I found the solution Burt Beckwith offered in this question: add user define properties to a domain class and think this could be a viable option for us in some situations. In testing this, I have a domain with a Map property as described in the referenced question. Here is a simplified version (I have more non-map properties, but they are not relevant to this question):
class Space {
String spaceDescription
String spaceType
Map dynForm
String toString() {
return (!spaceType)?id:spaceType + " (" + spaceDescription + ")"
I have some instances of space saved with some arbitrary data in the dynForm Map like 'Test1':'abc' and 'Test2':'xyz'.
I am trying to query this data and have succesfully used HQL to filter doing the following:
String className = "Space"
Class clazz = grailsApplication.domainClasses.find { it.clazz.simpleName == className }.clazz
def res = clazz.executeQuery("select distinct space.id, space.spaceDescription from Space as space where space.dynForm['Test1'] = 'abc' " )
log.debug "" + res
I want to know if there is a way to select an individual item from the Map dynForm in a select statement. Somehting like this:
def res = clazz.executeQuery("select distinct space.id, elements(space.dynForm['Test1']) from Space as space where space.dynForm['Test1'] = 'abc' " )
I can select the entire map like this:
def res = clazz.executeQuery("select distinct elements(space.dynForm) from Space as space where space.dynForm['Test1'] = 'abc' " )
But I just want to get a specific instance based on the string idx.
how about to use Criteria, but i don't have any sql server so i haven't tested yet.
def results = Space.createCriteria().list {
like('Test1', 'abc')
I'm looking for the way how to get all statements from my model by its property and by a class of an object.
For example I have property :driverOf and individuals either of type Bus or Truck. Then I want to get all statements where the property is :driverOf and the object is instanceOf Bus. Thanks.
Actually I need the result to be a set of statements (resp. StmtIterator) because in my app I use statement objects already. I think the most clean solution would be to have subproperties of :driverOf property, something like :driverOfBus and :driverOfTruck. But it would make my app more complicated, so I would like to find out some simple workaround.
You could use sparql query. You have to replace labels with full namespaces.
String queryString =
"SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x driverOflabel ?y . {?y a Buslabel} UNION { ?y a Trucklabel} . }";
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, YOURMODEL);
try {
ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect();
while(results.hasNext()) {
QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution();
} finally {
I hope i understood this correctly:
Say you have model m and namespace NAMESPACE
// Get the property and the subject
Property driverOf = m.getProperty(NAMESPACE + "driverOf");
Resource bus = m.getResource(NAMESPACE + "bus");
// Get all statements/triples of the form (****, driverOf, bus)
StmtIterator stmtIterator = m.listStatements(null, driverOf, bus);
while (stmtIterator.hasNext()){
Statement s = stmtIterator.nextStatement();
Resource busDriver = s.getObject();
// do something to the busdriver (only nice things, everybody likes busdrivers)
I have a query that bring back a cell in my table the has all xml in it. I have it so I can spit out what is in the cell without any delimiters. Now i need to actually take each individual element and link them with my object. Is there any easy way to do this?
def sql
def dataSource
static transactional = true
def pullLogs(String username, String id) {
if(username != null && id != null) {
sql = new Sql(dataSource)
println "Data source is: " + dataSource.toString()
def schema = dataSource.properties.defaultSchema
sql.query('select USERID, AUDIT_DETAILS from DEV.AUDIT_LOG T WHERE XMLEXISTS(\'\$s/*/user[id=\"' + id + '\" or username=\"'+username+'\"]\' passing T.AUDIT_DETAILS as \"s\") ORDER BY AUDIT_EVENT', []) { ResultSet rs ->
while (rs.next()) {
def auditDetails = new XmlSlurper().parseText(rs.getString('AUDIT_EVENT_DETAILS'))
println auditDetails.toString
now this will give me that cell with those audit details in it. Bad thing is that is just puts all the information from the field in on giant string without the element tags. How would I go through and assign the values to a object. I have been trying to work with this example http://gallemore.blogspot.com/2008/04/groovy-xmlslurper.html with no luck since that works with a file.
I have to be missing something. I tried running another parseText(auditDetails) but haven't had any luck on that.
Any suggestions?
The xml int that field looks like
<user><username>scottsmith</username><timestamp>tues 5th 2009</timestamp></user>
^ simular to how it is except mine is ALOT longer. It comes out as "scottsmithtue 5th 2009" so on and so forth. I need to actually take those tags and link them to my object instead of just printing them in one conjoined string.
Just do
To access the properties you require
I have a Grails command object with a list of maps. The map key is intended to be a numeric domain object ID.
class MyCommand {
def grid = [].withDefault { [:] }
Data binding to the list/map is working in general because of the dynamic list expansion.
However, in the POST, the map keys are being bound as Strings and I want them to be Longs, as they are when the form is initially populated. I want foo[123] in my map, not foo['123'].
Alternatively I would be satisfied if the [] operators found the correct value given a numeric ID key to look up. In other words, if I could get foo[123] to return the same value as foo['123'], that would work too.
Any way to get this to work the way I want to? Maybe strongly type the map?
Or a better approach?
