how to make only a part of screen scrollable - struts2

I've developed menu tabs in Tabs. jsp and included it in my Main.jsp . Now is it possible to make the Tabs not scroll in the jsp (i,e) the file that is included should not be scrolling down. How do i do this?

This has got nothing to do with Struts2, what you need is a floating menu which shouldnt scroll and should be fixed, there are multiple ways of doing it, one very simple but nice way can be found here


One Page parallax levels/layers

Not sure where to look for an answer, but here's my quest:
On this site I've made a one page parallax, but when scrolling the main text moves underneath the menubar, but the headers (h3 & h4) seem to move over it...
But where would I need to adjust this? In the .css or in the .js file?
Thanks in advance!
Since you're problem is with the style you need to make a change to the CSS.
In your case you want to get the menu on top of all other objects. Just give the menu container a large z-index.
Add this to your css file:
header {
z-index: 100;
The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element.
An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order.
Note: z-index only works on positioned elements (position:absolute, position:relative, or position:fixed).
Additional question about the same site. When scrolling through the site, the menu-item should change with every slide it passes. At this moment the last clicked menu-item is highlighted, even when scrolling through to the several slides. Is there an easy way to make that work in CSS? Or would that be possible by just adding a jQuery.nav.js to the index.html?

Customize Scrolling for Onsen Page (Pull to refresh)

I have a ons-page element that I want to customize the scrolling for. There are a few things I'd like to achieve, but mostly I want to understand what's going on.
By default, the page has -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch. This is undesirable for two reasons:
The area "behind" the page shown during overflow is just plain white
I have no hooks to take action on over scroll. I'd like to add pull to refresh mechanics.
I've tried working with iScroll, but the behavior I'm seeing is that if I declare my scrollable element to be inside of the page, it calculates the full element height as the visible height. If I declare my scrollable element to be the page, I can move the page around, but not the content within the page.
I'm guessing some of this is related to "using native scrolling where it can", but I don't really understand how that's implemented, so I'm not really sure.
Any ideas?
Onsen UI doesn't support pull-to refresh as default.
How about using this library?
This is a library for angularJS.
Now Onsen UI support pull-to-refresh.

Jquery-mobile: page layout with fixed left hand menu

I would like to make a jquery-mobile app having a left hand menu.
Is there a way to have it fixed like the fixed NavBar can be set? I think I need a vertical NavBar on the left side.
Thank you, F.
If you put the css "position:fixed" into the containing div of the list view, this produces a fixed effect.
JQuery mobile pageslide, new facebook menu
Examples: (view on mobile)
Now these are just examples and will need to be tweaked to work, just a concept

Blackberry TabScroll and Focus problem

I'm a newbe for Blackberry and finding it quite difficult, I'm working on the TabControl example. I have changed the tabs to scroll. Now when i scroll through tabs the focus changes and as soon as the focus shifts to the other tab, the data for that tab appears.
I want to make these tabs clickable only, though they shall scroll but should change only on click.
And also when i use UIApplication.getApplication.pushScreen(someScreen) in the tabs, this someScreen appears out of the tabs, whereas i want to show this screen below the tabs only.
please help
You have to override onFocus(int) to not do anything when focus is moved. (You may or may not have to override touchEvent to handle an actual CLICK event).
You can push a screen into tabs that is not part of the tabs already. If you want something new to appear, try switching managers within the screen instead.

IE Radio Button Alignment Issue

I have an ASP.Net-MVC application that is mostly complete. However, I have one page that contains radio buttons. When that page is displayed in Firefox or Chrome, the radio buttons are displayed in a horizontal row (which is what I want). But when the page loads in IE, the radio buttons show up in a column. I am using the Html.RadioButton helper.
I have tried editing several of the css properties in the master stylesheet, but I have not been able to come up with a solution.
Have any of you encountered this before? If so, what could the solution be?
It would be handy #Jacob, if you could list what you have tried.
Have you tried the css display:inline?
Or have you tried putting them as <li>'s in a <ul> and then setting the display:inline on the ul or the li's?
I ended up just putting the radio buttons in a table row. It's not the most elegant solution, but it works all the time.
