In which session/memory does ABAP store static attribute values? - memory

My guess would be in the ABAP memory from the main session, but I'm not sure and cannot find anything in the documentation. Does anyone know for sure?

Check this article for the basic memory layout and terminology, unless you already have done so. The static attributes of a class are handled the same way the global variables of a function pool are (you might think of them as global variables of the class pool, but don't hit me too hard for that analogy). Whenever you open a new internal session (e. g. with SUBMIT), they are reinitialized. You could try to check this with a small program that recursively calls itself using SUBMIT ... AND RETURN for yourself.


Make an independent copy of a model instance

I would like one instance of a model in memory to serve as a template for creating other objects for performance reasons, so that duplicates look like the original object but otherwise share no common components with the object they are initialized from, as if they were loaded with Model.find( I've tried some of the available solutions but none seems to do what I need: .dup and .deep_dup will create a new object with nil id and .clone will make some of the fields common to both the initializer and the initialized.
Currently my API is giving out the original objects that I keep as class variables, but I discovered that it leads to obscure memory leaks when the code using the objects manipulates their associations - these are kept in memory indefinitely. I hope that by giving out copies the associations of the template objects will stay untouched and the leak will be gone.
This sounds like the use case for defining a class and just initializing instances. You can customize whatever properties you want shared in the MyClass#new method. Without knowing more about your needs I will add that if you must store a template in memory you could store it as a class variable perhaps MyClass##template but would need to hear more to opine further. 😄
What I found when browsing rails source is the .instantiate method:

do we need to use a mutex lock when accessing Grails global variables?

I'm wondering
In grails's global variables - do we need to add mutex lock when access them ?
Static variable in XXXService Class
Grails Application Context
I'm wondering In grails's global variables - do we need to add mutex
lock when access them ?
The JVM doesn't really have global variables. The closest thing to them are public static variables, which isn't really the same thing.
Whether or not you have to add a mutex depends on what you want to do with the variables. In general, the answer is "no", but that is in part because in general you wouldn't want to have mutable public static variables.
You only need to synchronize these objects if they need to be thread safe. Most things in the Grails Application Context do not need to be (such as just getting a singleton service).
So the answer to your question is not very clear-cut. Do it when you feel it is necessary to make sure that previous process has finished with the variable you care about.

When to explicitly close ResourceResolver in Sling

I've read on this blog about how to use resourceResolver properly. The author quotes
If you open a JCR session of a Sling ResourceResolver, you are also
responsible for closing it. On the other hand: If you get passed a
ResourceResolver or a Session object, do not call logout() or close()
on it.
I'm not able to grasp this concept, may be because of no code example in this case.
From what i know, i can get a ResourceResolver object via either request.getResourceResolver() in servlets, using #Reference SCR annotation in OSGi components, jsp's implicit resourceResolver object, using sling.getService() in jsp, and also via adapting to ResourceResolver object.
In all the ways of getting resourceResolver object, which ones should i close myself and what is the session associated with each of these objects ?
Think of it like a File resource.
if you open it, you are responsible for closing it
if you use a reference to the File, then it is not your responsibility to close it
Therefore, your code should open & close in the same scope.
If you obtain a resourceResolver FROM a resource, you did not open the resolver and you do not need to close it.
In the example from the blog, they generate a session from session = repo.loginAdministrative() (Repository no longer has this method); thus is responsible for calling session.logout() in the same scope (using the finally {...} block).

Using hidden properties vs. private iVars

This question is specifically focused around static libraries / frameworks; in other words, code that other people will eventually touch.
I'm fairly well versed in properties, since I started iOS development when iOS 6 was released. I have used hidden properties declared in interface extensions to do all of my "private" property work, including using readonly on public facing properties I don't want others to modify and readwrite within interface extensions.
The important thing is that I do not want other people who are using these static libraries / frameworks to be accessing these properties if I don't allow it, nor writing these properties if I let them read it.
I've known for a while that they could theoretically create their own interface extension and make my readonly properties readwrite themselves, or guess the names of hidden properties.
If I want to prevent this, should I be using ivars with the #private tag with directly declared ivars? Are there potential downfalls to doing it this way? Does it actually get me an additional measure of security, or is it a red herring?
Under ARC the only mode supported by properties and not instance variables is copy - so if you need copy use a property.
If you declare your private instance variables in the #implementation section:
#implementation MyClass
// private instance vars
then it takes serious effort to access them from outside the class. As you say accessing a "private" property just takes guessing its name - or using the library calls which tell you.
Is it worth it for security? YMMV. But its a good coding practice regardless.
As the comment trail shows there has been much discussion over my use of serious effort.
First let's be clear: Objective-C is in the C family of languages, they all allow the programmer to just about anything they choose while staying within the language[*] - these are not the languages of choice if you want strong typing, access restrictions, etc., etc. within your code.
Second, "effort" is not an absolute measure! So maybe I should have chosen the word "obvious" to qualify it rather than "serious". To access a private property just requires the use of a standard method call where the object has type id - there is little clue in the code that the method being called is hidden. To access a private variable requires either an API call (a runtime function or KVC call) or some pointer manipulation - the resultant code looks nothing like a standard variable assignment. So its more obvious.
That said, apart from uses requiring copy, under ARC there is no good reason to use a private property when a private instance variable will do. For a private variable fred compare:
self.fred = 42; // property access, may involve a call (if not optimised out)
_fred = 42; // common way to bypass the accessors and get at the underlying var
fred = 42; // direct access
Take your pick, there is no right answer, but there isn't a wrong one either - this is the realm of opinion (and that is of course an opinion ;-)). I would often pick the last one, private variable - clean & simple. However #RobNapier in his answer prefers the use of properties.
[*] Note: once you consider linking to external code, say written in assembler, all bets are of in any language. At that point you have to look at the "hardware" (real or virtual) and/or "OS" to provide protection.
You should use private ("hidden") properties here. There is no "security" risk. The "attacker" in this scenario is the caller. The caller has complete access to all memory in the process. She can access anything in your framework she wants and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop that (nor should you). This is true in any language. You can bypass "private:" designations in C++ as well if you know what you're doing. It's all just memory at the end of the day.
It is not your job to protect yourself or your framework from the caller. You both have the same goal: correct program behavior. Your goal is to protect callers from themselves. Make it difficult for them to use your framework incorrectly and easy to use it correctly.
So, you should use the tool that leads to the most correct code. And that tool is properties, and avoiding directly ivar access except in init and dealloc.

Can I implement instance count monitoring using TVirtualMethodInterceptor?

Virtual method interception - introduced with Delphi XE - can be used to 'proxify' methods so that custom code can be executed before and after the original method.
Could this also be used to keep a count of all object instances in a Delphi application, by proxyfying the virtual methods TObject.AfterConstruction and TObject.BeforeDestruction?
If yes, this could be a simple way to analyse FastMM4 memory allocation statistics at run time (using the InstanceSize property of objects and matching it against the allocated memory blocks).
Update: sorry for asking a question which was very easy to answer from the DocWiki information - I have read the linked article first and only skimmed the example code
No, that's not going to work. From the documentation, with my emphasis:
Permits the user to dynamically intercept virtual method calls on specified instances of a particular class type.
The problem is that you need to get hold of each and every instance before you can proxify. But you are hoping to proxify in order to get hold of instances. So you are now caught in a chicken and egg scenario.
