Make custom keyboard non-movable - ios

We created a custom numeric keypad for iPad. On our testers iPad this keyboard was suddenly moved out of place and it took us quite a while to figure out that it is possible to move that custom keyboard by start dragging at the location where the "Keyboard Button" would normally be located.
The customers will have very hard times to move it back in case they accidentally moved it. As it makes no sense to move the keyboard on that specific input screen I would rather prefer to prevent the keyboard from moving instead of painting some kind of handle that makes visible to the users that the keyboard can be moved. (This is a special input screen for just editing one single numeric value. The keyboard is like part of the layout and is always visible on this screen.)
I tried hard but could not find a way to prevent the keyboard from moving when dragged on this specific place. Even all my dirty ideas like removing possibly preexisting GestureRecognizers (there were none) or placing my own button in front did not help.
The keyboard is even movable in the simplest possible custom keyboard app written in Monotouch I can think of. Did I missed something?
using System;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
namespace KeyboardTest
[Register ("AppDelegate")]
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
private UIWindow window;
private UIViewController viewController;
private UIViewController keyboardViewController;
public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
// Create a red dummy keyboard
keyboardViewController = new UIViewController();
keyboardViewController.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
// Create a textfield and assign our beautiful red keyboard as its InputView
UITextField textField = new UITextField();
textField.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect;
textField.Frame = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(44, 44, 200, 44);
textField.InputView = keyboardViewController.View;
// create a rootview controller and add our textfield
viewController = new UIViewController();
window.RootViewController = viewController;
window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
return true;

For what you explain, I´m guessing that you have your keyboard as a subview of your main view. Instead, I would set it as a inputView of the UItextFields and then make the first of your textFields be the firs responder on viewDidLoad. Something like:
[super viewDidLoad];
CustomkeyPad *keypad=[[CustomKeyPad alloc]init]; // initWithFrame would probably be better
[self.textField becomeFirstResponder];
I´m not in my Mac so I made probably some mistake here, but that´s the idea and That´s how I did it when I did my custom keypad as well and it´s universal (iPad and iPhone) for both landscape and portrait modes and so far it has given me no problems.


Covering window of UIAppDelegate with an overlay make user can't touch on extensions of UIActivityViewController when it's displayed

I'm creating an overlay which will cover all displaying views on screen. This overlay always appears even in case rootViewController changes, pushing or presenting.
My idea is
Create CustomWindow which is a subclass of UIWindow. After that replacing default window of UIApplication with CustomWindow, create a new rootViewController for my new window.
In CustomWindow, I have an overlay (is an UIView). Overlay have light gray color with an alpha and every event on overlay will be pass through to below view.
Whenever CustomWindow add a new subview, i will bring overlay to front. It's make sure overlay will be on the top in every case.
#implementation CustomWindow
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
_overlay = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds];
_overlay.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
_overlay.backgroundColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
_overlay.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
[self addSubview:_overlay];
return self;
- (void)didAddSubview:(UIView *)subview {
[super didAddSubview:subview];
[self bringSubviewToFront:_overlay];
Everything works fine in every case even when pushing, presenting or changing rootViewController.
But when i show an UIActivityViewController, I can't click on any extensions which are displayed on UIActivityViewController.
When i click outside of UIActivityViewController or click on Cancel Button, UIActivityViewController is dismissed normally.
If i change color of overlay to clearColor, it works fine too.
My question is
How can i touch on extensions when i have overlay on window and overlay have a color ?
If i can't, can anyone tell me why it happens ? It's perfect when you can quote the reason from a document.
I'm pretty sure this doesn't relate to how i initialize UIActivityViewController or the way i show UIActivityViewController.
I found a problem quite similar to this problem on Android. But i'm not sure because i haven't seen any official document about it from Apple. One more thing is when changing color to clearColor can affect touch. So actually, i don't think they are same.
This is due to a UIRemoveView (private) in the hierarchy. As best I can determine, your app cannot forward events directly to remote views. I suspect this is a security measure to prevent you from presenting the share dialog and automatically sending a touch event to it to do an external action the user didn't request. Remote views don't run in your application's process. The "Copy" button is interacted with across an XPC link.
This all means that if the remote view is covered by one of your views, there's no way (at least that I've found) to interact with it. You have to ensure that you're not covering it.
Actually doing that is simple. The thing that holds the remote view is called a UITransitionView and is used for other OS-level things that you probably shouldn't be covering either. So don't:
- (void)didAddSubview:(UIView *)subview {
[super didAddSubview:subview];
if ([subview isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"UITransitionView")]) {
// To raise it above your overlay;
// otherwise it's immediately above the view controller (below the overlay)
[self bringSubviewToFront:subview];
} else {
[self bringSubviewToFront:self.overlay];
But.... This requires you to talk about UITransitionView in your code. This is both fragile, and possibly a forbidden use of private APIs.
Otherwise you'll have to wrap your UIActivityViewController requests with some call/notification that tells the window not to cover views until we're done (which you'll have to clear in the completion handler).