You can inject the property into the map to convert a String key to Long. For example:
def myMap = [:] << ['1': "name"] << ['Test': "bobo"]
def result = myMap.inject([:]){map, v ->
def newKey = v.key.isNumber() ? v.key.toLong() : v.key
map[newKey] = v.value
assert myMap['1'] == 'name'
assert result[1L] == 'name'
assert result['Test'] == 'bobo'
When using projection on the properties, the result is returned as the list with the elements in the same sequence as that defined in the projections block. At the same time the property names are missing from the list and that is really disadvantageous to the developer as the result would be passed along and the caller needs to know what value belongs to which property. Is there a way to return a map from the Criteria query with property name as the key to the value?
so, the following code:
def c = Trade.createCriteria()
def remicTrades = c.list {
projections {
property('title', 'title')
property('author.name', 'author')
def now = new Date()
between('publishedDate', now-365, now)
This returns:
[['book1', 'author1']['book2', 'author2']]
Instead I would like it to return:
[[book:'book1', author:'author1'][book:'book2', author:'author2']]
I know I can arrange this way after getting the result but I earnestly feel that the property alias should have been used by the criteria to return a list of map that mimics the result of the SQL query and not a bland list.
Duplicate: Grails queries with criteria: how to get back a map with column?
And the corresponding answer (and solution): https://stackoverflow.com/a/16409512/1263227
Use resultTransformer.
import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification
Trade.withCriteria {
projections {
property('title', 'title')
property('author.name', 'author')
def now = new Date()
between('publishedDate', now-365, now)
Agree with your question reasoning, this really should be part of the core GORM solution. That said, here's my workaround;
def props = ['name','phone']
def query = Person.where {}.projections {
def people = query.list().collect{ row->
def cols = [:]
row.eachWithIndex{colVal, ind->
cols[props[ind]] = colVal
println people // shows [['name':'John','phone':'5551212'],['name':'Magdalena','phone':'5552423']]
I have a listview that I fill from an Adapter. My original code the data was being returned from a table, but now I need to get the code from a query with a join so the examples I used will no longer work and I haven't been able to find out how to use a query for this. I'm using an ORMrepository.
In my ORMrepository I have this function
public IList<Coe> GetmyCoe()
using (var database = new SQLiteConnection(_helper.WritableDatabase.Path))
string query = "SELECT Coe.Id, Adult.LName + ', ' + Adult.MName AS Name, Coe.Createdt FROM Adult INNER JOIN Coe ON Adult.CoeMID = Coe.Id";
return database.Query<Coe>(query);
which actually returns the data I want.
then in my Activity page I have this.
_list = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.List);
FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.List).ItemClick += new System.EventHandler<ItemEventArgs>(CoeList_ItemClick);
var Coe = ((OmsisMobileApplication)Application).OmsisRepository.GetmyCoe();
_list.Adapter = new CoeListAdapter(this, Coe);
My Adapter page is where I have the problem, I know it is set up to to looking at a table which I'm not doing anymore. But I don't know how to change it for what I'm passing into it now. Current CoeListAdapter is:
public class CoeListAdapter : BaseAdapter
private IEnumerable<Coe> _Coe;
private Activity _context;
public CoeListAdapter(Activity context, IEnumerable<Coe> Coe)
_context = context;
_Coe = Coe;
public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
var view = (convertView
?? _context.LayoutInflater.Inflate(
Resource.Layout.CoeListItem, parent, false)
) as LinearLayout;
var Coe = _Coe.ElementAt(position);
view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.CoeMID).Text = Coe.Id.ToString();
//view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.GrdnMaleName).Text = Coe.Name;
view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.CreateDt).Text = Coe.CreateDt;
return view;
public override int Count
get { return _Coe.Count(); }
public Coe GetCoe(int position)
return _Coe.ElementAt(position);
public override Java.Lang.Object GetItem(int position)
return null;
public override long GetItemId(int position)
return position;
How do I set up the CoeListAdapter.cs page so that it can use the passed in data. As you can see I have a commented out lines where I fill a TextView which error because Coe.Name is not in the table model for Coe. but it is returned in the query. I believe my problem is IEnumerable but what do I change it to. I'm new to Mobile developement and suing VS2010 for Mono
The problem probably lies with the binding/mapping of the object not the creation of the view.
Or probably more specifically, the query.
Adult.LName + ', ' + Adult.MName AS Name
this should be:
Adult.LName || ', ' || Adult.MName AS Name
See also: String concatenation does not work in SQLite
From the sqlite docs: http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html under the Operators heading:
The unary operator + is a no-op. It can be applied to strings,
numbers, blobs or NULL and it always returns a result with the same
value as the operand.
Note that there are two variations of the equals and not equals
operators. Equals can be either = or ==. The non-equals operator can
be either != or <>. The || operator is "concatenate" - it joins
together the two strings of its operands. The operator % outputs the
value of its left operand modulo its right operand.
The result of any binary operator is either a numeric value or NULL,
except for the || concatenation operator which always evaluates to
either NULL or a text value.
This shows that the + will evaluate to zero. If you use ||, the value will either be the correct value or NULL (if either of Adult.LName or Adult.MName is NULL).
This can be fixed by:
coalesce(first, '') || ', ' || coalesce(second, '')
but this may result in , LastName or FirstName,.
Another way would be to create another two properties in Coe called LName and MName.
Then bind the values to those properties and use the Name property like this:
public string Name
get { return string.Join(", ", LName, MName); }
This will probably be better as you can change how the Name appears especially if there are different combinations of First, Middle and Last names in different places.
And off topic:
I believe my problem is IEnumerable...
This is probably not too true as it returns the correct values. A better way would be to use IList as IEnumerable will iterate through the list each time to get the item as it does not know that the collection is actually a list. (I think)
thanks for the help on the concantination, I did find that was wrong, I did fix my problem, I was using an example by Greg Shackles on how to set up using a data base. what I had to do was create a new model with the elements I was wanting. So I created a new Model and called it CoeList, then everywhere I had List or IEnumerable I changed it to List or IEnumerable and it worked.