Twitter: How to get "View photo" on tweet - twitter

We just included a pure HTML link for the tweet functionality instead of the twitter button. Now we want to enable the user to tweet an image together with his tweet.
When you manually tweet an url from instagram or flickrm, twitter automatically adds the "View photo" function below the tweet? How did I get that on my page?
I already found out, that both instagram and flickr use og properties. My guess was, that I have to add those properties to my page. But even adding those properties does not trigger the "View photo" link on twitter.
Is there some documentation about how to get it working? I didn't found anything in the API docs.

The View Photo link on Twitter is not related to OpenGraph. The photo provides are approved by Twitter so it automatically adds the View Photo link to tweets that include one of those services. If you want the View Photo link in your tweets, consider uploading photos using the TwitPic API or similar.


Hi I want to know if Twitter Share Button returns response or something

Hi I'm planning to using twitter share button to share a specific tweet with hashtags and tags. Twitter Share Button Doc here details how to use the button using anchor tag, but how do I know if the user really post it or just clicked it ?

open external weblink from facebook app and pass facebook username

I am building an IOS app that will post weblinks to facebook and other social media using social media framework (not facebook-graph-api) and it works as I desire. eg:
I do however want that when my friends on facebook open that external link and it opens in an external browser - their facebook user name gets passed on to the browser so I can allow them to add comments to the weblink.
To clarify - the comments to be added will be on my website for the page they just opened (and not the comments in facebook)
Is it possible to do this ?
You can only do something with URL while posting it. Well if we posting URL on wall of known user then we can achieve your problem with following approach.
I think you can append name of friend as a get parameter in URL. So whenever your friend opens this link, its corresponding name is also passed along with URL. As far as security is concerned you can consider to append some security code to URL as well. Which will be validated against Name of friend.
For example.

How to tag a Facebook page using UIActivityViewController

I am using UIActivityViewController to post to Facebook in iOS 6 and have that working fine. However, when I try to tag a Facebook page by including #pagename in the message, the raw text '#pagename' is posted and is not linked to the page. I am able to do this directly on Facebooks website so I know that the page name is correct. Is this possible to do?
After a lot of searching, I have determined that this is not possible with the current UIActivityViewController API. Even if it did work, you need to 'like' a page before you can tag it, so this will not work for my situation.

Facebook Multiple tagging on Photo ios

I am using FB graph api to tag multiple friends. I am able to tag only one friend. But not getting success with multiple friends.
For single user:-
NSString *photoID=#"23451245";
[FB_Graph doGraphPost:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/tags/%#?access_token=%#", photoID, #"1235234",[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:#"fb_accesstoken"]] withPostVars:nil];
For Multiple user :-
[FB_Graph doGraphPost:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"406435626092354/tags?tags=[{\"id\":\"100000947629523\"}, {\"id\":\"100000106756234\"}]?access_token=%#",[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:#"fb_accesstoken"]] withPostVars:nil];
You can create a tag on the photo by issuing an HTTP POST request to the tags connection, PHOTO_ID/tags.
Note: This feature is intended to help users tag their friends in real photos. You should not use this feature to encourage users to tag their friends if their friends are not actually in that photo, or to tag friends in composite photos. If your app is found to be encouraging this behavior, your usage of this feature may be disabled.
You can specify which user to tag using two methods: in the URL path as PHOTO_ID/tags/USER_ID, or in a URL parameter as PHOTO_ID/tags?to=USER_ID. To add several tags at once, you can specify a tags property which contains an array of tags like so PHOTO_ID/tags?tags=[{"id":"1234"}, {"id":"12345"}]. Currently, you cannot tag a Page in a photo using this API.
Tagging a photo requires the user_photos and publish_stream permissions, publish_stream is optional - if not present, the tag will go through Tag Review of the tagged person if s/he has this privacy setting enabled. Tagging a photo supports the following parameters.
For more details visit Facebook Developer Site.

Twitter Tweet-button with opengraph support? Is it possible?

I've already added the Facebook like-button, the Google +1 button and now i'm adding the Twitter Tweet button but noticed that it doesn't make use of any the opengraph metatags i've embedded in the <head> of my page while facebook and google do.
How can i make the Tweet Button use the data from my OpenGraph metatags so i don't need to add redundant data to my page just to get the tweet button to work correctly?
Currently Twitter doesn't support any kind of tags . See . However you can add a picture and location through the media API
There are some kind of "automatic" integration but only for big players such , etc ... Try to tweet a link with any amazon product and the tweet will automatically get populated with additional info such a picture, add to cart button etc .
