Xcode6 IPAD 1x 2x button - ios

I was developing an app on iphone and let in run on my iPad.
Before Xcode 5, it will run happily with the 1x and 2x button at the right bottom corner so I can zoom to get a larger view of my iPhone app.
However, after Xcode6 appears, I found that my iPhone app act as a full screen app and the content appears at the top left corner without the 1x and 2x button when it runs on my iPad.
Any solution to change get back the 1x 2x mode?

Select Launch Screen, and in the options on right side, uncheck "Use as Launch Screen" option, it will work fine after that.


Some UI controls positioned offscreen while simulating app

I'm working with XCode (Swift) and am having trouble seeing all my controls on the simulator.
Your simulator is launched in a full-scale mode for iPhone 6s Plus. Phone's resolution is too high to display full-size on regular Mac's display. Just go to Simulator Menu > Window > Scale and select 50% to see full-size iPhone screen.
PS: you can also just scroll with a mouse to see all contents of the simulated device screen.

ImageView Scaling for iPhone 6 and 6+

So Im making a game without the use of auto-layout. I have used constraints to scale everything and it worked perfectly. However, there are 12 image views that scroll down. 6 on the right a 6 on the left.
This is done based on a code i've written and places the images via arc4random.
The images on the left are completely fine and scroll down so that there is no gap between the side of the screen and the image. As do the images on the right when using the iphone 4s and 5.
HOWEVER.. when it comes to trying this on the iphone 6 and 6+, alot of the times, there is a gap between the image and the side of the screen on the RIGHT. the LEFT is fine. I want to know how I could solve this issue. This is more of a general problem so dont need to include code.
You can try disabling iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus support for the app so that they work fine on the new devices (via scaling)
Remove "Launch Screen File" from Target General Settings and if you are using Asset Catalogs for Launch images, under right panel for the asset catalog under Launch Images-> remove launch images for iPhone Portrait and Landscape for the category 'iOS 8.0 and later'
This is a workaround that makes iPhone6 and iPhone6Plus to scale views according to the screen size.

iOS Replace the default Keyboard with a shorter Keyboard

How can I get the default keyboard to be shorter like the keyboard on the right?
The standard keyboard is the left, how do I get it to have the height of the one on the right?
The left keyboard is not taller than the right keyboard— they are the same height, in points. The difference is in the scale of the screen; i.e. the pixels are smaller on the right. Assuming that these are the same device, the difference is caused by one of two things:
The app on the left is not updated to support the higher resolution screens of the iPhone 6 and 6+. To remedy this, you can either specify a .xib as your "Launch Screen File" in the target's General settings, or add a launch image for iPhone 6 and 6+ to your asset catalog.
The app on the left is running on a device which is in "Zoomed" view mode. To change this, follow this path in your Settings app: General > Display & Brightness > View.
Edit: A good tip for recognizing such resolution differences (on an iPhone 6 or 6+) is to watch the clock as an app launches. If it gets bigger, then your device is set to the "Standard" view mode, and the application has not been updated to support iPhone 6/6+ resolutions. If the clock stays the same size, then either the app has been updated to support iPhone 6, or the device is in the "Zoomed" view mode (or both).
You cannot control the height of the keyboard. The keyboard on the left is looks taller because this app hasn't been updated for iPhone 6/6+ screens, so the keyboard and everything else in the app has been stretched.
See this question for how to support the new 6 screen sizes.

Autolayout not working on iOS7 and Xcode 6

I've started using Xcode auto layout for my projects.
Auto-layout works perfectly when I'm testing on ios8 devices, it the view scales as needed.
However, things get a little crazy with ios7.
When I test my app on an ios7 iPhone 5 simulator, the app doesn't scale-up to the larger screen,
but only shows the 3.5 inch view, leaving black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.
I am using a tableView controller.
How do I scale the tableViewController up so that it fits on a larger screen in ios7?
(Like I've said, my app fits perfectly in ios8, on all screen sizes, but not in ios7.
Also, it scales fine on an ios7 ipad.)
The Xcode (6) IDE should give a warning about this, that may not be so clear:
"Applications using Launch Screen Files and targetting iOS 7.1 and earlier
need to also include a Launch Image in an Asset Catalog."
This means you need to have the proper Launch-Images for the "Retina 4" screen,
which is 640 × 1136 pixels, and it should be configured in the assets-catalog,
just like your Application-Icons ("AppIcon"), but under "LaunchImage" there.
Once you add this 4-inch-compatible Launch-Image to your application,
iOS-7 will assume you are properly supporting the "Retina 4" screen,
and will launch the application in 4-inch mode.

Splash screens on iPad 3

I am developing an application that should work correctly on both iPad 2 and iPad 3. I have spash portrait and landscape screens. I use Default-Portrait.png with size 768x1004 and Default-Landscape.png with size 1024x768 for iPad2 splash screens, and Default-Portrait#2x.png with size 1536x2008 and Default-Landscape#2x.png with size 2048x1496 for iPad3. When I strat my app for the first time in iPad3 the initial splash image is first the iPad3 one ( Default-Portrait#2x.png/ Default-Landscape#2x.png) and then it switches to the iPad2 one ( Default-Portrait.png/ Default-Landscape.png).
Does anybody know where could be the problem ?
On the latest versions of Xcode, you can set the default images directly from the project settings panel. Just tap on the project on the top-left bar, then select the target and then go to the Summary tab. Scroll down and you will see the "iPad development info" panel, drag and drop there your default images (the rightmost is the retina, iPad 3 images).
Try to set the default images this way, it will automatically name them for you and I think it even resizes them for you.
