So many ways to define a byte - ios

Does it make a difference which one I use in objective-c (particularly on iOS)? I assume it comes from inheriting from C and its types, as well as inheriting the types from Mac OS, which iOS was based on, but I don't know which one I should use:
unsigned char from...well..the compiler?
uint8_t from stdint.h
UInt8 from MacTypes.h
Byte from MacTypes.h
Bytef from zconf.h
I am aware that the various defs are for portability reasons, and using literals like unsigned char is not good future thinking (size might change, and things will end up like the Windows API again). I'd like some advice on how to spot the best ones for my uses. Or a good tongue lashing if I'm just being silly...
EDIT : Just for some more info, if I want something that will always be 1 byte, should I use uint8_t (doesn't seem like it would change with a name like that)? I'd like to think UInt8 wouldn't change either but I see that the definition of UInt32 varies on whether or not the processor is 64-bit.
FURTHER EDIT : When I say byte, I specifically mean that I want 8 bits. I am doing pixel compression operations (32 bits -> 8 bits) for disk storage.

It's totally indifferent. Whichever you use, it will most probably end up being an unsigned char. If you want it to look nice, though, I suggest you use uint8_t from <stdint.h>.
Neither will change with the architecture. char is always 1 byte as per the C standard, and it would be insupportable from a user's point of view if in an implementation, UInt8 suddenly became 16 bits long.
(It is not the case, however, that char is required to be 8 bits wide, it's only that if the name of a type suggest that it's 8 bits long, then any sensible implementation does indeed typedefs it as such. Incidentally, a byte (which char is) is often an 8-bit unit, i. e. an octet.)

As in every programming language derived from C-language type model, Objective C has a handful of equivalent options to declare a 8-bit integer.
Why did I say equivalent? Because as OP correctly stated, it's obvious that all of those options eventually typedef-ed to unsigned char built-in compiler type. This is correct for now and, let's speak practically, nobody sane will change them to be a non-8-bit integers in the future.
So, the actual question here is what is the better order to prioritize considerations when choosing the type name for 8-bit integer?
Code readability
Since basically in every code having C language roots, primitive type names are a mess. Therefore, probably the most important factor is readability. And by that I mean clear and uniquely identifiable intent of choosing this specific type for this specific integer for the majority of people who would read your code.
So let's take look at those types from an average Objective C programmer point of view who knows little about C language.
unsigned char - what's this??? why char is ever meant to be signed???
uint8_t - ok, unsigned 8 bit integer
UInt8 - hmm, the same as above
Byte - signed or unsigned 8 bit integer
Bytef - what's this? byte-float? what does that 'f' mean?
It's obvious here that unsigned char and Bytef aren't a good choices.
Going further, you can notice another nuisance with Byte type name: you can't say for sure if it represents signed or unsigned integer which could be extremely important when you're trying to understand what is the range of values this integer could hold (-128 .. 127 or 0 .. 256). This is not adding points to code readability, too.
Uniform code style
We're now left with the 2 type names: uint8_t and UInt8. How to choose between them?
Again, looking at them through the eyes of an Objective C programmer, who is using type names like NSInteger, NSUInteger a lot, it looks like much natural when he sees UInt8. uint8_t just looks like a very low-level daunting stuff.
Thus, we eventually are left with the single option - UInt8. Which is clearly identifiable in terms of number of bits, range and looks accustomed. So it's probably the best choice here.