presenting a modal view controller while the keyboard is active

So I basically have a form, consisting of several text fields. The user types into the fields as usual. But the user also has the option of double-tapping a text field, which presents a modal view controller, allowing the user to choose from a number of options relating to that field.
Can I somehow present the modal "over" the keyboard, such that when it is dismissed, the keyboard is still active for the field that had been first responder before I presented the modal?
Right now, the keyboard dismisses while the modal appears, and reappears as the modal is dismissed. It looks clunky to me, and distracting. Would love to streamline it, and reduce the amount of animation onscreen.
Edit: I've updated this answer for iOS 12 and Swift. The revised example project (containing new Swift and updated Objective-C implementations) is here.
You can create a new UIWindow and place that over the default window while hiding the keyboard's window.
I have an example project on Github here, but the basic process is below.
Create a new UIViewController class for your modal view. I called mine OverlayViewController. Set up the corresponding view as you wish. Per your question you need to pass back some options, so I made a delegate protocol OverlayViewController and will make the primary window's root view controller (class ViewController) our delegate.
protocol OverlayViewControllerDelegate: class {
func optionChosen(option: YourOptionsEnum)
Add some supporting properties to our original view controller.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
/// The text field that responds to a double-tap.
#IBOutlet private weak var firstField: UITextField!
/// A simple label that shows we received a message back from the overlay.
#IBOutlet private weak var label: UILabel!
/// The window that will appear over our existing one.
private var overlayWindow: UIWindow?
Add a UITapGestureRecognizer to your UITextField.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set up gesture recognizer
let doubleTapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleDoubleTap))
doubleTapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 2
doubleTapRecognizer.delegate = self
UITextField has a built-in gesture recognizer, so we need to allow multiple UIGestureRecognizers to operate simultaneously.
extension ViewController: UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
// Our gesture recognizer clashes with UITextField's.
// Need to allow both to work simultaneously.
func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer,
shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
return true
This is the interesting part. When the gesture recognizer is triggered, create the new UIWindow, assign your OverlayViewController as the root view controller, and show it. Note that we set the window level to UIWindowLevelAlert so it will appear in front. However, the keyboard will still be in front despite the alert window level, so we have to manually hide its window, too.
It is important to not set the new UIWindow as key or to change the first responder from the UITextField or the keyboard will be dismissed.
Previously (before iOS 10?) we could get away with overlayWindow.makeKeyAndVisible(), but now setting it as key will dismiss the keyboard. Also, the keyboard's window now has a non-standard UIWindow.Level value that is in front of every publicly defined value. I've worked around that by finding the keyboard's window in the hierarchy and hiding it instead.
#objc func handleDoubleTap() {
// Prepare the overlay window
guard let overlayFrame = view?.window?.frame else { return }
overlayWindow = UIWindow(frame: overlayFrame)
overlayWindow?.windowLevel = .alert
let overlayVC = OverlayViewController.init(nibName: "OverlayViewController", bundle: nil)
overlayWindow?.rootViewController = overlayVC
overlayVC.delegate = self
// The keyboard's window always appears to be the last in the hierarchy.
let keyboardWindow =
keyboardWindow?.isHidden = true
The overlay window is now the original window. The user can now select whatever options you built into the overlay view. After your user selects an option, your delegate should take whatever action you intend and then dismiss the overlay window and show the keyboard again.
func optionChosen(option: YourOptionsEnum) {
// Your code goes here. Take action based on the option chosen.
// ...
// Dismiss the overlay and show the keyboard
overlayWindow = nil; = false
The overlay window should disappear, and your original window should appear with the keyboard in the same position as before.
I can't try this right now, but have implemented similar for other purposes. In the action for presenting the modal controller, I assume gesture recognizer or delegate method, first take a screenshot and place it in an imageView over the current subviews. Later when returning, simply remove the imageView.
Might sound crazy but I remember having done this for a transition where the keyboard moving during the transition caused similar clunky behavior. It was not difficult to implement at all.
If you have trouble trying it, perhaps someone will provide some code. I can reference my own work later and add an example, but not now.
#Rob Bajorek's answer is excellent.
For iOS 9,10 there are small changes.
Instead of the code:
[self.overlayWindow setWindowLevel:UIWindowLevelAlert];
[self.overlayWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
Put the following code:
NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];
UIWindow *lastWindow = (UIWindow *)[windows lastObject];
[self.overlayWindow setWindowLevel:lastWindow.windowLevel + 1];
[self.overlayWindow setHidden:NO];
In order to keyboard to visible any of text accepting fields such UITextField or UITextView or UISearchBar should be the first responder and they should be visible in the view. Meaning responding view should be in the top level hierarchy in the window.
If you don't need this effect, Instead of presenting a ViewController you can add ViewController.view as a subview of your self.view with animation.
You have access to the frame of the keyboard in iOS.
You need to implement code to listen to the keyboard notifications (like UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification). The notification will send you informations about the frame of the keyboard.
Giva a look to the description of the "Keyboard Notification User Info Keys" in the windows reference.
You'll find useful for you purpose:
UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey The key for an NSValue object containing a CGRect that identifies the bounds rectangle of the
keyboard in window coordinates. This value is sufficient for obtaining
the size of the keyboard. If you want to get the origin of the
keyboard on the screen (before or after animation) use the values
obtained from the user info dictionary through the
UIKeyboardCenterBeginUserInfoKey or UIKeyboardCenterEndUserInfoKey
With the information of the keyboard frame you can show there you modal view.
Just add an tap gesture in your textfield and a UITextfield *flagTextfield;
UITapGestureRecognizer* doubleTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc]initWithTarget:self action:#selector(DoubleTapMethod:)];
doubleTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 2;
[self.txtTest addGestureRecognizer:doubleTap];
-(void)DoubleTapMethod:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gesture
[flagTextfield resignFirstResponder];
NSLog(#"DoubleTap detected");
//Set your logic on double tap of Textfield...
//presents a modal view controller
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
flagTextfield = textfield;

