his link. I however, could not see it. An additional mutual friend posted a link to my wall, and I could see that new link just fine, but the initial friend could not.
I also noticed with another user, I could see all posts on my wall that were just text, but I could not see any links that they referenced. I'm not sure if there were any other posts missing as well, but I know that NONE of his links were their.
Is this some strange privacy setting that he has on his posts? I always interpreted that given the right permissions (read_stream) or all permissions I should be able to pull everything on my wall. However, it seems that I can only pull specific content. Thanks for any help anyone can give me with this! I want to pull all of the comments that people have on my wall, and I'm just having problems with this.
