PanoramaGL how to stop rotating - ios

I am using PanoramaGL to make a 360 degree rotating image,the problem is how can i make it stop rotating automatically?

While researching for a solution on this case I've managed to get it working.
All you need to do on iOS is insert a line on PLViewBase.m, at method drawViewInternally.
[camera rotateWithStartPoint:startPoint endPoint:endPoint];
startPoint = endPoint;
This will trick PanoramaGL to assume the "first touch location" as the last one, therefore the "distance" between the drag points are always tiny enough to make a consistent and smooth scroll.
Then you just need to adjust the sensitivity. 10.0f did fine for me.

try this
plView.isScrollingEnabled = NO


How to dynamic change frame in CorePlot even you touch it

I set up two CPTXYGraph plots and use UISegmentedControl to switch the UI. It works good but due to some reasons I want to have two different frame sizes, so I add the following code in one of plots:
CGRect hostframe=hostingView.bounds;
[graph setFrame:hostframe];
It looks good and is actually working. However if you touch the plot UI the frame size is changed to the original. I also try to add the above code to the AxisDemo of CorePlotExamples, but still get the same result. Since I would like to have PointingDeviceDraggedEvent capability in the future, I has to find a solution for it.
Is there any way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
The Core Plot hosting view always keeps the graph sized to fill its bounds. Instead of resizing the graph, resize the hosting view.
Well, after several experiments I found a simplest solution:
graph.paddingLeft -= 100.0;
Now I can switch the UIs and change the frame size automatically without any problem. And also thanks for Eric's info.

Rotating a ImageView having one end fixed in iOS

I am developing a Ui which has a look & feel like a speedometer of vehicle which has a needle which is fixed from one end & rotate with some angle with that fixed end.
I have done some sort of code for that
self.SIV_Needle.transform =CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((CGFloat(M_PI_2)/180.0) * 80)
Its working but the imageView loss its original x & y coordinates from one end.I have tried lot of things like changing anchor point , center but doesn't seems to work well.
Responding to my comment, OP said the issue was that the control was not rotating around the desired axis. OP was not (I think) clear about what the desired axis is, nor about what the current axis is (I am using axis interchangeably to mean pivot point). There are a few potential fixes.
1) This needle thing is an ImageView, so you could do a simple hack and just make your image bigger or smaller to fix the rotation. To explain: if your needle is rotating around the center of the needle and not the ball part, then simply double the width of the image, such that the needle only takes up the right side and thus the "ball" of the needle is the pivot point.
2) Set the anchor property of the transform to wherever you want it to be rotating around. See this similar SO question & answer.
You need to translate the UI , to compensate the position change comes due to roatation
Try to change the anchor point of the needle imageView and then add the Rotation. I have not tried it, but i think it should work.
You can archive this by putting your pin image in a UIView at desired position and rotating your main UIView.
let myView:UIIView = UIIView(); //set frame of UIView
let pinImgView:UIVImageView(); // set pin image and frame of required position
myView.transform =CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((CGFloat(M_PI_2)/180.0) * 80);
I have made a sample project for this. you can take idea from it;

Draw a path with variable width in iOS

I am working on a writing application, My writing is working fine, but what I want to implement is variable stroke width, so that the writing is very realistic and intuitive, as done by "BAMBOO" and "PENULTIMATE" application.
Firstly I want to tell you what I have tried.
1) In iOS, their is no pressure detection, or velocity detection according to my research. For velocity detection, I have to use OPENGL.
2) Due to these limitations, I tried using the method given in this tutorial which is pretty straight forward.Here is the link
3) This works fine, But here what happens is that, the width increases as I move faster and decreases, as I move slower. But I want is the opposite effect, that is the width should increase as I move slower and when I move fast, the thickness should only be seen only at the edges and for the whole line.
Here are the screenshot of the BAMBOO app and my app.
1)BAMBOO app
In the above image, the line is drawn with speed and you will see that the thickness is only at edges.
Here you will see that the line is thinner at edges and thick every where else.
So, here are my doubts
1) Is their any better approach to fulfil my requirement, other than what I have tried.
2) If what I have tried, is correct approach to tackle the problem, then what changes I need to make to achieve the desired effect.
The answer to how to reverse the width behaviour and (and even the same question as yours) is right there in the link that you posted. All I did was to search for the word "width"
The question (my highlighting is not part of the quote):
The final version of this seems to work opposite of the first version. I would like to have the line thicker as the user moves slower and not thinner. Where do I change the code to inverse the final varying thickness to perform or like a pen? Meaning the slower the user moves the thicker or more ink the pen puts down... Thanks! Great tutorials, btw...
And the answer:
thanks for the great tutorial!
with these changes i got the opposite line width cahnge effect:
#define CAPACITY 100
#define FF 20.0
#define LOWER 0.01
#define UPPER 1.5
float frac1 = clamp(FF/len_sq(pointsBuffer[i], pointsBuffer[i+1]), LOWER, UPPER); // ................. (4)
float frac2 = clamp(FF/len_sq(pointsBuffer[i+1], pointsBuffer[i+2]), LOWER, UPPER);
float frac3 = clamp(FF/len_sq(pointsBuffer[i+2], pointsBuffer[i+3]), LOWER, UPPER);
Another search in the same link for the text "float frac1 =" shows that this change should be applied to lines 76-78 (somewhere inside touchesMoved:withEvent: in the code from the article)
In your touchesBegan: method, UItouch is supplied.
UITouch has below instance functions,
– locationInView:
– previousLocationInView:
And below property
#property(nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval timestamp
From the above, i think you can easily calculate velocity.I didn't go through any of mentioned links.I just want to give you an idea of how to calculate velocty based on touch object.