How can I assign a pointer to the keyboard before I have assigned first responder

I am trying to create a user interface enabling users to switch between the keyboard and other menus when using a chat application.
On a click of the textField bar I want to raise either the keyboard or a collection view.
The problem occurs when I click the 'menu' button. I want the textField bar to raise revealing my menu view. Then, on a click on the keyboard button, instantly switch to the keyboard, rather than having it slide up from the bottom. This means I need to have the keyboard already loaded and hidden but in the background of the app.
Currently though the earliest I am managing to assign a variable to the keyboard is in the keyboardDidShow function.
-(void) keyboardDidShow: (NSNotification *) notification {
// Get the window the keyboard is a subview of
_window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows.lastObject;
_keyboard = _window.subviews[0];
This means that after it has been loaded once I can hide and reveal it, but I don't want it visible when it is loading this first time.
To achieve this using alternate means I have tried adding my extra views as subviews of the UIWindow the keyboard is created in:
[_window addSubview:_menuView];
[_window addSubview:_gamesView];
[_window addSubview:_stickerView];
[self hideSpecificView];
Unfortunately I keep coming across the same problem, until I have loaded the keyboard once it needs to fully load before I can get a pointer to it to hide it.
Here is a picture of my toolBar incase I am not being clear:
On clicking the menu icon or the stickers icon I want the bar to raise with a collection view. If I then click the textfield, with these views visible, I want to hide the visible view to immediately show the keyboard behind.
I have also tried experimenting with keyboardWillShow but as the window hasn't been loaded in front our screen I can't get a pointer to the keyboard to hide it before it loads.
An example of what I am after can be found many chat apps (facebook messenger, LINE, Kakao Talk)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Although the way I came up with isn't perfect it works almost perfectly so hopefully this might help people in the future. If anyone else has solved it differently please post as it would be interesting to know how you did it.
I started by adding a class variable to a UIWindow in my header file and then setting off a timer to ping just after the keyboard will show method finishes. After this method has finished the keyboard has been created, just, and so I allocate it and hide it.
-(void) keyboardWillShow: (NSNotification *) notification {
// More keyboard code
_window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows.lastObject;
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.01
- (void)allocateKeyboard {
if (!_keyboard) {
_keyboard = _window.subviews[0];
_keyboard.hidden = YES;
[self setViewForButtonType];
I have already previously added my other views, hidden them and constrained them to the bottom of the main view, this means that when the keyboard rises they do too.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[self.view addSubview:_menuView];
[self.view addSubview:_gamesView];
[self.view addSubview:_stickerView];
- (void)hideViews {
_keyboard.hidden = YES;
_menuView.hidden = YES;
_gamesView.hidden = YES;
_stickerView.hidden = YES;
When buttons get pressed I simple then unhide the view that I want to see and hide the rest of the views.
When I say that this method doesn't work perfectly it is because if you load view main view and then click a button before the keyboard has loaded for the first time then you get a quick glimpse of the keyboard before the view appears over the top. This though only happens the first time and only if they don't click in the text field first.
Anyway, I found this was the best way of making views look like they are in front of the keyboard. Obviously my code was a lot longer and more complex (too long for here) but this is the gist of the method I used to solve it. Comment if you have any queries and I hope this helps.

