how do i run a development rails app / website on an ipod - ruby-on-rails

I have a app / site that i am running on my local imac and i want to test it on my ipad browser.
Can connect to my imac localhost rails app throught the wifi with my ipad ? If so how!! ?
My app is a multi tenant app that uses subdomains and so i use the hosts file on my my to point for example to localhost.
How do i do this on the ipad to goto in the browser and it runs the local app on my imac ?
Hope this all makes sense! Please help.
best regards

I'm providing an update for anyone who's using Rails 4, has followed the steps in the accepted answer, and still can't connect to the app via development_machine_ip:3000. The reason being that somewhere around version 4, Rails changed the default binding address from to only localhost. By default this allows you to only access the Rails app via localhost:3000 or - which is fine in most cases.
Now if you'd like to access the app from a different device on your network, you can use the -b option when starting the server and specify a binding address of
rails s -b
This will bind on ALL interfaces including localhost and the IP assigned by your network. You should now be able to access the app via development_machine_ip:3000.

I am hoping that your macbook and iPad are on same network. Now go to "Open network preference". Check screenshot.
You will see an ip.
then from ipad open: your_ip:3000

I use proxylocal ngrok for this:
$ ngrok http 3000
ngrok by #inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status online
Account Sergio (Plan: Free)
Version 2.2.8
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> localhost:3000
Forwarding -> localhost:3000
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Now you can open from your ipad without worrying about your machine's ip address.

If the subdomain is just going to (or whatever) you should be able to access it the same way by going to your machine's local IP address with the same supplied port number. I look at my rails app on my phone all the time.
If you have virtual hosts or something set up, it's probably going to be more complicated than that.

For this, you would either need to jailbreak your iPad to edit the /etc/hosts file, or add a DNS entry in your router (assuming your router is your DNS server).
One of those two sounds like the easiest.


Cannot load site on localhost with iOS devices on BrowserStack Automate

I'm hosting a .NET Core HTTP application on localhost using Kestrel on an available port for some browser-based UI tests, but when trying to access it using real iOS devices with BrowserStack Automate with BrowserStackLocal.exe, Safari consistently refuses load the page.
I've tried various parts of the IP ranges documented here, but none have been successful. Desktop browsers (Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox on Windows, Safari on macOS Mojave) and real Android devices work as expected.
I've also tried using the local IP address of the machine and the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) as described here, but neither work portably as Windows Firewall blocks the connections even through BrowserStack Automate can resolve the address.
Port 80 is not a viable solution as developers' machines will have IIS running on their machines using that port, so it is not available for other purposes.
Given the following constraints, what are the workable solutions?
Hosted on HTTP.
Runs without admin privileges (i.e. no reconfiguring the firewall or using privileged port numbers <1024).
At least two possible port numbers to use so that if one is in use there's at least one alternate to try.
No additional manual setup required to run the tests (should just be the command dotnet test).
On the iOS devices, try resolving instead of http://localhost:5000.
You can access the site using, But make sure to disable the host check for webpack using disableHostCheck: true in configuration.
For angular cli users, to disable to the host check you need to use --disable-host-check like ng serve --port 4200 --disable-host-check
This is from BrowserStack's support:
a) On Safari
Previously, accessing local websites with 'localhost/' in the URL was not supported on iOS devices running iOS versions 10 and above.
However, to make sure that your website loads with 'localhost' in the URL, we now modify the URL to on these devices. This helps in loading your website in an expected manner. The same is mentioned here.
In the screenshot you've shared, you can see the redirection to as well.
It seems that your localhost website is configured to be accessible only via specific hostnames such as 'localhost'. Thus, you face the reported error.
To be able to test your localhost website via Safari on iOS devices, I would recommend configuring your localhost website to be accessible via the private IP address of your local machine.
Once done, you can access your localhost website as http://<private_IP_address:port> and this should work.
I would also encourage reading through this guide to understand how you could achieve the above:
b) On Chrome
Due to restrictions imposed by Safari, testing localhost websites on Chrome is not supported by default on iOS devices.
The problem arises with the usage of the domain 'localhost'. We are actively trying to find alternatives for this behavior as well.
However, in the meantime, you can access your localhost website via the private IP address as mentioned above via Chrome browser on iOS devices as well.
Once you make the necessary changes to your configuration to allow your localhost website to be accessible via the private IP address, you can test your localhost website via Chrome on iOS as well.
Feel free to reach out should you need any further assistance!
Note: The private IP address is not the same as You can use this article to identify the private IP address of your machine.
BrowserStack Support
Did you try changing the 'localhost' with the IP address of the machine (where the web is hosted)?
For instance - If the IP for the machine on which application/webpage is hosted is, then change http://localhost:3000/index.html to in your test
They have mentioned the same here -
If you are using Angular CLI then please run command
ng serve --host --port xxxx
This will make sure that you would be able to access application using your IP and port specified. Once done you should be able to access your application using browser stack iPhone device browsers using IP and port rather than localhost.

