Switch lex states in flex? - flex-lexer

Could someone point me to a reference, or post a short example on how to switch lexical states in flex? A quick google search didn't give me much to look at.

I think that the flex buzzword for what you want to switch is "start condition." You can switch start conditions with BEGIN and yy_push_state().


How stanford-nlp distinguishes between abbreviation dot and full stop?

in this link http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tokenizer.html
a document is processed and all abbreviation dot and full stop are recognized differently. I want to know the logic or process used behind this. Please explain.
You can split your document to sentences (using Stanford or any other tool, e.g this); clearly the dots at the end of sentences are full stops.

Good practice to parse data in a custom format

I'm writing a program that takes in input a straight play in a custom format and then performs some analysis on it (like number of lines and words for each character). It's just for fun, and a pretext for learning cool stuff.
The first step in that process is writing a parser for that format. It goes :
###Act I
##Scene 1
CHARACTER 1. Line 1, he's saying some stuff.
#Comment, stage direction
CHARACTER 2, doing some stuff. Line 2, she's saying some stuff too.
It's quite a simple format. I read extensively about basic parser stuff like CFG, so I am now ready to get some work done.
I have written my grammar in EBNF and started playing with flex/bison but it raises some questions :
Is flex/bison too much for such a simple parser ? Should I just write it myself as described here : Is there an alternative for flex/bison that is usable on 8-bit embedded systems? ?
What is good practice regarding the respective tasks of the tokenizer and the parser itself ? There is never a single solution, and for such a simple language they often overlap. This is especially true for flex/bison, where flex can perform some intense stuff with regex matching. For example, should "#" be a token ? Should "####" be a token too ? Should I create types that carry semantic information so I can directly identify for example a character ? Or should I just process it with flex the simplest way then let the grammar defined in bison decide what is what ?
With flex/bison, does it makes sense to perform the analysis while parsing or is it more elegant to parse first, then operate on the file again with some other tool ?
This got me really confused. I am looking for an elegant, perhaps simple solution. Any guideline ?
By the way, about the programing language, I don't care much. For now I am using C because of flex/bison but feel free to advise me on anything more practical as long as it is a widely used language.
It's very difficult to answer those questions without knowing what your parsing expectations are. That is, an example of a few lines of text does not provide a clear understanding of what the intended parse is; what the lexical and syntactic units are; what relationships you would like to extract; and so on.
However, a rough guess might be that you intend to produce a nested parse, where ##{i} indicates the nesting level (inversely), with i≥1, since a single # is not structural. That violates one principle of language design ("don't make the user count things which the computer could count more accurately"), which might suggest a structure more like:
#play {
#act {
#scene {
#location: Elsinore. A platform before the castle.
#direction: FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO
BERNARDO: Who's there?
FRANCISCO: Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.
BERNARDO: Long live the king!
FRANCISCO: Bernardo?
or even something XML-like. But that would be a different language :)
The problem with parsing either of these with a classic scanner/parser combination is that the lexical structure is inconsistent; the first token on a line is special, but most of the file consists of unparsed text. That will almost inevitably lead to spreading syntactic information between the scanner and the parser, because the scanner needs to know the syntactic context in order to decide whether or not it is scanning raw text.
You might be able to avoid that issue. For example, you might require that a continuation line start with whitespace, so that every line not otherwise marked with #'s starts with the name of a character. That would be more reliable than recognizing a dialogue line just because it starts with the name of a character and a period, since it is quite possible for a character's name to be used in dialogue, even at the end of a sentence (which consequently might be the first word in a continuation line.)
If you do intend for dialogue lines to be distinguished by the fact that they start with a character name and some punctuation then you will definitely have to give the scanner access to the character list (as a sort of symbol table), which is a well-known but not particularly respected hack.
Consider the above a reflection about your second question ("What are the roles of the scanner and the parser?"), which does not qualify as an answer but hopefully is at least food for thought. As to your other questions, and recognizing that all of this is opinionated:
Is flex/bison too much for such a simple parser ? Should I just write it myself...
The fact that flex and bison are (potentially) more powerful than necessary to parse a particular language is a red herring. C is more powerful than necessary to write a factorial function -- you could easily do it in assembler -- but writing a factorial function is a good exercise in learning C. Similarly, if you want to learn how to write parsers, it's a good idea to start with a simple language; obviously, that's not going to exercise every option in the parser/scanner generators, but it will get you started. The question really is whether the language you're designing is appropriate for this style of parsing, not whether it is too simple.
With flex/bison, does it makes sense to perform the analysis while parsing or is it more elegant to parse first, then operate on the file again with some other tool?
Either can be elegant, or disastrous; elegance has more to do with how you structure your thinking about the problem at hand. Having said that, it is often better to build a semantic structure (commonly referred to as an AST -- abstract syntax tree) during the parse phase and then analyse that structure using other functions.
Rescanning the input file is very unlikely to be either elegant or effective.

Help understanding LR(1) parsers, table generation? Any other resources?

