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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am extremely new to SharePoint. What I need to do is have a folder's content sort by date. We have a list of Automated Reports, which is really a list of different report folders. I need this list to sort by name (which it is). However; I need to be able to sort the files inside each folder to sort by Date - Descending. I created a View and I thought I was assigning it to a specific folder, but the entire list of Automated Reports sorted by date.
So, my questions are: Should I be using a View? And, if so, how to I assign it to a specific folder? And, if not, what should I be doing to set the files to always sort in Descending Date order?
Also, please note: I'm not sure if the version of SharePoint we're using is 2007 or 2010. Best guess is 2007.
A friend of mine found a simple solution for that.
You need to create a site column of type Date and Time, and assign Today's date to it. Then, you append this site column to the Document content type, and make the sorting view first by the field Today, then by Title.
The Folder content type won't have the Today site column, so, it will sort by title. When you upload a document inside a folder, you will have your sorting settings by the Today column.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to delete a record in a shared cloud container at a specific date time. When the record is created I know when it should be deleted.
Is there a way to create a trigger that will handle the work for me?
The only solution I came up with is:
Add code to the app that will delete the records
Use a server application to query and delete the records
The first solution is not preferred since it won't work if the user does not start the app. The second solution seems to be "overkill".
Is there a way to register a trigger on the CloudKit dashboard?
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to create an application that stores 3 informations:
the patient's name (string)
the test result (int) and
the date of testing.
In the first UIView, a TableView will show up with a list of patients. By clicking on any cell in the UIView, the list of tests with dates that the patient performed is shown. I'm just starting on Objective-C and have not found the best way to do this. Using Core Data and SQLite? Using a .Plist file? And for arrays? I will create 3 arrays?
My first idea was to create an NSMutableArray of patients and each associate a test, but in this case for a patient to carry out various tests, his name will shown repeated in the list of patients. I couldt find thought how could filter theNSMutableArray` (with predicate?) To display the test data for a single patient in the next screen. Any ideas?
Your question is a bit too generic to answer it properly.
But if you save patient information you should definitely consider encrypting the data.
CoreData sounds a bit overkill if you save a very limited amount of data and you don't want to worry about data management, schemas and migrations.
A PLIST storage sounds like a perfectly reasonable solution.
Regarding your data structure.
You have an array of patients in your first view. When you select a cell to get to the next view, you'll pass the selected patient to the next view.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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For example, I would like to change my ID to a custom code (12 -> A00012). Where should my function put in this conversion? In my previous coding, I did put in the View form, however, I think I should put in Model. How is the implementation in MVC ASP.NET?
In general, formatting should be in the view since things like appropriate currency/date formats are part of the user experience. Basically, you don't want to force an American date format on a European user and vice versa. Nor do you want to send a user's culture info down to your model. Usually things like padding should go at the user level as well.
In other cases, perhaps such as your special code, you may want to look into Attributes. For example, one place I used them was on a legacy data column that was a string that would either represent a date or some pre-defined statuses (like HOLD). By using an Attribute, I was able to essentially strongly type this column rather than allowing it to be a free-from string.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I usually use drop down lists in many scenarios, such as selecting predefined types, parent record, etc.
But currently I am working on a system where a drop down list might have more than 200 records . and I want users to see more info about each record to be able to choose. So drop downs might not be user-friendly and usable in my case.
So what are other components or packages I can use with mvc , something like displaying a dialog box which allow users to search , filter , view more details about the record before selecting it?
I've used select2 in these scenarios before with good results. It allows you to see the whole list if you need to (just like a regular dropdown) and it also gives you a way to filter the list if you know what you're looking for.
Have you thought about using autocomplete; this would solve the problem.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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With regards to SharePoint 2007 versioning feature:
Is it possible to put restriction on who can delete the version of a changed item in a SharePoint List?
Can the versioning be apply to new item?
Example: Suppose there are 3 items created inside a SharePoint List, it will be called Version 1. Later, someone add 5 new items into a SharePoint List, this will result in Version 2. So, if the admin notice that the 5 new items are invalid entry, it can simply delete Version 2.
Is it possible to delete certain version for a particular item in a SharePoint List?
Yes. You can customize or create new permission roles (ex. you can customize the contribute role to disallow deleteing items) See:
Versioning is applied on a per-item basis. So, in your example, each Item would be at version 1 when uploaded. Suppose an item is edited, then checked in and published as a major version. That item is now version 2 while the other items are still version 1. Batch deletes based on version like you suggest is pointless. Instead, just delete the items individually.
Yes. See the answer to #1. One of the customizable abilities is the ability to delete versions.