DWR in Grails without Plugin - grails

I want to use DWR without using their plugin in grails..Their plugin is no good with no documentation and does not supports latest version..
How can i achieve this..?


Does the remote control plugin work with Grails 3?

Does the remote control plugin work with Grails 3?
I see references to fixes for grails 2.4 on the product page but nothing for 3.
It doesn't appear to be supported by Grails 3.x (yet). You can find all of the Grails 3 plugins over on bintray.
And in this case, this plugin uses a custom repository at http://dl.bintray.com/alkemist/maven/ which doesn't appear to have a Grails 3 compatible version.

Which Grails version is more compatible with current plugins list?

I'm trying with the 2.5.0 release of Grails but I have had problems of compatibility with some plugins I've tried (for example searchable)
Which version of Grails you recommend to start a new project? I'd like to start with the version more compatible with the list of current Grails plugins https://grails.org/plugins/
I'm not interested with the newer version but with the most compatible/stable with the current plugins list.
Both 2.4.x and 2.5.x will work fine with the current plugins in general.
Without any details it's hard to know why the searchable plugin isn't working for you, but note that it only works with Hibernate 3 and the default in new Grails apps is to use Hibernate 4. But you can see that the Hibernate 3 configuration settings are commented out in BuildConfig.groovy and DataSource.groovy so you can easily change back to Hibernate 3.
Having said that, don't use searchable. The underlying Compass library is no longer maintained, and using the searchable plugin will cause scaling problems because it's very inconvenient to get it to use a shared index between servers. The author of Compass created Elasticsearch, and that's a much better option. There's also an actively maintained plugin for it.

Using grails-mail-plugin outside Grails app

Is it possible to use a grails plugin outside a grails application?
I would like to use the functionality of grails-mail-plugin in a simple groovy/gradle app.
I found some information about binary plugins but I'm not sure how to define the dependency to an official grails plugin.
I don't think you could use any Grails plugin itself outside the Grails environment, usually there is a ton of Grails-specific assumptions built into the plugins' code.
If your Groovy application uses Spring, you could migrate the most important functionality out of it.
For this, you will have to get into the innards of the source code of the plugin (e.g. how it uses the Spring Mail package for example) which not may be very quick or easy work.
If your requirements are simple, you may be better of with building a standalone solution, possibly, directly on top of JavaMail.
If you already have a heterogeneous architecture, you may build a separate Grails application/module which only does mailing functionality (possibly through the Async Mail plugins database tables) in integration with the module you build in pure Groovy.

Grails plugin mismatch between pdf0.6 and jasper

We are working on grails 1.3.7 project. renderpdf0.6 plugin individually working fine. but now, we have added jasper plugin to our project. the jasper related pdf generation is working fine but the renderpdf0.6 plugin is not working after adding the jasper plugin. the exception is
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont.getCharBBox(C)
we have been searching for this issue in google and other grails fourms. and some suggested that the core-renderer.jar may be effected by the differenent versions of iText.
How to specify in grails, to force the core-renderer plugin to use the specific iText version ?
I think this might be a duplicated question. Have you tried the solution in Which version of iText to use so that both JasperReports and Grails Rendering plugin works

Grails & Vaadin plugin - how to get latest version of Vaadin?

I am using this plugin http://www.grails.org/plugin/vaadin and the plugin supports only Vaadin version 6.5.1.
Is there any way how to upgrade Vaadin version to the latest one (e.g. 6.7.3)?
And maybe even more, is it anyhow possible to use Vaadin 7 (7.0.0-aplha...) together with Grails-Vaadin plugin? I know it is not stable release, but it would be great to start working with that version.
I think you could checkout the plugin's sources or download it as a zip-file, extract and then include it as inplace plugin into your project:
// Add in BuildConfig.groovy of your project.
grails.plugin.location.vaadin = '../path/to/vaadin'
After that you could do any manipulations to upgrading the plugin to required version of Vaadin.
I have upgraded Vaadin and Grails to the latest version. I have not found how to do it officially, so I have put it to my github profile, feel free to use it: https://github.com/ondrej-kvasnovsky/grails-vaadin-plugin/downloads
