Eventbrite get user data using API code - eventbrite

I have download the Eventbrite API code for the PHP.
I have successfully made the connection with the Eventbrite using API code but i am not able to retrieve user data yet.
So kindly help me to do so.

Make sure that you have initialized the API client with your user's authentication tokens in order to access private user data.
The user_list_events() method should provide all of the event content from the authenticated user account.


How to authenticate Tweepy Application to tweet via discord

I am currently developing a discord bot that can post tweets and more. The whole code is basically done all I need to do now is make the user authenticate the app so the bot can post tweets. I searched everywhere and I don't have any idea on how to do it. My goal is to have multiple users in a discord chat use the bot at the same time
From what I understand, you want your bot to have control multiple user's API ?
If so,
Have the user inputs their credentials using a command, (best would be by DM, like ?api XXXXXX)
store this credentials into a database and have your API Caller lookup for a specific API credentials within your DB.

Yodlee get user account details iOS

I have logged into cobrand and user for my yodlee account and am able to fetch the list of providers. I am not using a server at my end of the app. I am not able to login the user through the Add Account Post Method in the Providers section. I intend to get the Users mutual funds data by logging in the user and displaying the data in my app. Is this realisable as I am unable to figure out the callBack after successful Login. Any help would be appreciated. APIs Yodlee
You need to use POST /providerAccounts API for initiating add account. Please note this API will just initiate add account, and you need to check the status of this process, using GET API; you can use the API flow mentioned here.
You can use Fastlink 2.0 instead of using APIs if you want to quickly integrate add account process.

Stripe Create User Function in Swift

I was just wondering if there was a simple function to create a customer in the Stripe API from my app in Swift? Instead of having to create a manual HTTP post request to my server, "createCustomer.php", and then retrieve the results (This is what I do right now).
I tried to search this up on Google, but I can't seem to find anything. I simply want the user to save their card details for later user, that's why I am in need of creating a customer.
Thanks in advance!
Except for payment information tokenization (which is done via Stripe's iOS or Android SDKs in mobile apps, and Checkout or Stripe.js in web apps), all API requests must be sent from a backend server.
The reason is that aside from token creation, all other API requests must be sent using your secret API key. You cannot embed or share the secret API key with your mobile app in any way, as it would then be possible for an attacker to retrieve it and use it to issue API requests on your behalf.
This is why there is no Swift function to create a customer -- the customer creation must be done from your backend, using the server-side language of your choice.

Twitter API: post on behalf of whom?

I want to use Twitter API so my program can post some tweets. To use it I have to register application in dev-center and get some parameters like "Consumer key", "Consumer secret" etc. Then I can use either REST API, or some libraries like twitter4j - OK, that's simple.
But the question is: who will be the "author" of such tweets? Or, in other words, where can I find them after posting? Will they be posted by application or by some user? I can't really figure out how particular user binds to registered API-application... Or how can I specify ("log-in") user to post tweet on behalf of?
The "author" is always going to be the authenticating user. From the Twitter API documentation for statuses/update:
Updates the authenticating user's current status, also known as tweeting.
To answer your other question about authenticating with another user's username/password, it is possible but you need to get permission from Twitter. You also still need to use OAuth. Check out the Twitter API OAuth documentation.
You need to have a twitter account to register your application. So your account will be the author of your posts.

Get list of users events from evenbrite using the api

I'm trying to build an application that will list events that a user has created on eventbrite using. So the application will have multiple users and for each user, i want to be able to get their event list from eventbrite.
Do i need each user's username and password to do that. What parameters do i need and does the eventbrite api support this.
The answer really depends on whether these users have public or private event data.
For public events that have an associated "organizer profile" page, you can use the organizer_list_events API call without providing any additional authentication credentials.
The event_search method may also work well for finding upcoming public events by organizer.
If you want to access both public and private event data, or events that have ended, then you will need to supply some user authentication credentials. The user_list_events API call is probably your best choice in this case.
The most simple method of authenticating as an Eventbrite user involves providing a user_key in your API request. Each user should be able to find their user_key here: eventbrite.com/userkeyapi/
More info on user authentication is available on the Eventbrite developer site:
XML is definitely a supported API response output format.
We have recently launched support for OAuth2.0. This answer may contain some useful information on that subject:
Secure Way of storing Passwords to APIs without OpenID?
