ios twitter wrapper - ios

I need wrapper for work with twitter api in iOS.
Now I have used some tutorial, but I have more bugs and is not compatible with versions of iOS.
Anybody know twitter wrapper the same as facebook api for iOS.
I try to use MGTwitterEngine, but have a problem with iOS 5.0
for iCodeOuth project also have problem with iOS 5.0 (Authorized user return null)

If you are using iOS 5.0 or later, you should look into Apple's Twitter Framework


iOS Integrate PlaceILive to replace Google Maps SDK

After allot of searching and googling, still can't find any reliable docs or support on how to integrate the PlaceILive(beta) on iOS App. Is there any SDK or framework for it?
PlaceiLive is not yet provided any sdk to integrate in ios , but they have some api that you can use

iOS5 facebook integration

I am trying to integrate "social option" to my app.
I have iOS6, but the idea is to have an app available for iOS5. Using Twitter framework it has been very simple and it works in devices with r.0 version and 6.0 version.
Regarding Facebook, I do not understand how integrate it. I just need the "post to wall" function.
I know that it exists in social.framework but does that in iOS5?
Social framework does not exist in iOS 5. But facebook has a very extensive developer tutorial:
If your app is targeting the iOS5+. then you need to implement Facebook Graph or Facebook SDK.
I hope, Above tutorial & Sample app will help you for Facebook Integration in iOS5 devices.
For the latest version you need at least Xcode 4.5.

Twitter integration that supports for IOS4 & IOS 5 and IOS6

I am trying to integrate twitter in my universal application which should run on devices with IOS4+. After googling i came to know that for the devices with IOS<4.0 we can use Sharekit and for the devices with IOS>5 we have to use the twitter framework. And that twitter framework should be added weakly (BuildPhases-> beside twitter framework make it optional).
Should i use both of them in my app? If so is there any samples that can be run on devices IOS 4+ devices with the help of either Sharekit or twitter framework. Checking the version of the device and proceeding with the relavant process(either sharekit or twitter framework) is possible? If possible can you help with the snippets or sample.
DETweetComposeViewController will give you a tweet composer on iOS 4 that looks like the native one in iOS 5/6. In iOS 5+ it will use the native twitter libraries instead. It's pretty straight forward to setup and use.

Facebook with iOS5 and iOS6

I'm about to release an app and it must support both iOS5 and iOS6. But with the new Facebook SDK 3.1 i'm not quite sure on how to integrate the Facebook functionality to work with both iOS versions.
What is the best approach to make both the login and wall posting actions to work in iOS5 and iOS6 version? Are there any best-practices already?
Many thanks in advance!
The latest Facebook SDK supports both iOS versions just as well. If you're on iOS6, it will use the built-in authentication, otherwise it'll automatically fallback to the old "fast-app-switching" or Safari model.
So if you implement the 3.1 SDK, you won't have to worry about how the user authenticates:
The main purpose of the upgrade is to bring compatibility with iOS
v6.0 and its native Facebook support. Using v3.1 of the SDK means that
your apps benefit greatly from that support when it is available, but
that they automatically fall back to use the previous app-switching or
web-based authentication flows on older versions of the operating
More on implementing support for the built-in Facebook accounts on iOS 6:

Help with facebook ios sdk

I've found some tutorials how to connect your app to facebook with facebook ios sdk, but they all use FBSession.h which doesn't exist in the newest version of facebook ios sdk so I don't know how to connect.
Can someone tell me how to connect it with the newest facebook ios sdk, or has some new tutorial?
Have you looked here? This guide shows you how to use the fb graph api with mobile platforms
You can add FacebookSDK and deprecated (backwards compatibility) folder into the frameworks group. You can import Facebook.h and it usually has everything u require.