Force view controller to reload to refresh UIAppearance changes

I have been searching for quite a while and can't find an answer. I am working on an iOS app and have a modal settings page that appears on the tap of a button and returns with a segue.
One of the options I would like to implement is a color scheme setting. I really want to avoid manually changing the color for every element on the page.
Apple has a UIAppearance protocol for this sort of thing (so I can set the text color of all buttons, etc.
Their documentation says:
Note: iOS applies appearance changes when a view enters a window, it doesn’t change the appearance of a view that’s already in a window. To change the appearance of a view that’s currently in a window, remove the view from the view hierarchy and then put it back.
My question is how to do this. I have tried calling viewWillAppear and setNeedsDisplay without luck.
Try to use this snippet :
NSArray *windows = [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows;
for (UIWindow *window in windows) {
for (UIView *view in window.subviews) {
[view removeFromSuperview];
[window addSubview:view];
It works perfect for me after changing app theme using UIAppearance
Please note that the top answer will have adverse effects on your system keyboard behavior.
It turns out that iOS creates a new system window with UITextEffectsWindow class under the hood whenever the keyboard is displayed. If you remove it, your keyboard behavior may be negatively affected. For example, the input accessory views will be detached from the keyboard and will not be visible, except for brief flashes in the navigation controllers.
You can workaround this issue by using an additional check, like so:
for window in {
// Whenever a system keyboard is shown, a special internal window is created in application
// window list of type UITextEffectsWindow. This kind of window cannot be safely removed without
// having an adverse effect on keyboard behavior. For example, an input accessory view is
// disconnected from the keyboard. Therefore, a check for this class is needed. In case this class
// that is indernal is removed from the iOS SDK in future, there is a "fallback" class check on
// NSString class that always fails.
if !window.isKind(of: NSClassFromString("UITextEffectsWindow") ?? NSString.classForCoder()) {
window.subviews.forEach {
Note that the UITextEffectsWindow is internal and may change in the future. This is why I do not unwrap the variable using ! but provide a fallback negative NSString class instead (no type of window is of NSString class).
Note: For simple apps, you can probably live by using UIApplication.shared.keyWindow for the workaround.
Specifically, to get the current view and it's superview, try:
UIView *currentview = self.window.rootViewController.view;
UIView *superview = currentview.superview;
[currentview removeFromSuperview];
[superview addSubview:currentview];
Works for me.
For Swift:
let windows = UIApplication.sharedApplication().windows
for window in windows {
for view in window.subviews {
For Swift 3.0.2:
for window in {
for view in window.subviews {
// update the status bar if you change the appearance of it.
Here's a Swift 5 one-liner: { $0.subviews.forEach { $0.removeFromSuperview(); self.window?.addSubview($0) }}
[self.yourView removeFromSuperView];
[self addSubView:yourView];
For swift 4:
let windows =
for window in windows {
for view in window.subviews {
The most answers are very good and perfect for changing language from LTR to RTL but sometimes tab bar navigation titles and navigation bar titles will not get translated. I fixed the problem with the following code
if let app = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate, let window = app.window {
window.rootViewController = TabNavigationController()
let tab = window.rootViewController as? UITabBarController
tab?.selectedIndex = 3
Objective c
self.view.window.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyleDark;
I use this code if I want change overrideUserInterfaceStyle in all view controllers

