What is the maximum of google docs api upload a file ?? - google-docs-api

I have created a application via java-cilent-api to upload and download files in the Google Docs. after Doc up to 5GB,I try to upload a 4GB zip to Google docs and it complete it with no exception;however,the file is not appear in Google docs?? what is the maximum of the upload a file???

The maximum file size in a resumable upload request is 10GiB. For simple requests (not using resumable), the maximum file size is 2MiB.
At the end of the upload request (either resumable or simple), you should get the newly inserted resource's metadata back from the API. The metadata includes an alternate link which points to the web version of the file. Try going to this URL and see if the file exists.


Uploading an image from iOS to Azure File Share

I have found documentation for uploading an image from iOS to a blob container in Azure - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-ios-how-to-use-blob-storage
using the https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ios library
But I wish to upload directly to a file share. Is there a way to do this?
It needs to be implemented using SAS authentication.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with iOS programming thus I will not be able to provide you any code. However you can use the steps below to write code.
Assuming you have a SAS URL for the file share in which you wish to upload the file, you can simply use Azure Storage REST API to upload the file in a file share. You should be able to use built-in HTTP functionality in the programming language of your choice to do that.
Let's assume that you have a SAS URL for the file share in the following format: https://<account-name>.file.core.windows.net/<share-name>?<sas-token>.
First thing you would need to do is insert the file name that you wish to upload in this SAS URL so that you get a SAS URL for the file. Your SAS URL would look something like: https://<account-name>.file.core.windows.net/<share-name>/<file-name>?<sas-token>.
Next you would need to create an empty file. You will use Create File REST API operation. Do not worry about the Authorization request header there as it is already included in the SAS. Only request header you would need to include is x-ms-content-length value of which should be the size of the file you want to upload. This will create an empty file having size as that of the file you want to upload.
Once this operation completes, next you would need to upload the data in the empty file you just created. You will use Put Range operation. The request headers you need to include are x-ms-range (value of which should be bytes=0-file-length - 1) and Content-Length (value of which should be the length of your file). The request body will contain the file contents.
Using these steps you should be able to upload a file in a file share.

Make pdf file accessible through a link in the app

I've been searching for weeks on stackoverflow and google, but I wasn't able to find any good results.
I have a pdf file on my computer and I want to access that pdf file from an ios app, by clicking a link which will take me to that pdf file.
And when I modify that pdf file on my computer I want the link in the app to update with the latest version of that pdf file.
I thought of using a backend for storage such as Firebase storage but I had some issues with that.
How can I access that pdf file from an app? It doesn't have to be through a link, anything that will allow access with the latest version of the file is fine.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Thank You
The simplest way may be using a cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive...etc and get the public share link to that file. Then you can load the PDF in your iOS app using this link.
You can do this using web services API, You need to create simple webservice in backend (in any language for example PHP) to get the list of file with path to access in mobile app, and configure backend webservice code to your server (your computer, wherever you want to update files), So you can get every time updated data (files path) using webservice.

MultipartUpload upload on S3 with AWS ios SDK

I want to upload large files on S3. I know there is an option multipart upload by which I can upload large file in parts. I read the documentation (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforios/developerguide/s3transfermanager.html) but didn't find any code for the multipart upload. I have successfully uploaded a file on server as a single file but I want to use multipart for large file.
IF you're still looking for a solution, you can check out my blog post on this subject: Taming the AWS framework to upload a large file to S3. For large files you will have to skip using the AWSTransferManager as it uses cognito credentials which are limited to an hour validity.

paperclip upload a file to S3 from remote_url and token needed

I'm writing an importation function from a remote service to our app which uses S3. I connect to an api using OAuth as authentication, so every request I make I need to attach the token in the header. The attachments must be copied to S3 and the model is using paperclip.
I read the file from the api (say origin) with a GET method which returns a response with the body filled in with the content and the header with filename and other information.
Q: Now that I have the body of the file in plain text, how do I store it in S3 (destination) with paperclip?
Q: I could upload the file to S3 (destination) using remote URL(as described here), but how do I attach the token to the paperclip request to the (origin) api?
You need to create an s3.yml in your config directory... Here's a detailed tutorial in setting up paper clip with rails 3: http://doganberktas.com/2010/09/14/amazon-s3-and-paperclip-rails-3/
I would suggest you use a conversion tool to generate either a PDF or an editable document, then upload that to s3... Here's a good PDF gem: http://ruby-pdf.rubyforge.org/pdf-writer/ and even a railscast to help: http://railscasts.com/episodes/78-generating-pdf-documents
and here's an rtf gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/rtf
Since you have the raw data that should work.

Google Drive File Download URL

Is the only way to download a file through Google Drive through the download_url that is provided? I have the file_id and would like to make one simple call to download the file. Right now it looks like you have to make one call to fetch the file metadata and retrieve the download_url, then another to actually download the file. Is this the only way?
Also, the download_url is described as a "short lived url". How long will this url be available for?
Using the download_url is the correct way to download a file from Drive. I'd strongly advise against trying to build the download urls yourself as the resulting code will be likely to break.
A download_url is usually available for hours, but instead of relying on that you should always retrieve the updated file before downloading a file from Drive. More information at this other question: How long does the Google Drive SDK "short lived" download URL exist for?
