Irony AST generation throws nullreference excepttion - parsing

I'm getting started with Irony (version Irony_2012_03_15) but I pretty quickly got stuck when trying to generate an AST. Below is a completely strpped language that throws the exception:
[Language("myLang", "0.1", "Bla Bla")]
public class MyLang: Grammar {
public NModel()
: base(false) {
var number = TerminalFactory.CreateCSharpNumber("number");
var binExpr = new NonTerminal("binExpr", typeof(BinaryOperationNode));
var binOp = new NonTerminal("BinOp");
binExpr.Rule = number + binOp + number;
binOp.Rule = ToTerm("+");
RegisterOperators(1, "+");
this.Root = binExpr;
this.LanguageFlags = Parsing.LanguageFlags.CreateAst; // if I uncomment this line it throws the error
As soon as I uncomment the last line it throws a NullReferenceException in the grammar explorer or when i want to parse a test. The error is on AstBuilder.cs line 96:
parseNode.AstNode = config.DefaultNodeCreator();
DefaultNodeCreator is a delegate that has not been set.
I've tried setting things with MarkTransient etc but no dice.
Can someone help me afloat here? I'm proably missing something obvious. Looked for AST tutorials all over the webs but I can't seem to find an explanation on how that works.
Thanks in advance,

Once you set the LanguageFlags.CreateAst flag on the grammar, you must provide additional information about how to create the AST.
You're supposed to be able to set AstContext.Default*Type for the whole language, but that is currently bugged.
Set TermFlags.NoAstNode. Irony will ignore this node and its children.
Set AstConfig.NodeCreator. This is a delegate that can do the right thing.
Set AstConfig.NodeType to the type of the AstNode. This type should be accessible, implement IAstInit, and have a public, no-parameters constructor. Accessible in this case means either public or internal with the InternalsVisibleTo attribute.

To be honest, I was facing the same problem and did not understand Jay Bazuzi answer, though it looks like valid one(maybe it's outdated).
If there's anyone like me;
I just inherited my Grammar from Irony.Interpreter.InterpretedLanguageGrammar class, and it works. Also, anyone trying to get AST working, make sure your nodes are "public" :- )

On top of Jay's and Erti-Chris's responses, this thread is also useful:
The creator of Irony points out the relevant configuration code in InterpretedLanguageGrammar.BuildAst.


OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner - getObjectLabel always ends in error Unreachable situation

I am trying to access information about completion graph, but everytime it ends with error Unreachable situation! when I call getObjectLabel(rootNode, false/true). I was trying it on every class expression from the ontology but always ended up with the error message.
Set<OWLClassExpression> types = classSet2classExpSet(hybridSolver.ontology.classesInSignature().collect(toSet()));
for (OWLClassExpression e : types) {
OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner.RootNode rootNode = loader.getReasoner().getRoot(e);
System.out.println(loader.getReasoner().getObjectLabel(rootNode, false)); //problem UnreachableSituation !!
Node<OWLObjectProperty> propertyNode = (Node<OWLObjectProperty>) loader.getReasoner().getObjectNeighbours(rootNode, false);
for (OWLObjectProperty p : propertyNode.getEntities()) {
Collection<OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner.RootNode> rootNodes = loader.getReasoner().getObjectNeighbours(rootNode, p);
Other method getObjectNeighbours(rootNote, false) works fine.
Can somebody help? Is there any way to access completion graph with OWLAPI? Why it might end with this error?
The labels found for the nodes in question are not named class expressions (e.g., they are AND nodes. These cannot be translated back to OWLClass and there's no current implementation for translating back class expressions.
Tweaking the code to remove the exceptions is doable but for your ontology example you'd always get back empty nodes, which isn't very informative.
I have removed the exception throwing in the latest version 5 branch, however I doubt this is sufficient for your needs.

Storing line number in ANTLR Parse Tree

Is there any way of storing line numbers in the created parse tree, using ANTLR 4? I came across this article, which does it but I think it's for older ANTLR version, because
It does not seem to be applicable to ANTLR 4.
I am thinking of having something like
, like we can have
With Antlr4, you normally implement either a listener or a visitor.
Both give you a context where you find the location of the tokens.
For example (with a visitor), I want to keep the location of an assignment defined by a Uppercase identifier (UCASE_ID in my token definition).
The bit you're interested in is ...
The visitor looks like ...
static class TypeAssignmentVisitor extends ASNBaseVisitor<TypeAssignment> {
public TypeAssignment visitTypeAssignment(TypeAssignmentContext ctx) {
String reference = ctx.UCASE_ID().getText();
int line = ctx.UCASE_ID().getSymbol().getLine();
int column = ctx.UCASE_ID().getSymbol().getCharPositionInLine()+1;
Type type = ctx.type().accept(new TypeVisitor());
TypeAssignment typeAssignment = new TypeAssignment();
typeAssignment.setReferenceToken(new Token(ctx.UCASE_ID().getSymbol().getLine(), ctx.UCASE_ID().getSymbol().getCharPositionInLine()+1));
return typeAssignment;
I was new to Antlr4 and found this useful to get started with listeners and visitors ...