Make UITextView parent be its own inputAccessoryView

I'm trying to achieve a similar keyboard interaction that Messages has in iOS 7. I have a UIView which contains a UITextView, and when the user selects it to start typing, I want to make this UIView the inputAccessoryView. This would take care of the animation for me, as well as the new UIScrollView keyboard dismiss interaction in iOS 7.
When the UITextView begins editing, I'm trying to set its inputAccessoryView to its parent UIView (which is already in the view hierarchy). The keyboard appears but not with an accessory view.
I've read some people are using a duo of UITextFields to make this work, but that seems like a bad way to achieve this.
Any suggestions?
A much easier solution is to make your input field the input accessory view of your view controller:
- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder
return YES;
- (UIView *)inputAccessoryView
return self.yourInputField;
The view will be on screen at the bottom of the screen and when it becomes first responder in response to a user tapping it, the keyboard will be presented. The view will be animated such that it remains immediately above the keyboard.
The only way to get this to work is via a second text field. The idea is to make it a subview but not visible (due to crazy rect). You then switch firstResponder back and forth between it and the real text field while its getting delegate methods. I created a some one viewController test project and did this (you can copy paste and verify behavior with about 2 minutes of time):
#implementation ViewController
UITextField *field;
UITextField *dummyView;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
field = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 460, 320, 20)];
field.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
field.delegate = self;
//field.inputAccessoryView = field;
field.text = #"FOO";
[self.view addSubview:field];
dummyView = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 40000, 320, 20)];
dummyView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:dummyView];
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
if(textField == field && textField.superview == self.view) {
[field removeFromSuperview];
dummyView.inputAccessoryView = field;
[dummyView becomeFirstResponder];
return YES;
I should add I've used this technique in shipping apps since iOS 4.
EDIT: So a couple of other ideas:
1) To make the glitch when the keyboard starts moving look a little better, you could take a snapshot of your textView, put that into a UIImageView, and when you remove the textView from the primary view, replace it with the UIImageView. Now the appearance is the same. Add an animation for the image so that noting happens for 50 ms, then the alpha goes to 0. Add a similar animation to your real textview, so that it has an alpha of 0 for 50 ms, then it goes to 1. You may be able to tweak this so the transition is good (but not great).
2) The way apple probably does this is to get the animation curve and timing from the keyboard moving notification. In this case they would add a accessory view with 0 height at first, and animate the textField so its tracking the keyboard, but above it. Both moving same distance at the same time. At the end of the animation, the textField is pulled out of self.view, the accessory view has its frame changed to have the height of the textField, and the textField is placed as a subview of the accessory container view. This should work but yeah, its a bit complex to do. If you want someone to code it for you offer a 100 pt bounty. You still need the dummy text field for when you go and move the textField at the end, since when you take it out of its containing view it will resign first responder. So at the end, you make the dummy field the first responder, move the textfield, then make the real textfield the first responder again.
This actually works best if you don't use .inputAccessoryView at all and instead just animate the position of the parent UIView as the keyboard opens and closes. Here is an answer describing the process step-by-step with all the code.