Calculate CRC 8 in objective c

I've an app in which I need to send a packet to an external device. This packet has a CRC before the end message. The CRC has to be separated in CRCH and CRCL.
For example: CRC = 0x5B so CRCH should be 0x35 (ASCII representation of 5) and CRCL should be 0x42 (ASCII representation of B).
I searched on internet and I found several functions in C or in other language to create CRC32, but my device need to use a CRC8. How I can create a CRC8 in Objective-C? Can you help me to find a way to do this?
Surprising how this rather simple question is still not answered.
First, you need to separate problems in your question. CRH and CRL are just hex conversion and that's easy to do (and has lots of examples on internet too). In most cases, you just need to compare crc you received to one you calculated. So, you just need to convert them to the same form. E.g. convert the crc you calculated to text using sprintf and %2X format and compare with CRC you received (as text).
The second part is actually CRC. This is a little bit trickier.Your options are as follows:
1) the easiest is to rename your .m file to .mm and use CRC library from boost C++. It's just a header include, so it won't affect rest of your code in any way and you can even make it in a separate file, so you'll have a C function which will use boost under the hood.
You might need to find parameters for your CRC though. For that, see this excellent resource
2) You can write your own implementation. Surprisingly there is plenty of examples for particular algorithms in the internet, but they often optimized for particular crc and are hard to adopt for other algorithms.
So, your best bet is probably starting with "A Painless Guide to CRC Error Detection Algorithms" article by Ross Williams. It also includes examples in C.
Though it could be complicated to get your head around all the technical stuff and explanations there.
So, as as short cut I'd like to suggest to look at my own implementation in java here. It's obviously not Objective-C. But I looked through it and you should be able to just copy and paste to your .m file and just compile it. Possibly adjusting few types.
You'll need public static long calculateCRC(Parameters crcParams, byte[] data) and private static long reflect(long in, int count) functions there. And the Parameters class which looks scarier, but should just become a struct in your case:
struct Parameters
int width; // Width of the CRC expressed in bits
long polynomial; // Polynomial used in this CRC calculation
bool reflectIn; // Refin indicates whether input bytes should be reflected
bool reflectOut; // Refout indicates whether input bytes should be reflected
long init; // Init is initial value for CRC calculation
long finalXor; // Xor is a value for final xor to be applied before returning result
You might also want to also adjust types there to a shorter unsigned type (java has no unsigned). But it should work perfectly well as is.

Store and perform operations with huge numbers in iOS

How could I handle operations with a number like:
Nothing that I've tried worked so far... unsigned long, long long, etc...
What you need is a library that provides support for operations on integers of arbitrary length. However, from what I've been able to find out, there are no such libraries written in Objective-C.
You are nevertheless in luck as Objective-C is a superset of C. That makes it possible for you to use C libraries such as those described in the answers to this somewhat dated SO question.
Also, since the Clang compiler supports C++ and combining Objective-C and C++ code, you can probably use something like big int.
Note that none of the built-in types is even close to being big enough to represent numbers with as many digits as your examples. The biggest available integer type is unsigned long long, if you don't need negative numbers, and its size is 8 bytes/64 bits, which gives you a range of 0-18446744073709551615, or 20 digits max.
You could use JKBigInteger instead, it is a Objective-C wrapper around LibTomMath C library. And really easy to use and understand.
In your case:
JKBigInteger *int = [[JKBigInteger alloc] initWithString:#"48534588306961133067968196965257961415756656521818848750723547477673457670019632882524164647651492025728980571833579341743988603191694784406703"];
You can try here :
GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. GMP has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface.

How do I limit numbers in Lua while keeping precision?

Original Message:
I need to multiply two 64 bit numbers, but Lua is losing precision
with big numbers. (for example 99999999999999999 is shown as
100000000000000000) After multiplying I need a 64 bit solution,
so I need a way to limit the solution to 64 bits. (I know, if the
solution would be precise, I could just use % 0x10000000000000000,
so that would work too)
EDIT: With Lua 5.3 and the new 64 bit integer support, this problem doesn't exist anymore. Neat.
Lua uses double-precision floating points for all math, including integer arithmetic (see This gives you about 53 bits of precision, which (as you've noticed) is less than you need.
There are a couple of different ways to get better precision in Lua. Your best bet is to find the most active such effort and piggy-back off it. In that case, your question has already been answered; check out What is the standard (or best supported) big number (arbitrary precision) library for Lua?
If your Lua distribution has packages for it, the easy answer is lmapm.
If you use LuaJIT in place of Lua, you get access to all C99 built-in types, including long long which is usually 64 bits.
local ffi = require 'ffi'
-- Needed to parse constants that do not fit in a double:
ffi.cdef 'long long strtoll(const char *restrict str, char **restrict endptr, int base);'
local a = ffi.C.strtoll("99999999999999999", nil, 10)
print(a * a)
=> 3803012203950112769LL (assuming the result is truncated to 64 bits)

Why do Delphi and Free Pascal usually prefer a signed-integer data type to unsigned one?

