So i am currently working on some scripts that will automatically upload videos to youtube from my blogs
problem is that some of the headers that are being sent are really quirky
for example, several of the headers look something like this,906030&referrer=None&fs=0&sendtmp=1&rt=112.686&vq=auto&lact=115762&vw=480&ns=yt&vh=360&et=109.9&rendering=software&st=70.304&decoding=accelerated&hbd=1188672&tsphab=1&hbt=0.778&nsidf=24&tspfdt=1158&bc=19023019&cr=US
i know some of the basic url modifiers for example
len refers to the length of the video
cr refers to the country
but can someone shed some knowledge on what the rest of these url modifiers might mean?
(I have Google but did not find any info)
It seems like pretty common problem/question on here to ask how to parse a YouTube video/user/channel/playlist url; with a lot of the answers being partial or outdated regex solutions (Meaning they don't support legacy urls or newer features like handles). Which made me wonder..
Can I simply just ask the v3 Youtube Data Api if a url is valid; then have it return any relevant information? (similar to doing a search w/the api, it'll tell you the type, id, etc.)
As far as I can tell from the reference it's not entirely possible.
The closest I could find was doing a search with the url as the query, but this unsurprisingly led to getting a list with somewhat unpredictable results.
First off, apologize to post this, I don't think it is a duplicate since I kept crawling YouTube API tagged questions since yesterday and I couldn't find a fix.
My Question is, Can I keep using V2 of YouTube API even if it is officially deprecated ? the reason why is because I have 2 issues I still couldn't find a fix for them in V3 and I already have them in V2 : listing a channel's last uploads and popular uploads.
For the last uploads, in V2 I use , while I add ?orderby=viewCount to list the popular ones. I couldn't find an alt in V3 [ Tough I tried{Username}&maxResults=5&key={key} but it keeps listing videos from a channel I visited yesterday even if I change the username, making me think there is problem with the link or my key, a server key by the way ]
Any ideas ?
Thanks a lot !
Rather than using the videos->list endpoint, you should instead use the search endpoint, like this:{YOUR_API_KEY}
You can do order=date to have them ordered chronologically rather than by popularity if you'd rather. There are also a lot of other parameters you can use ... see for more details.
If you don't know the channel IDs, but only the usernames, you'll have to have multiple calls ... a call to this endpoint:{username}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
This will return a packet with the channel ID in it. If you'd like to avoid making multiple calls or storing the username/channelID on your own, you could do the video search with the 'q' parameter set to be the username. It often works but you can get extraneous channels that way.
In the new YouTube Google + comments system how can I retrieve comments that contain links.
For example if someone posts a link to another youtube video as follows:
This gets converted to a link by the google plus system. The title of the video is shown as the text rather that the url. i.e. The html shown within the comments is this:
Francis HATES Google+
However the api for that comment only returns the title of the video which is pretty useless seeing as I want to get the link too. I am guessing that the system converts the url into an <a> tag which is stored in the database but then the api strips out the html when its requested so it only returns the videos title.
I have posted a defect here:
But that bug list seems to have very little activity going on in terms of responses to issues.
So is there another way to get the data I need?
What you can do while this bug remains is to extract the comment id and use it in the Google+ API with an activities.get request. This will return the full post with all links.
A bit cumbersome since it needs one request for each comment you want to check, but it seems to be the only way while the bug remains.
To take an example from the video you linked in the issue:
This YouTube comment returned by the API includes a YouTube link:
You can use the z... ID in a request to the Google+ API:
Which includes the full post including links.
Hi guys, this is my first time to post on this awesome community so
please bear with me.
I am working with a Wordpress Plugin that can display a Youtube Search Results into Video Playlist.
My settings are:
Content- channel/keyword
My first Approach was this:
with this api as reference,
search for the keyword > display the relevant results according to the author as playlist
*I'm in doubt if I this is possible, coding 30%
*I'm not sure where could I use my settings for Content
but then when my coding is in progress I recently bumped an article that says Youtube Search is differrent on Searching a Youtube Playlist
Now I can't continue my coding because I'm not sure If I'm doing it
right. Can you give me some advise with this situation or show me some
similar project/examples?
You don't have to write any YouTube Data API code for this; it's a built-in feature of the YouTube Player.
This blog post has an example of loading a list player that takes its content from the recent uploads of a channel. You can do something similar by setting listType=search&list=SEARCH_TERM, where SEARCH_TERM is whatever string you want to search for (be sure to URL escape it). You can read more in the documentation.
I googled a lot about how to make twitter media preview for my website entities if they are linked in a tweet like images below:
Any idea where can I find some documentation about it? Or a tutorial? Is this possible or these media/site previews are hardcoded in twitter?
so, what I need:
If someone links my site on twitter, my widget appear under the tweet, like below:
UPDATE 2012-06-13
It appears this is an Expanded Tweet - -what the requirements are to integrate these expansions into Twitter are do not appear to be displayed - but this sure is interesting.
Nope your in luck. They're not hardcoded into Twitter, they're available in the JSON response. You actually have in your post the word you need to google for entities.
You can add include_entities=1 to the end of most REST api calls and it will give you expanded information about the URL's contained within the JSON. It will split out all the URL's where you can parse out the Youtube links for example. The JSON also includes a special media_url entity but it only works for pictures. In any case, you can still parse out the media easily like youtube with a regex match because you get the URL's split out nicely with this include_entities=1 parameter.
example call :
more documentation :
answer edited below based on clarification:
Editing Twitter itself with previews is impossible and it's also ineffective. 75% of traffic to Twitter happens outside of However the most probable solution to achieving this request would be to download a browser extension.
This extension for example enbales previews of webpages directly in the users stream content preview pane on