I am currently taking a compilers class and I am having a hard time understanding LR(1) parsing algorithms using the action/goto table and also how to hand generate these tables. Right now we are using Engineering a Compiler by Cooper and Torczon as our class text book and I have also read the wikipedia pages on table generation but I still do not understand the concepts. If possible can anyone recommend any other book that explains parsing well or an online resource? I would think many universities would have good online resources/slides on the subject but I have no idea on where to start looking. Thanks!
The books are always hard to read because of the algorithm details. Greek symbols and abstract operations are hard to interpret unless you already know what they mean.
The way I learned how to do this, was to write a tiny grammar (simple expression,
assignment statement, if then statement, sequence of statements), and then hand simulate the algorithm. Get a really big piece of paper. Draw the starting configuration state with just the goal symbol and dot [ G = DOT RHS1 ... RHSM ]. Then process the unprocessed states, following the algorithm in detail; write down what each greek symbol represents at that moment. As you gain confidence, you'll get a better feeling and it will go faster.
Essentially what you are going to do is, for each item I
in a state, push the dot in item one place to right to produce a new item
draw a new state on your paper new state with that item as the seed, fill out the item core with lookahead sets based on FIRST(RHS3), expand the state, and repeat.
This will take you several hours the first time you try it. Worth every second.
Use a pencil!
some decent lecture notes...
Understanding and Writing Compilers has a section, What are the True Advantages of LR(1) Analysis?
(also available freely online)
Here is a link to a decent summary, although explanation is lacking.
more lecture notes...
and notes here...
(including goto and action tables)
Sorry I can't explain personally, I'm not too sure myself. Maybe you will find a kind, more knowledgeable soul around.

How do you think the "Quick Add" feature in Google Calendar works?

Am thinking about a project which might use similar functionality to how "Quick Add" handles parsing natural language into something that can be understood with some level of semantics. I'm interested in understanding this better and wondered what your thoughts were on how this might be implemented.
If you're unfamiliar with what "Quick Add" is, check out Google's KB about it.
6/4/10 Update
Additional research on "Natural Language Parsing" (NLP) yields results which are MUCH broader than what I feel is actually implemented in something like "Quick Add". Given that this feature expects specific types of input rather than the true free-form text, I'm thinking this is a much more narrow implementation of NLP. If anyone could suggest more narrow topic matter that I could research rather than the entire breadth of NLP, it would be greatly appreciated.
That said, I've found a nice collection of resources about NLP including this great FAQ.
I would start by deciding on a standard way to represent all the information I'm interested in: event name, start/end time (and date), guest list, location. For example, I might use an XML notation like this:
<name>meet Sam</name>
<starttime>16:30 07/06/2010</starttime>
<endtime>17:30 07/06/2010</endtime>
I'd then aim to build up a corpus of diary entries about dates, annotated with their XML forms. How would I collect the data? Well, if I was Google, I'd probably have all sorts of ways. Since I'm me, I'd probably start by writing down all the ways I could think of to express this sort of stuff, then annotating it by hand. If I could add to this by going through friends' e-mails and whatnot, so much the better.
Now I've got a corpus, it can serve as a set of unit tests. I need to code a parser to fit the tests. The parser should translate a string of natural language into the logical form of my annotation. First, it should split the string into its constituent words. This is is called tokenising, and there is off-the-shelf software available to do it. (For example, see NLTK.) To interpret the words, I would look for patterns in the data: for example, text following 'at' or 'in' should be tagged as a location; 'for X minutes' means I need to add that number of minutes to the start time to get the end time. Statistical methods would probably be overkill here - it's best to create a series of hand-coded rules that express your own knowledge of how to interpret the words, phrases and constructions in this domain.
It would seem that there's really no narrow approach to this problem. I wanted to avoid having to pull along the entirety of NLP to figure out a solution, but I haven't found any alternative. I'll update this if I find a really great solution later.

Approaching Text Parsing in Scala

I'm making an application that will parse commands in Scala. An example of a command would be:
todo get milk for friday
So the plan is to have a pretty smart parser break the line apart and recognize the command part and the fact that there is a reference to time in the string.
In general I need to make a tokenizer in Scala. So I'm wondering what my options are for this. I'm familiar with regular expressions but I plan on making an SQL like search feature also:
search todo for today with tags shopping
And I feel that regular expressions will be inflexible implementing commands with a lot of variation. This leads me to think of implementing some sort of grammar.
What are my options in this regard in Scala?
You want to search for "parser combinators". I have a blog post using this approach (http://cleverlytitled.blogspot.com/2009/04/shunting-yard-algorithm.html), but I think the best reference is this series of posts by Stefan Zieger (http://szeiger.de/blog/2008/07/27/formal-language-processing-in-scala-part-1/)
Here are slides from a presentation I did in Sept. 2009 on Scala parser combinators. (http://sites.google.com/site/compulsiontocode/files/lambdalounge/ImplementingExternalDSLsUsingScalaParserCombinators.ppt) An implementation of a simple Logo-like language is demonstrated. It might provide some insights.
Scala has a parser library (scala.util.parsing.combinator) which enables one to write a parser directly from its EBNF specification. If you have an EBNF for your language, it should be easy to write the Scala parser. If not, you'd better first try to define your language formally.
