Access a variable outside the method in objective-c - ios

I have this function that is storing the contents of an array in three different variables. My question is how can I access to the contents stored in _company.address from another function in the same class.
-(NSArray *) csvArray2CompaniesArray:(NSArray *) csvArray
int i=0;
NSMutableArray *ma = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSArray * row in csvArray)
if (i>0)
Company *_company = [[Company alloc] init]; = [row objectAtIndex:0];
_company.address = [row objectAtIndex:1];
_company.telephone = [row objectAtIndex:2];
[ma addObject:_company];
return (NSArray *) ma;
Thank you in advance.

You cannot the accessibility of an object is private in a function.Either you declare it as global or declare it in class's scope.Better in .h file
You can use the functios value as :-
YourViewControllerWithFunction *accessFunc=[[YourViewControllerWithFunction alloc]]init];
Company *_company=[accessFunc csvArray2CompaniesArray:youInputArray];
[_company objectAtIndex:intVallue];//Use in loop

You should correct the return value of your function to NSMutableArray or make a copy to get the NSArray of the NSMutableArray you created.
After that, you can access the contents of your array from anywhere inside your class like:
for (Company *c in [self csvArray2CompaniesArray:csvarray])
NSLog(#"%#", c.address);


Unable to retrieve the data from Dictionary

In my project I am getting response from the server in the form
<JKArray 0x7fa2e09036b0>(
id = 23;
name = "Name1";
id = 24;
name = "Name2";
From this response array i am retrieving the objects at different indexes and then adding them in a mutableArray and then into a contactsDictionary.
self.contactsDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for(int i=0 ; i < [response count] ; i++)
NSMutableArray *mutableArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[mutableArray addObject:[response objectAtIndex:i]];
[self.contactsDictionary setObject:mutableArray forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i]];
I want to retrieve data for Key #"name" from the contactsDictionary at some other location in the project. So how to do it.
Thanks in advance....
this is the wrong way like you are setting your contactsDictionary.
replace below line
[self.contactsDictionary setObject:mutableArray forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i]];
[self.contactsDictionary setObject:[mutableArray objectAtIndex :i] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i]];
becuase everytime your array have new objects so your contacts dictionary's first value have one object then second value have two object. so you shouldn't do that.
now, if you want to retrieve name then call like
NSString *name = [[self.contactsDictionary objectForKey : #"1"]valueForKey : #"name"];
avoid syntax mistake if any because have typed ans here.
Update as per comment:
just take one mutablearray for exa,
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[arr addObject : name]; //add name string like this
hope this will help :)
Aloha from your respond I can give you answer Belo like that according to you response.
for(int i=0;i<[arrRes count];i++);
NSString *strId = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[arrRes obectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"id"]];
NSString *StrName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[arrRes objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"name"]];
NSLog(#"The ID is -%#",strId);
NSLog(#"The NAME is - %#",strName);

How to split NSString and Rejoin it into two NSStrings?

I have a NSString like this one:
NSString* allSeats = #"1_Male,2_Female,3_Female,4_Male";
I want to split the NSString based on the keywords _Male & _Female and then make two separate strings like these:
NSString* maleSeats = #"1,4";
NSString* femaleSeats = #"2,3";
based on the contents of allSeats variable declared above.
How it will be possible to split NSString and then make 2 seperate strings?
You have to do it yourself. There is no "all done" solution. There are a few ways to do it.
Note: I didn't try my code, I just wrote it, it may don't even compile. But the important thing is that you get the whole idea behind it.
One way could be this one:
NSString *maleSufffix = #"_Male";
NSString *femaleSufffix = #"_Female";
NSMutableArray *femaleSeatsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *maleSeatsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSArray *array = [allSeats componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
for (NSString *aSeat in array)
if ([aSeat hasSuffix:maleSuffix])
[maleSeatsArray addObject:[aSeat stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString:maleSuffix withString:#""]];
else if ([aSeat hasSuffix:femaleSuffix])
[femalSeatsArray addObject:[aSeat stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString:femaleSuffix withString:#""]];
NSLog(#"Unknown: %#", aSeat);
NSString *maleSeats = [maleSeatsArray componentsJoinedByString:#","];
NSString *femaleSeats = [femaleSeatsArray componentsJoinedByString:#","];
Of course, you could use different methods on array, enumerating it, use a NSMutableString instead of a NSMutableArray (for femaleSeatsArray or maleSeatsArray, and use adequate methods then in the for loop).
I derived an idea from Larme's Clue and it works as :
Make a method as and call it anywhere :
maleSufffix = #"_Male";
femaleSufffix = #"_Female";
femaleSeatsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
maleSeatsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
array = [self.selectedPassengerSeat componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
for (aSeat in array)
if ([aSeat hasSuffix:maleSufffix])
aSeat = [aSeat substringToIndex:[aSeat length]-5];
NSLog(#"%# is value in final seats ::",aSeat );
[maleSeatsArray addObject:aSeat];
else if ([aSeat hasSuffix:femaleSufffix])
aSeat = [aSeat substringToIndex:[aSeat length]-7];
NSLog(#"%# is value in final seats ::",aSeat );
[femaleSeatsArray addObject:aSeat];
totalMales = [maleSeatsArray componentsJoinedByString:#","];
totalFemales = [femaleSeatsArray componentsJoinedByString:#","];