I'm not a Pascal newbie, but I still don't know until now why Delphi and Free Pascal usually declares parameters and returned values as signed integers whereas I see them should always be positive. For example:
Pos() returns type of Integer. Is it possible to be a negative?
SetLength() declares the NewLength parameter as a type of Integer. Is there a negative length for string?
System.THandle declared as Longint. Is there a negative number for handles?
There are many decisions like those in Delphi and Free Pascal. What considerations were behind this?
In Pascal, Integer (signed) is the base type. All other integer number types are a subranges of integer. (this is not entirely true in Borland dialects, given longint in TP and int64 in Delphi, but close enough).
An important reason for that if the intermediate result of calculations gets negative, and you calculate with unsigned integers, range check errors will trigger, and since most older programming languages DON'T assume 2-complement integers, the result (with range checks off) might even be corrupt.
The THandle case is much simpler. Delphi didn't have a proper 32-bit unsigned till D4, but only a 31-bit cardinal. (since 32-bit unsigned integer is not a subrange of integer, the later unsigned ints are a subset of int64, which moved the problem to uint64 which was only added in D2010 or so)
So in many places in the headers signed types are used where the winapi uses unsigned types, probably to avoid the 32th bit getting accidentally corrupt in those versions, and the custom stuck.
But the winapi case is different from the general case.
Added later Some Pascal (and Modula2/3) implementations circumvent this trap by setting the integer at a size larger than the wordsize, and require all numeric types to declare a proper subrange, like in the below program.
The first holds the primary assumption that everything is a subset of integer, and the second allows the compiler to scale nearly everything down again to fit in registers, specially if the CPU has some operations for larger than word operations. (like x86 where 32-bit * 32-bit mul gives a 64-bit result, or can detect wordsize overflows using status bits (e.g. to generate range exceptions for adds without doing a full 2*wordsize add)
var x : 0..20;
y : -10..10;
// any expression of x and y has a range -10..20
Turbo Pascal and Delphi emulate an integer type twice the wordsize for their 16-bit and 32-bit offerings. The handling of the highest unsigned type is hacky at best.
Well, for a start THandle is declared incorrectly. It's unsigned in the Windows headers and should be so in Delphi. In fact I think this was corrected in a recent release of Delphi.
I'd imagine that the preference for signed over unsigned is largely historical and not particularly significant. However, I can think of one example where it is important. Consider the for loop:
for i := 0 to Count-1 do
If i is unsigned and Count is 0 then this loop runs from 0 to $FFFFFFFF which is not what you want. Using a signed integer loop variable avoids that problem.
Pascal is a victim of its syntax here. The equivalent C or C++ loop has no such trouble
for (unsigned int i=0; i<Count; i++)
due to the syntactic difference and use of a comparison operator as stopping condition.
This could also be the reason why Length() on a string or dynamic array returns a signed value. And so for consistency, SetLength() should accept signed values. And given that the return value of Pos() is used to index strings, it should be signed also.
Here's another Stack Overflow discussion of the topic: Should I use unsigned integers for counting members?
Of course, I'm speculating wildly here. Perhaps there was no design and just out of habit the precedent of using signed values was set and became enshrined.
Some string related search functions return -1 when nothing is found.
I believe the reasoning behind this is that MaxInt is 2GB which is the maximum size for strings in 32 bit Delphi. This because a single process can have up to 2GB memory
There are many reasons for using signed integers, even some that might apply when you do not intend to return a negative value.
Imagine I write code that calls Pos, and I want to do math with the results. Would you rather have a negative result (Pos('x',s)-5) raise a range-check exception, underflow and become a very large unsigned number around 4 billion, or go negative, if Pos('x',s) returns 1? Either one is a source of problems for new users who seldom think about these cases, but the long-established tradition is that by using Integer results, it's your job to check for negative and zero results and not use them as string offsets. There is an advantage for beginning and for advanced programmers, in using Integer, and not having "negative" values roll under and become large unsigned values or raise range exceptions.
Secondly, remember that in beginning programming, one usually introduces Integer (signed) types long before one introduces unsigned types like Cardinal. Beginners often work with functions like Pos, and it makes sense to use the type that will create the least-unfriendly set of side effects. There are no negative side effects to having a range larger than the one you absolutely need (the range you probably need for Pos is 1 to maximum-string-length-in-delphi). There is zero benefit in 32-bit Delphi to using the Cardinal type for Pos, and there definitely ARE downsides to choosing it.
Once you get to 64-bit delphi, however, you could theoretically have strings LARGER than an Integer can hold, and moving to Cardinal wouldn't fix all your potential problems. However, the chance of anyone having a 2+ GB string is probably nil, and Delphi 64-bit compiler doesn't allow a >2 GB string, anyway. In my testing, I can achieve an almost 1 GB String in 64 bit Delphi. So the practical length limit for a Win64 string is about a billion (1073741814) characters, which is using nearly 2 GB of actual RAM. At that limit, I either get EIntOverflow or EAccessViolation, and it seems I am hitting Delphi run time library (RTL) bugs, not properly defined limits, so your mileage may vary.

