Is there a way to have a different Default.png (splash image) for different languages/locales in iOS? [duplicate] - ios

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Localization of Default.png is not working
My splash screen has English text in it, so I would like to be able to have a different splash image when users have a different language set.
Is this possible?

Yes, it's possible. Pretty much the same way you localize all your resources.
You just need to provide a Default.png image and then enable all the languages you're interested in. The result is that you'll get a copy of the image for each language into the respective folders. Then edit (or overwrite) each image as you need. I have tested it right now and it works fine (on iOS 5 but I believe is the same for older versions). Here is a screenshot for easy reference:
Regarding any doubts about whether or not this is a good practice, this is straight from Apple's documentation:
In addition to including the launch images at the top level of your
bundle, you can also include localized versions of your launch images
in your app’s language-specific project subdirectories. For more
information on localizing resources in your app, see Table 6-2.

Edit: Indeed, I'm dumbfounded. Like nevan-king I'm going to leave my answer nevertheless, since I still think that's the way it is intended to be done by the iOS guidelines (and my personal opinion about localizing whole images in order to localize its text...).
A splash screen is not intended to provide information. Splash screens are only shown for like a second or so, so it would be unfeasible to show text anyway.
Common practice for what you want to do is to use your image without text as splashscreen, and after that show a custom view with your image and localized text for a few seconds.
That way it will seem like you had a localized splash screen (and the text appears shortly after the image, which is fine).
However, keep in mind that the idea of iOS apps is fast responsiveness, so only show a "startup screen" if you must (for marketing reasons or whatever).
Read this for further information:

There's no way to do this. Instead, make a Default.png with no text.
Edit: I stand corrected. Just tried Alladinian's method and it worked. I'll leave my answer, as it's a useful technique to know.
You can do this pretty easily in Photoshop by selecting a square, then copying it and pasting it over the text. Use Marquee to select a square of your graphic (say an empty part of a navigation bar). Then hit "v" for the move tool. Use cmd-opt and move the square a little to the left, then cmd-opt-shift so that it doesn't move up or down. Move the square over the text and let go of the mouse button. Repeat as necessary.
If you want to see how Apple handles multi-language splash screens, open Maps or Mail. They have a Default screen with no text, then the text appears (in whatever language) when the app has loaded.


ios custom font with splash screen [duplicate]

I'm using a label to display text with my custom font on LaunchScreen.xib. My custom font shows up fine in the Interface Builder, but when I test it on my iPhone the font reverts back to the default font.
Not sure how to fix this or if it's a bug.
There's no big surprise here. The launch screen is shown at launch time - actually, before launch time - so the font probably hasn't yet loaded.
You could file a bug if you think you have a compelling use case. But I don't really think you do. Why are you showing any text in your launch image? It should be much more bare-bones than that - just enough to give the structure of the opening interface, which will be filled in when the opening interface actually appears. A "blank" screen with the same background color as the initial view controller's background color would be sufficient. You goal is just to provide an alternative to blackness.
A quick workaround is to use an UIImageView and have your text as UIImage on it, literally a picture of your text as .png / .jpeg or similar.
Note: It may take some time before you can see the image, I had to clean the Build Folder and reinstall the app a couple of times in order to see the image.
Another note: If you want to support multiple languages with different texts you will need to have different images for each language using this approach.

How to Update iOS Apps to Fit Larger Screen Size

I know this question might sound ridiculous, but please finish reading this thread before marking this as a duplicate question.
I've been searching for answers throughout the internet but can't seem to find a satisfying explanation & solution as I'm not very sure how things work & how to make a change.
Click me for example
In the image, the app on the left is 'un-optimized' and stretched while the app on right is 'optimized' and perfectly fit.
So how do I 'optimize' an old app to fit on larger screens, given:
• The app is built using Objective-C
• Some screens only have header(.h) & method(.m) files, meaning there is no XML Interface Builder(.XIB) files to see how the UI looks like without running it on the device.
I've tried using size classes for screens with.XIB files, but regardless of that, the app still appears to be stretched. Also, what about those that only have header & method files? Since there is no interface builder, I couldn't modify the UI in terms of size classes & constraints.
Is there a universal setting or something that I need to change and the whole app will be magically 'optimized'? Or do I have to configure a certain setting for each screen one by one?
Could someone explain to me in simple terms how this can be done?