writing a function to do type cast

I'm trying to write a function that does type casting, which seems to be a frequently occurring activity in Rascal code. But I can't seem to get it right. The following and several variations on it fail.
public &T cast(type[&T] tp, value v) throws str {
if (tp tv := v)
return tv;
throw "cast failed";
Can someone help me out?
Some more info: I frequently use pattern matching against a pattern of the form "Type Var" (i.e. against a variable declaration) in order to tell Rascal that an expression has a certain type, e.g.
map[str,value] m := myexp
This is usually in cases where I know that myexp has type map[str,value], but omitting the matching would make Rascal's type checking mechanism complain.
In order to be a bit more defensive against mistakes, I usually wrap the matching construct in an if-then-else where an exception is raised if the match fails:
if (map[str,value] m := myexp) {
// use m
} else {
throw "cast failed";
I would like to shorten all such similar pieces of code using a single function that does the job generically, so that I can write instead
cast(#map[str,value], myexp)
PS. Also see How to cast a value type to Map in Rascal?
It seems that the best way to write this, if you truly need to do this, is the following:
public map[str,value] cast(map[str,value] v) = v;
public default map[str,value] cast(value v) { throw "cast failed!"; }
Then you could just say
m = cast(myexp);
and it would do what you want to do -- the actual pattern matching is moved into the function signature for cast, with a case specific to the type you are wanting to use and a case that handles everything that doesn't otherwise match.
However, I'm still not sure why you are using type value, either here (inside the map) or in the linked question. The "standard" Rascal way of handling cases where you could have one of multiple choices is to define these with a user-defined data type and constructors. You could then use pattern matching to match the constructors, or use the is and has keywords to interrogate a value to check to see if it was created using a specific constructor or if it has a specific field, respectively. The rule for fields is that all occurrences of a field in the constructor definitions for a given ADT have the same type. So, it may help to know more about your usage scenario to see if this definition of cast is the best option or if there is a better solution to your problem.
If you are reading JSON, an alternate way to do it is to use the JSON grammar and AST that also live in that part of the library (I think the one you are using is more of a stream reader, like our current text readers and writers, but I would need to look at the code more to be sure). You can then do something like this (long output included to give an idea of the results):
rascal>import lang::json::\syntax::JSON;
rascal>import lang::json::ast::JSON;
rascal>import lang::json::ast::Implode;
ascal>js = buildAST(parse(#JSONText, |project://rascal/src/org/rascalmpl/library/lang/json/examples/twitter01.json|));
Value: object((
"from_user_name":string("nurul amalya \\u1d54\\u1d25\\u1d54"),
"created_at":string("Wed, 16 May 2012 12:56:37 +0000"),
"text":string("#Donnalita122 #NaishahS #fatihahmS #oishiihotchoc #yummy_DDG #zaimar93 #syedames I\'m here at Amsterdam :O"),
"source":string("<a href="http:\\/\\/\\/twitter" rel="nofollow">Twitter for BlackBerry\\u00ae<\\/a>"),
"to_user_name":string("Rahmadini Hairuddin")
"from_user_name":string("Kelly Ashby"),
"created_at":string("Wed, 16 May 2012 12:56:25 +0000"),
"text":string("45 days til freedom! Cannot wait! After Paris: London, maybe Amsterdam, then southern France, then CANADA!!!!"),
"source":string("<a href="http:\\/\\/" rel="nofollow">Mobile Web<\\/a>"),
"from_user_name":string("Johan Tolsma"),
"created_at":string("Wed, 16 May 2012 12:56:16 +0000"),
"text":string("RT #agerolemou: Office space for freelancers in Amsterdam http:\\/\\/\\/6VfHuLeK"),
"source":string("<a href="http:\\/\\/\\/us\\/app\\/twitter\\/id409789998?mt=12" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Mac<\\/a>"),
rascal>js is object;
bool: true
set[str]: {"since_id","refresh_url","page","since_id_str","completed_in","results_per_page","next_page","max_id_str","query","max_id","results"}
Value: integer(25)
You can then use pattern matching, over the types defined in lang::json::ast::json, to extract the information you need.
The code has a bug. This is the fixed code:
public &T cast(type[&T] tp, value v) throws str {
if (&T tv := v)
return tv;
throw "cast failed";
Note that we do not wish to include this in the standard library. Rather lets collect cases where we need it and find out how to fix it in another way.
If you find you need this casting often, then you might be avoiding the better parts of Rascal, such as pattern based dispatch. See also the answer by Mark Hills.

T4MVC 2.6.65 and UseLowercaseRoutes=true error

Good day!
I'm using latest T4MVC from 2.6.65 from NuGet (upgraded from 2.6.64), I've set
// If true, use lower case tokens in routes for the area, controller and action names
static bool UseLowercaseRoutes = true;
And I got error:
The expression being assigned to '....' must be constant ...\T4MVC.cs
Here is the the generated code that triggers error:
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class ActionNameConstants {
public const string Calc = ("Calc").ToLowerInvariant();
Is this a bug?
Ah sorry, the previous change broke it. I just pushed a new build of T4MVC (2.6.66) which addresses this. Well, it's more of a workaround as it basically doesn't generate the constant tokens when UseLowercaseRoutes is used. But that'll get us going for now.
The root of the problem is that C# doesn't support using .ToLowerInvariant() in constant strings. Ideally, it would just evaluate that at compile time, but it's not that smart :)

Visual studio - f# - Error FS0588 : Block following this 'let' is unfinished. Expect expression

i have got several times , trying to implement different functions, the message you see as title. I would like to know if anyone can tell me the general meaning (and reason) of this error message. As i mentioned before, i have got the problem several times and manage to fix it, but still didnt get the exact reason, so i will not post any specific code.
Thank you in advance
The most common case when you may get this error is when you write let binding that is not followed by an expression that calculates the result. In F#, everything is an expression that returns some result, so if you write let a = 10 it is generally not a valid expression. To make it valid, you need to return something:
let foo () =
let a = 10
() // return unit value (which doesn't represent any information)
The only exception where you can write just let a = 10 is a global scope of an F# source file - for example, inside a module declaration or in an F# script file. (This is why the declaration of foo above is valid).
It is difficult to give any advice without seeing your code, but you probably have a let declaration that is not followed by an F# expression.
Out of curiosity, the following example shows that let can really be used inside an expression (where it must return some meaningful result):
let a = 40 + (let a = 1
a + a)