Change position of a SKSpriteNode that has a physicsBody

I can't change the position of a SKSpriteNode by changing
self.position = newPosition;
It doesn't work anymore if it has a physicsBody.
A workaround I got is:
self.myStar.physicsBody = nil;
[self.myStar changePosition];
self.myStar.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius:self.myStar.size.width/2];
[self runAction:[SKAction moveTo:newPosiion duration:0.0]];
But #2 isn't smooth. It needs to pop up on another position without a moving action.
I had the same problem. Apparently you cannot explicitly set the position of a Sprite node once it has a PhysicsBody. I solved it by temporarily removing the sprite node's PhysicsBody.
CGFloat yPosition = 400.f;
SKPhysicsBody* goldfishPhysicsBody = _goldfish.physicsBody;
_goldfish.physicsBody = nil;
_goldfish.position = CGPointMake(_goldfish.position.x, yPosition);
_goldfish.physicsBody = goldfishPhysicsBody;
Yes, you can!
I'm not sure what exactly you're doing and where exactly you run this code and what the observed effect is that you meant by "can't change position" but changing a node's position always works, whether the node has a physicsBody or not, and whether the physicsBody is dynamic or static. I verified this in a simple test project with dynamic set to both YES and NO, with both circle and edge loop body types, using both position property and move actions.
You can change the node's position either by setting the position property directly or by using a move action - both variants work. If you use a 0 duration for the move action, it effectively becomes the same as setting the position property.
So whatever problem you're observing, it's not because you can't generally change a node's position once it has a physicsBody. That's absolutely not the case.
I'm guessing you may have run into one of the following problems:
node is already running a different move action, overriding your position changes
you were looking at the wrong node (use logs to verify actual position of the node in question)
you change position elsewhere, for example setting the node's position every frame thus invalidating any other position change
if it's not one of the above, then possibly something else I couldn't think of ...
I had a problem like this where I tried to update position inside didBeginContact:, but it was not having any effect, I think because the physics simulation immediately clobbers the value.
My solution was to cache the new position in a property on my scene and then update the position of the node next time update: was called on my scene.
[SKAction moveTo:newPosition duration:0.0] worked for me, too, and there was no popping. I haven't decided yet which is more elegant.
I think the problem you are having is that in order for you to control a phsyics body, you need to set it to dynamic.
self.myStar.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;
If the dynamic property is set to YES, then the physics engine is in control of it's movement.
As noted in the comments, setting dynamic to NO shouldn't restrict movement via SKAction or position property. However, if it is set to YES, it's possible that something in the physics engine is affecting your attempt to move the node.
If you want the movement to not pop, then you need to set a duration higher than zero to your SKAction or it will pop as you have described. Setting duration to 0.0 is the same as just changing the position.
For example :
[self runAction:[SKAction moveTo:newPosition duration:1.0]];
will move the node to the new position over 1 second.
I ran into a similar problem. When using SKAction, even with duration set to 0.0 I got strange behaviours especially when two SKActions had been triggered at the same time.
I tried setting position directly but as mentioned by others this doesn't work when using the SKPhysicsContactDelegate.
However for me it worked to remove the node from its parent, I then set the new position, and other things I want to change, and then I add the node again to its former parent.
It's not ideal but in some cases it might help.
As an example with the SKPhysicsContactDelegate method didBegin:
func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
guard let node = contact.bodyB.node else { return }
node.position = CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10)
Seems similar to SKSPriteNode position changes to 0,0 for no reason
As stated in answer and comments of this question, it seems you must either set the position before setting the physicsBody and/or set the physicsBody after adding the node to your scene.
I've had this problem in several scenarios and I haven't found out what exactly causes it to fail sometimes.
Yes you can, but it has its price.
I think you have to make a decision: Either let the position being calculated by the PhysicsEngine OR set the position on your behalf.
Look, for an object in a physics world, there is no magical movement from 'outside', there is only forces, collisions, drifts, ... and that will lead to any position. You can not manipulate the position without putting forces on some related nodes.
And in the moment you try BOTH, having a physicsBody (e.g. on your player), but also try to move them around by setting position manually or running actions for moving, YOU LEAVE the world of physics. Your player will be MOVED through walls and so on, against all physics rules.
So, to want an object being manipulated by the physics engine on the one hand and also to want "positioning" by code is kind a contradiction.
There are - of course ways - to combine both ways (e.g. the mentioned 'workaround' by temporarily removing the physicsBody), but this has also its price and has to be sequentially. You can not have both ways at the very same time.

SpriteKit: rotation without friction

Is there a way to make a sprite rotate after contact with other sprites but without having frictional forces applied to it?
If i set
sprite.physicsBody.friction = 0.0;
sprite.physicsBody.allowsRotation = YES;
no rotation occurs.
If you want a body to rotate upon sliding contact with other bodies, some friction is necessary. (Just like in real-world physics!) Do you want friction to cause rotation, but exhibit frictionless behavior once it's rotating? If so, rereading the previous sentence should give a clue to the answer: you need to change the friction coefficient after the body starts rotating. Setting a contact delegate gives you an opportunity to make this change. It's also good for just about any other case where you want to "fudge" the results of a collision after it occurs, such as re-setting the body's velocity to a predetermined value.
If you want to manage the rotation by yourself, you can detect the collision with the delegate and the apply angular impulse like this
[sprite.physicsBody applyAngularImpulse:0.05];
Maybe I'm not getting the point but what you seem to want to do is really just:
sprite.zRotation = 1.0; // Note: zRotation is in radians
Or use SKAction rotateToAngle:duration: if you want the rotation to occur over a period of time.