why I am not able to access rails localhost on my mobile or other computer

I am trying to access my localhost of rails running project on my mobile device.
This is how I am trying.
But it says the webpage is not available.
I tried with another port as well and It doesn't work even there?
What's wrong here? I use to check earlier this way.
Please guide
Try running this code below to your server:
rails s -b
This worked for me!
Just give:
ip = your phone's ip address
(Check it in connection information if you are running this on Ubuntu)
ip:3000/your_page if you do not have mapped your root to some page.
Else ip:3000 will work if you have mapped root to some page.
Try it in Chrome and see as it doesn't need any http or https it automatically selects the required one.
Here is how I did it
Put both your computer and phone on the same wifi network
rails s -b (or however you access your router it will say on the back of router)
get attached devices to the router. Note your computers ip. Mine was
on phone go to (but use the ip for your computer from step 4)

Connect Ruby/Rails to ipad via local network

host ip:
ipad ip:
when working on my host, the web address is:
When I try to connect to my ipad via the connection times out.
One method to overcome my issue was to change the wifi settings on the ipad to manual proxy:
port: 3000
Now works! Kinda...
I can now log in to my site, but js seems to be broken and the ipad changes the url to: ( ) Normally it would be ( ) Which I believe is the last digit of the host lan ip. We use some externally hosted js files. Which may be why it is breaking. I can NOT browse the internet (on ipad) while the proxy is enabled. What am I missing?
( does not work for any device..)
After further debugging I believe it is because of internet connectivity through the proxy.
The exact error my log spits out is:
User-Agent: ubd/289.3 CFNetwork/672.1.14 Darwin/14.0.0
Connection: keep-alive
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
2015-04-20 11:52:54] ERROR TypeError: can't dup NilClass
/home/pete/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httprequest.rb:279:in `dup'
So I think I have to enable linux to forward my internet as well?
Rails is not accessible, because the server binds to localhost.
Here's my usual workflow using zeroconf / Bonjour and Mac OS X, although it should basically work with another OS and / or a fixed IP address, too.
Open System Preferences > Sharing to look up your computer's .local name:
Add the host name to config/environments/development.rb so you access the server by that name, e.g.: (required for Rails 6+ see: Blocked host Error)
Rails.application.configure do
# ...
config.hosts << 'stefans-mac.local'
# ...
Start rails server with the -b option to provide the host name (this is the important part):
$ rails s -b stefans-mac.local
=> Booting Thin
=> Rails 4.2.1 application starting in development on http://stefans-mac.local:3000
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
>> Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on stefans-mac.local:3000, CTRL+C to stop
Assuming you've enabled iCloud Tabs, visit the URL on your Mac using Safari (so you don't have to enter the address manually on your iPad)
On your iPad / iPhone, open Safari, tap the Tabs icon, scroll down and select the Rails tab:
I'm not sure what Ruby on Rails version you're on but somewhere around version 4, Rails changed the default binding address from to only localhost. By default this allows you to only access the Rails app via localhost:3000 or - which is fine in most cases.
Now if you'd like to access the app from an iPad on your local network (or any device on your local network) you can use the -b option when starting the server and specify a binding address of
rails s -b
This will bind on ALL interfaces including localhost and the IP assigned by your network. You should now be able to access the app via your iPad. Hope this helps.
If I were you, I would try Ngrok. that way you can temporarily and securely expose your dev machine's localhost:3000 to the ipad. Download ngrok to your application's folder and unzip /path/to/
For me that looks like:
Then run rails s.
Finally ./ngrok http 3000.
This command will give you an address to hit from your ipad. When you're done just kill ngrok with ctrl+c.
I get the following output:
ngrok - tunnel local ports to public URLs and inspect traffic
ngrok by #inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit)
Tunnel Status online
Version 2.0.16/2.0.15
Web Interface
Forwarding -> localhost:3000
Forwarding -> localhost:3000
Connnections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Type the forwarding address into your ipad. For me,
No config required! is an ip address, eg the address of your computer on the local network.
:3000 is a port number (well, 3000 is the number, the ":" just separates it from the ip address), in this case the port which Rails runs on. is an alias set up on your machine, probably for which is the standard "this computer, ie the 'local host'" ip address.
I wouldn't have expected to work at all because it's not a valid ip address - it's an ip address with the last bit of your alias on the end.
You should use "" on your ipad to connect to your local computer's rails server. You shouldn't need to change your proxy settings (so set them back to normal).
If you specifically want to use a particular domain name on your ipad (when you access your rails app), which can be useful if your app displays the site differently based on the domain or subdomain that it was accessed via, then you can use the awesome . This is probably more complicated than you need though, it sounds like you just want to see what your rails app looks like on an ipad.

