Splash screens on iPad 3 - ios

I am developing an application that should work correctly on both iPad 2 and iPad 3. I have spash portrait and landscape screens. I use Default-Portrait.png with size 768x1004 and Default-Landscape.png with size 1024x768 for iPad2 splash screens, and Default-Portrait#2x.png with size 1536x2008 and Default-Landscape#2x.png with size 2048x1496 for iPad3. When I strat my app for the first time in iPad3 the initial splash image is first the iPad3 one ( Default-Portrait#2x.png/ Default-Landscape#2x.png) and then it switches to the iPad2 one ( Default-Portrait.png/ Default-Landscape.png).
Does anybody know where could be the problem ?

On the latest versions of Xcode, you can set the default images directly from the project settings panel. Just tap on the project on the top-left bar, then select the target and then go to the Summary tab. Scroll down and you will see the "iPad development info" panel, drag and drop there your default images (the rightmost is the retina, iPad 3 images).
Try to set the default images this way, it will automatically name them for you and I think it even resizes them for you.


Launch Screen Storyboard

As LaunchScreen I want to have an exact image of the start page that appears right after the launch.
Therefore, I made screenshots of all resolutions of the start page, both portrait and landscape. Then I removed all fonts because I generate two variants of the app in different languages and the texts (e.g. in the buttons) are different. The launch screens should fit both variants.
In Images.xcassets I added LaunchImage and assigned all positions with the correct resolutions (for both, iPhone and iPad).
LaunchScreen.storyboard has an ImageView in the ViewController with the image name LaunchImage.
1 All launch images displayed are scaled even though the correct resolutions are available.
Only the portrait images are used, also for landscape, and therefore scaled and distorted.
on iPads only iPhone images are displayed, portrait version also in landscape, scaled accordingly.
On some devices (e.g. iPhone X), only a white or black screen is displayed at launch (portrait and landscape).
Under no circumstances will the correct launch screen be displayed.
On the image you see all relevant areas and the list of all used launch images.
What did I do wrong or miss?
I just followed another tip and deactivated "Clears Graphic Context" in UIImageView and changed the display to "Aspect Fit".
Result: The portrait launch image is still used in the iPad, but is no longer scaled and is now centered.
So the most important question now is why an iPhone portrait launch image is used for iPad in both directions.
If you are using a LaunchImage, you should set that image in the Target settings. Go to your target and under the General tab, set the Launch Images Source value to the image you have in your asset catalog:
Also delete the text LaunchScreen in the Launch Screen File field.

iOS View Controller size is 4 inch on iPhone 6

I have iPhone oriented application, the UI created using a storyboard, when I run it on 4.7 or 5.5 inch devices it presented as 4 inch screen with black empty space on top and bottom of window.
The project was created on Xcode 6 and I got the issue when I compile it with Xcode 7 but I'm not sure if it's related.
On Xcode 7 you must add the launch screens (on "images.xcassets") of your desired resolution (iphone6 , iphone5...) or instead you can add the splash screen that automatically will work for all resolutions (YourProjectName/General/App Icons and Launch Images).
Hope this helps.
You haven't add added Launch Images with proper resolution in proper place. So your app is considering it only for iphone5 not above so.Place launch Images properly.It will help.Thanks
Here are Apple's answers:
If you don't use launch images, but you do have a Launch Screen (nib
or storyboard) then we synthesize your launch screen at install time.
If you don't have any launch images, and you don't have a launch nib
or storyboard, then you are declaring that you don't support any
screen sizes aside from 320x480
A brand new project should not demonstrate any of these issues
With the iPad Pro you will need a Launch Screen to support the new
screen size (and you need Launch Screens to support multitasking on
iPad in general).

Make iPhone 6/6 plus resize apps automatically

All my old apps are looking good on iPhone6/6+. But when I create new project iPhone 6/6+ treat apps natively. So they look awful. Instead of trying to adjust views using constraints and stuff, I decided it would be better to write app for iPhone 5 and let new iPhones scale it. I know solution is not perfect but is good enought for me. The questions is how to make new iPhones treat my app as iPhone 5 app. How to make them scale it?
Thank you.
You have to provide a LaunchImage with the correct size :
iPhone 6 Splash screen 750 x 1334
iPhone 6 Plus landscape Splash screen 2208 x 1242
iPhone 6 Plus portrait Splash screen 1242 x 2208
I'm answering this by memory as I don't have xcode in front of me, but I'm quite sure it's correct.
You need to create and add 3 launch images to your project of the following sizes:
Go to project settings, general and select the launch image source option. Select use asset catalog, and create an asset catalog if you don't already have one.
With the asset catalog open you should have a section called launch images, if you do not, tap the '+' button in the bottom left hand corner and add the launch images option to your project. Select the launch images option.
The top row of images are used for iPhone 6/6 Plus, leave these blank. Drag and drop the launch images that you created onto the bottom two rows of images.
Return to your project settings and select the launch screen file option. Remove everything - ensure that the selection is blank. (To do this I selected my main.storyboard and just deleted the text in the text box).
And that's it, now you can automatically zoom your app on the larger devices.
Hope this helps.

Xcode6 IPAD 1x 2x button

I was developing an app on iphone and let in run on my iPad.
Before Xcode 5, it will run happily with the 1x and 2x button at the right bottom corner so I can zoom to get a larger view of my iPhone app.
However, after Xcode6 appears, I found that my iPhone app act as a full screen app and the content appears at the top left corner without the 1x and 2x button when it runs on my iPad.
Any solution to change get back the 1x 2x mode?
Select Launch Screen, and in the options on right side, uncheck "Use as Launch Screen" option, it will work fine after that.

xcode 5 removing ipad launch images when adding additional sizes

So I have an app and since version 5.0 of Xcode came out I have been trying to get the launch screen images updated. Unfortunately when I try to add either the :
Portrait Retina, Landscape Non Retina, or Landscape Retina it removes whichever one is next to it.
So I will go to add The landscape Retina and the image will appear. However when I go to add the landscape non-retina the Landscape retina image will not longer be referenced.
After adding Non-retina:
Is there a way to double check or add the images without dealing with the interface? Am I doing something wrong? Is it because I haven't added the 1536x2048 yet?