Launch screen - fonts not loading in simulator [duplicate]

I'm using a label to display text with my custom font on LaunchScreen.xib. My custom font shows up fine in the Interface Builder, but when I test it on my iPhone the font reverts back to the default font.
Not sure how to fix this or if it's a bug.
There's no big surprise here. The launch screen is shown at launch time - actually, before launch time - so the font probably hasn't yet loaded.
You could file a bug if you think you have a compelling use case. But I don't really think you do. Why are you showing any text in your launch image? It should be much more bare-bones than that - just enough to give the structure of the opening interface, which will be filled in when the opening interface actually appears. A "blank" screen with the same background color as the initial view controller's background color would be sufficient. You goal is just to provide an alternative to blackness.
A quick workaround is to use an UIImageView and have your text as UIImage on it, literally a picture of your text as .png / .jpeg or similar.
Note: It may take some time before you can see the image, I had to clean the Build Folder and reinstall the app a couple of times in order to see the image.
Another note: If you want to support multiple languages with different texts you will need to have different images for each language using this approach.

LaunchScreen.xib not displaying my custom font

I'm using a label to display text with my custom font on LaunchScreen.xib. My custom font shows up fine in the Interface Builder, but when I test it on my iPhone the font reverts back to the default font.
Not sure how to fix this or if it's a bug.
There's no big surprise here. The launch screen is shown at launch time - actually, before launch time - so the font probably hasn't yet loaded.
You could file a bug if you think you have a compelling use case. But I don't really think you do. Why are you showing any text in your launch image? It should be much more bare-bones than that - just enough to give the structure of the opening interface, which will be filled in when the opening interface actually appears. A "blank" screen with the same background color as the initial view controller's background color would be sufficient. You goal is just to provide an alternative to blackness.
A quick workaround is to use an UIImageView and have your text as UIImage on it, literally a picture of your text as .png / .jpeg or similar.
Note: It may take some time before you can see the image, I had to clean the Build Folder and reinstall the app a couple of times in order to see the image.
Another note: If you want to support multiple languages with different texts you will need to have different images for each language using this approach.

Ios default icon for open view from list

In every ios app you can have a list that contains elements with subelements.
Tapping on the element will open a new page and you can usually press back to return.
This is indicated with a grey ">" symbol on the right.
Is this symbol downloadable somewhere? I know i can just type a > but it doesn't look exactly like the default icon used by ios.
I'm using Xamarin dialog and a standard RootElement embedded as a list item looks exactly like the default ios but i need to customize it with an icon placed left of the text(which is no problem except that i now lose the default > icon).
Googling for ios system icons, ios default icons and ios sdk did not yield the wanted result. I'm hoping that these icons are somewhere embedded on the device.
I hope you guys can help me out, thanks !
As far as I know there is no way to access a UIImage instance of the chevron during run time. Most likely there is private API for this, but I am not aware of it, and since it's private you are not allowed to use it anyway.
You could probably instantiate a cell that has the disclosure indicator as accessoryType and walk the view hierarchy to find it. But that will break easily, so don't do it.
The best way is to add an image and update it with every new iOS release.
There's the iOS Artwork Extractor which basically gets you every piece of artwork that is used in iOS.
The artwork you are looking for should be named UITableNext. (at least that's the name in iOS6, I don't have an extracted archive of iOS7 yet)
Strictly speaking you are violating Apples rules and their copyright if you use their artwork without Apples written consent.
As far as I know this has never been enforced, and lots of people do it, but it's good to keep it in mind.