Error when testing app from mobile device - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

After upgrading to OSX Yosemite, I can no longer test my app on a mobile device by using my development machine's (MacBook Pro) IP address. For example, I used to be able to view a Rails app on a phone by going to, but now I get the following error:
I get the same error when testing an AngularJS app using the grunt server running at
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It could help to bind the server to your local IP, like
rails s -p9000 -b192.168.0.4
to start your rails app
Consider giving a try to Pow. Its pretty simple to install, and a great solution to share a local development across multiple devices.
Like it explains in their homepage, you can install it with just :
curl | sh. To prevent any errors, install in Terminal app outside a Tmux session.
And just symlink your app :
cd ~/.pow
ln -s /path/to/myapp
You can access your app at, and at http://myapp.[your ip address] from another device.
Not a direct response to your issue, but an alternative to setting yourself a configuration in your preferences.
Turn IPv6 off. It Prevented me from connecting to my localhost from other computers on my LAN. And, with the newer versions of OSX there is no way to turn it off in the Network Preferences Panel so you have to do it from terminal.
Open Terminal and enter to turn it off:
networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi
And this to turn it back on:
networksetup -setv6LinkLocal Wi-Fi
If you are connected via Ethernet or something else just run this command to list the available options:
networksetup -listallnetworkservices
and replace "Wi-Fi" with the appropriate device.
I don't have a mac, but that seems to be the server not accepting connections, if that is the case, it's only accepting localhost connections, try binding de server to accept all connections or bind it to ip
Can you access that IP from Browser? are you sure your IP is in the same range with It is your mobile device connected on the same network? Maybe you used internet sharing before update to Yosemite and now is off?
I think your IP address changed. Telnet from console(terminal) your I.P. port. If is your real Ip then maybe add(as root or via sudo) an entry in /etc/host file an entry as Restart network or reboot. Also you can try nmap ( on ip to see open ports). Nmap has been ported to OSX just google for installer.

How do you host a Ruby on Rails application on a local network, so multiple people can access it?

I'm brand new to RoR and have pretty much 0 experience with it. I have been handed down somebody else's project and I need to find a way to host the application, so people can just access it locally. The application is a spider script/walker script/web scraper whatever you call it. Basically it connects to a website, logs in, retrieves certain data each day and maps it with the previous data. While on the local machine, you use it, go to localhost:3000, and you get the webpage the previous person designed. I was just wondering how I could get that page to be public for the people on our local network, so they could connect to some arbitrary IP and see the same page (it updates daily)?
What I tried doing is making the folder containing the application public to the network, but in order to use it, I would have to make everybody on the network allowed to write to it and each person would have to install RoR to use it. I want to avoid that since it doesn't seem logical, nor is it what I'm trying to do.
Looking at the code, I can reverse engineer and understand what it does, but when it comes to hosting web apps locally or something of that sort, I have never done this before. Please help!
Thanks in advance!
-This is all being done on a Windows 7 machine.
Since you're on Windows, open up a command line and run ipconfig to find out your local IP. It will be listed under 'IP Address'.
Tell people in your LAN to access http://192.168.x.x:3000 replacing 192.168.x.x by your IP address from step 1.
EDIT: One major thing that I missed, you are windows. On windows u could use thin and put it behind a load balancer. Although i would suggest hosting it on a UNIX machine :)
Although Running it in webrick(webrick is the application server for development i.e when u run rails s) will let other users access the website NEVER do the same for a production application. If you want to run this application in production, u need more powerful application servers like passenger. I would suggest you use it with Apache or Nginx instead of stand alone passenger. Once all this is setup others can use your application by entering the IP(xx.xx.xx.xx) also u can ask your system admin to setup a local DNS so your users need not remember the IP address always.
While starting Rails Server, we can also setup some options to configure the IP address and also the port number of the site under development environment to host the website in local network. So if we want to change the IP from to http://192.168.x.x:port (x= 0 to 255 any one number), we can set that in Rails server command! But for this, we will need to find out our current IP address at our current network which will help us to serve the website in local network.
So at first step:
We will open our terminal on our PC. For Android user, we need to open Termux app. Then simply type ifconfig to get the IP address of our device in the current network. We will get an output like this one (Here I'm using Android device for development. So output might be something different than this one on your PC terminal but the process is same):
$ ifconfig
Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (Permission denied). Limited output.
inet netmask 255.XXX.XXX.XXX
unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen XXXX (UNSPEC)
inet netmask 255.XXX.XXX.XXX broadcast
unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen XXXX (UNSPEC)
X= some numbers with our device credentials which is dummied with this variable
If you are using a WiFi router then we will need the wlan0 part to get our device IP. Under wlan0 section there is a subsection of inet showing our current IP! YUP, we need that IP address! This might be different for your device and network. This is the key of this mission! Now we're going to the second important step.
So the Second Step is:
That required input command to configure the IP address.
rails s -b -p 8080
rails s for rails server
-b for bidding the IP address for customisation from the default IP which is our localhost address.
-p 8080 for port setup. This part is optional. Default port is 3000.
This is the process of changing the localhost IP ( to local network IP which will be available for other device of the same network user.
Now our rails app is available in our local network! Other users in the same network will also be able to visit the website while the server command is running. And the link will be if you also configure the port number. Otherwise if you have used the command rails s -b without port configuration the link will be:
Again: was for my case, your IP address will be different for your device. That will be needed to use for your server and link address.