Should I use unsigned integers for counting members?

Should I use unsigned integers for my count class members?
For example, assume a class
TList <T> = class
FCount : Cardinal;
property Count : Cardinal read FCount;
That does make sense, doesn't it? The number of items stored in a list can't be negative, so why not use an unsigned integer type for it? I think it's in general a good principle to always use the least general (ergo the most special) type possible.
Now, iterating over a list looks like this:
for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
Writeln (List [I]);
When the number of items stored in the list is zero, the compiler tries to evaluate
List.Count - 1
which results in a nice Integer overflow (underflow to be exact). Combined with the fact that the debugger does not show the appropriate location where the exception occured, this was very hard to find for me.
Let me add that if you have overflow checking turned off, the resulting errors will be even harder to track, because then you will often access memory that doesn't belong to you - and that results in undefined behaviour.
I will be using plain Integers for all my count members from now on to avoid situations like this.
If that's complete nonsense, please point it out to me :)
(I just spent an hour tracking an integer overflow in my code, so I decided to share that - most people on here will know that of course, but perhaps I can save someone some time.)
No, definitely not. Delphi idiom is to use integers here. Don't fight the language.
In a 32 bit environment you'll not have more elements in the list, except if you try to build a bitmap.
Let's be clear: every programmer who is going to have to use your code is going to hate you for using a Cardinal instead of an integer.
Unsigned integers are almost always more trouble than they're worth because you usually end up mixing signed and unsigned integers in expressions at some point. That means that the type will need to be widened (and probably have a performance hit) to get correct semantics (ideally the compiler does this as per language definition), or else you'll need to be very careful in your range checking.
Take C/C++ for example: size_t is the type of the integer for memory sizes and allocation, and is unsigned, but ptrdiff_t is the type for the offset you get when you subtract one pointer from another, and necessarily is signed. Want to know how many elements you've allocated in an array? Perhaps you subtract the first element address from the last+1 element address and divide by sizeof(element-type)? Well, now you've just mixed signed and unsigned integers.
Regarding your statement that "I think it's in general a good principle to always use the least general (ergo the most special) type possible." - actually I think it's a good principle to use the data type that will cause you least angst and trouble.
Generally for me that's a signed int since:
I don't usually have lists with 231 or more elements in them.
You shouldn't have lists that big either :-)
I don't like the hassle of having special edge cases in my code.
But it's really a style issue. If 'purity' of code is more important to you than brevity of code, your method is best (with modifications to catch the edge cases). Myself, I prefer brevity since edge cases tend to clutter the code and reduce understanding.
It's not just going against a programming idiom, it's an explicit request to the compiler to use unsigned arithmetic, that is either prone to anomalous behaviors (if you don't guard against overflows) or to irrelevant runtime exceptions (if you guard against overflows, a temporary overflow will be fatal, f.i when you subtract before adding, even if the final result is positive, and I'm referring to the CPU opcode-level ordering of operations, which may not bear a trivial relationship to what you have in your code).
Keep in mind "unsigned" does not translate to "positive", it translates to "doesn't have a sign", which is different. The term "unsigned" was picked for good reason (and naming it "Cardinal" in Delphi was a poor choice IMO).
Unsigned types are for raw storage specifications, bitwise operations, ASM code, embedded controllers and other specialty uses. When you're doing high-level programming, you should forget you ever heard about unsigned types.
Moral: use iterators and foreach when you can, because it avoids this question altogether.
Boundary conditions frequently present problems. Allowing for a type that can go negative may just shift the issue. Perhaps it shifts it in a way that's easier to debug, perhaps not. I started off using integers for counting loops like that, but later on switched to cardinals to help me catch errors.
