Why can't I link to Rick Astley in iOS? - ios

No, wait, don't go! I'm serious.
I was (am?) attempting to rickroll my coworkers in celebration of defeating the iOS beast in our latest battle, when the hydra decided to get the last laugh. Clicking on links to, or openURL with, either of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 (the two major rickrolling videos) results in a "Could not load movie" error. But when I find the video through the Youtube app, it plays fine. Other video URLs chosen at random and run through the exact same pathways work fine.
I'm not sure how else to ask this, other than WTF? Could Apple / Youtube be special-casing these videos?

Official music videos often have all kinds of restrictions for mobile playback... try a less popular video of the song?

Could Apple / Youtube be special-casing these videos?
Sure, they might. The Wikipedia entry on "rickrolling" says this:
The meme is a bait and switch; a person provides a hyperlink seemingly
relevant to the topic at hand, but actually leads to Astley's video.
Fooling the user is very much against the spirit of the iOS app store review guidelines, and it's probable that you're not the first person to try this. So it's possible that certain videos are special-cased, or that certain videos are marked with an attribute that prevents them from loading.
Further down in the article, Wikipedia also says:
In October/November 2009, a worm designed to infect jailbroken iPhones
changed the wallpaper of infected phones to a picture of Rick Astley
overlaid with the text "ikee is never going to give you up".
This seems like an even better reason for iOS to have code that avoids videos involving Rick Astley. Not that the worm is directly connected to the videos, but if the unexpected appearance of Rick Astley is a meme that's associated with malware, you can imagine Apple wanting to prevent loading such content by untrusted apps.

STATUS: Although the OP's VideoID's are restricted for viewing on YouTube website only, this is the method to watch YouTube Videos on iOS Devices.
You will need to link using YouTube's Embed URL Method for iOS.
Example links:
NOTE: The second links is formatted with YouTube autoplay Option.
Status Update: See this SO Answer that may prove useful. As those answer comments state, iOS will swap out the HTML tags automatically.


I want to integrate vimeo video with the app

I want to connect vimeo video with an android app, the process is like this:
I want to upload the video on Vimeo, and want to see the list of video uploaded in the vimeo from the android app and play it from the android app.
In simple words I don't want to upload the link of every new video in my code.
Is that possible, help me with this
What sort of technology require for this
and what is the process ?
Honestly I am new to Android apps too. If you wish to save links you had already accessed, then I assume you should look at "Room" (The name of Android Internal Storage). Room would helps you to remember links/videos even if you close the app.
In regards listing items, I'd look at "RecyclerView".
I don't have enough knowledge on that field, to provide you with an accurate answer but I'd suggest start looking on these two topics.

Detecting which audio track is playing on device in iOS Swift

I'm creating a mood tracking app that, among other things, should use information about the songs the user listens to. Specifically, I'm interested in just extracting the titles that are otherwise visible from the locked screen view, when a track is playing. I've search the interwebs and have had no luck finding a solution to access this data using Swift.
Can anyone help?
The short answer is no.
You may be able to retrieve song information from the iTunes library (if it's not a shared song using Home Sharing). Read about MPMusicPlayerController for more information. Specially the nowPlayingItem is probably what you're looking for.
However, most third-party applications such as Spotify, Deezer or Pandora will most likely have implemented their own player, which does not integrate with the iPod music player. This blog post also covers some of the details.
It is not about your ask, but it is about theme.
I made a code to get information about track in Itunes Media, and if you need get album art or correctly track name or artist, well I think it is will help you. The code is free to use in github.

Record Video and sharing it in ios app

In my app I want to give the user the option to record a video and share it. What is the easiest way to achieve this? (I have been trying to add video recording for days now and keep hitting dead ends). Can anyone offer some help?
To allow functionality to record videos within your app, please go to the Apple documentation for UIImagePickerController for taking pictures and movies
UIImagePickerController Class Reference Link
Once you have your video, sharing it is a little more difficult as unlike text or images, the movie file sizes can often be very large and may have to rule out simple sharing via email, text-message etc.
The best way to share in this case, would be to connect to an external API, like YouTube, where you can upload the video from the app. Here's a link to YouTube documentation for this
YouTube API Documentation Link
I suggest these as good places to start, as this is what you are asking for.
Hope this helps

How to protect MP4 video online but still be playable/accessible on iPad/iPhone devices

I have MP4 videos that people log in online to access. I need the videos to be playable/accessible on an iPad/iPhone, but still have some very basic protection on them. How can I do that?
I'm aware that putting the videos in a htaccess password-protected folder makes them inaccessible to iPad users, and even using htaccess to block hotlinking/direct-linking causes the videos to be inaccessible to an iPad user, even if the videos are in the same directory the users are currently in.
I understand that the videos can be downloaded by anyone using a Downloader plugin, and I'm not trying to have unrealistic bullet-proof security, I just don't want someone to be able to link directly to my videos saying, "Hey, you can watch those videos she's selling for free by clicking here:
ww w.mysite.com/private/video1.mp4 (that's not a real link, just an example)
I would think a lot of people have similar issues (wanting to protect online video in some way but still have them playable on an iPad/tablet/iPhone). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Apple store app - rules on external links / url

I am a bit confused concerning the rules of external links / url.
I am making a Native app. Its a free app. I would like to put it in the Apple store.
Its a cooking app with recipes and instruction videos. The app links to a youtube instruction video on how to cook the dish you have selected.
Example: They push the button. They will leave the app and go directly to my youtube cooking video. (I am new to programming and I think this would probably be the easiest way to do it)
Will they reject my app because I link to my youtube video?
No, that is definitely allowed. You can open the page in a UIWebView so it remains in the app, or have the page open in the Safari browser.
You can link to as many websites as you would like, as long as you aren't somehow breaking copyright (you aren't) or linking to inappropriate sites.
If I could make a suggestion, if you have not learned about the UIWebView class yet, you should look into it for this. It allows you to load web pages from within your app. This would be a lot better for you because users could remain in your app while watching your youtube cooking videos. There are plenty of tutorials available online, and the official documentation is here.