JSON with Dictionary - nested objects to convert to strings and display

I came across few posts here related to what I am doing but I am working with some nested objects that I want to extract.
This is a sample of my returned data -
I have this in my header so far :
#import "TideModel.h"
#protocol TideModel
#implementation TideModel
-(id)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)json {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
self.maxheight = [dictionary valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideSummaryStats.minheight"];
self.minheight = [dictionary valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideSummaryStats.maxheight"];
self.tideSite = [dictionary valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideInfo.tideSite"];
return self;
I have declared a property for each string and i am accessing it accordingly.
But what I have above doesn't work, maybe because it wont know what to drill in to correct?... Or will it?
tide.tideSummaryStats returns an array.
tide.tideInfo returns an array.
So you can't do -valueForKeyPath: all the way.
Also, this is incorrect: [dictionary valueForKeyPath:...];
it should be : [json valueForKeyPath:...];
because json is the name of the NSDictionary variable passed (not dictionary)
Try this (not sure):
-(id)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)json {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
NSArray *arrOfTideSummaryStats = [json valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideSummaryStats"];
NSDictionary *dctOfTideSummaryStats = [arrOfTideSummaryStats objectAtIndex:0];
//since self.maxheight and self.minheight are NSString objects and
//the original keys "minheight" & "maxheight" return float values, do:
self.maxheight = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", [dctOfTideSummaryStats valueForKey: #"maxheight"]];
self.minheight = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", [dctOfTideSummaryStats valueForKey: #"minheight"]];
NSArray *arrOfTideInfo = [json valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideInfo"];
NSDictionary *dctOfTideInfo = [arrOfTideInfo objectAtIndex:0];
self.tideSite = [dctOfTideInfo valueForKey:#"tideSite"];
return self;
Similar Questions:
How to parsing JSON object in iPhone SDK (XCode) using JSON-Framework
Getting array elements with valueForKeyPath
Keypath for first element in embedded NSArray
Recently had to create a app that worked with a remote RESTful server that returned JSON data and was then deserialised into an object for graphing.
I used unirest for the requests and responses and then deserialised the returned JSON into an object. Below is an extract of the code where "hourlySalesFigures" within dictionary "jsonResponseAsDictionary" was a JSON collection of 24 figures which I put into an array. Please note the function is a lot larger but I removed anything which I thought was distracting.
- (PBSSales*) deserializeJsonPacket2:(NSDictionary*)jsonResponseAsDictionary withCalenderType:(NSString *)calendarViewType
PBSSales *pbsData = [[PBSSales alloc] init];
if(jsonResponseAsDictionary != nil)
// Process the hourly sales figures if the day request and returned is related to Daily figures
if([calendarViewType isEqualToString:#"Day"]){
NSArray *hourlyFiguresFromJson = [jsonResponseAsDictionary objectForKey:#"hourlySalesFigures"];
PBSDataDaySales *tmpDataDay = [[PBSDataDaySales alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *hSalesFigures = [tmpDataDay hourlySalesFigures];
for(NSInteger i = 0; i < [hourlyFiguresFromJson count]; i++){
hSalesFigures[i] = hourlyFiguresFromJson[i];
[[pbsData dataDay] setHourlySalesFigures:hSalesFigures];
[pbsData setCalViewType:#"Day"];
return pbsData;

how to check NSString in NSMutableArray [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How might I check if a particular NSString is present in an NSArray?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I want search (to check) one NSString in NSMutableArray. but I dont know about it.
NSMutableArray *a = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Marco",#"christian",#"hon",#"John",#"fred",#"asdas", nil];
NSString *name = #"John";
I want to see is there name variable in a NSMutableArray variable ?
Use containsObject: method to check this :
NSMutableArray *a = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Marco",#"christian",#"hon",#"John",#"fred",#"asdas", nil];
NSString *name = #"John";
if ([a containsObject:name]) {
// Your array cotains that object
Hope it helps you.
run a loop and check .
-(BOOL)array:(NSArray*)array containsString:(NSString*)name
for(NSString *str in array)
if([name isEqualToString:str])
return YES;
return NO;
In this way array find out object that it contains.
you can also use a single line
[array containsObject:name]
If you are also interested in the position of your element you can use
- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject
it will return NSNotFound if the object is not in the array, or the index of the object
You can use the following code
if([a containsObject: name])
//here your code
[a containsObject:name]
This might help you.
I suggest you to use indexOfObject:. Because using this way you can not only check whether it exists but also get the index if it indeed exists.
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Marco",#"christian",#"hon",#"John",#"fred",#"asdas", nil];
NSString *name = #"John";
NSInteger index = [array indexOfObject:name];
if (index != NSNotFound) {
NSLog(#"Find name %#", name);
} else {
NSLog(#"Name %# not fount", name);

Check whether an object was created inside a loop or not

is there any way in Objective-C to check whether an Object has been created inside a loop (while, for)?
Thanks in advance.
NSString *obj = nil;
//Create object
obj = [[NSString alloc] init];
//check obj is nil or not
if(nil == obj)
// obj not created
Yes but for an accurate answer can you tell us what the object is and when it is declared? Can you post the code you have?
int x=0;
while (x<3) {
NSString *i = #"hello world";
NSLog(#"i is %#", i) // i is only declared inside the while loop so not available here
int x=0;
NSString *i;
while (x<3) {
i = #"hello world";
NSLog(#"i is %#", i); // i is declared beforehand outside the while loop so is available here
If you then need to act on whether it's been created or not use Anil's answer but it's the scope that's important here
I don't think you can know if it was created in a loop, but because you are writing the code where the object will be created in a loop you could call a special init method...
SpecialClass * obj = [[SpecialClass alloc] init];
while (isTrue)
SpecialClass * loopObj = [[SpecialClass alloc] initCreatedByLoop];
// Do whats needed
and in your SpecialClass you create a specific initialiser...
#implementation SpecialClass
-(id)initCreatedByLoop {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// What ever you want to do
return self;
