App doesn't want to run on iPhone - ios

I have an app that I want to run on my iPhone. I've code signed it and checked everything multiple times. It builds and then Xcode 4.3 just tells me "Finished running MYAPP on iPhone" -- but nothing happened . The app doesn't even install on my iPhone! Other apps I've made still work fine, even when built in Xcode 4.3.

Perhaps you are missing the armv6 architecture, while building on a armv6 device? Or you did setup required-device-capabilities, that aren't available on the device you are building on.
Try this: Build an archive, export an IPA file, open the Organizer. Drag'n'Drop the IPA onto your device. Here you will get a more detailed error message.


How to install IPA in ios simulator?

I build one .ipa after using Xcode archive then distribute as ad hoc
Normally I copy this to a real ios device but today it is failing, says "failed to install"
The problem is that using xcode -> window -> Devices and simulators
does not show me the running simulator.
I have one running ios simulator but i cannot see it there so don't know how to copy my ipa into it
It is my understanding that .ipa's are only meant for physical devices. For the simulator I think you need to use the .app file. You might have to unzip something first.
Hope it helps

How to Install .ipa File on XCode iOS Simulator

I have downloaded an .ipa file from an iOS developer for our project.
I need to test the app on my simulator because I don't have a physical device, but I don't know how to.
how to install the .ipa file to XCode iOS Simulator? I have been read the difference between emulator and simulator, which the .ipa only able installed on real device and emulator while the .app only able installed on simulator. The emulator also mimic the real device's hardware and software while simulator only mimic the software and interface. If those differences above are true, does anyone know how to convert the .ipa to working .app file? I have been tried changed the .ipa to .zip by rename it then extract it and last, drag and drop the .app file (in the payload folder after extracted) to my simulator but failed, the message is "Please update the app". I also tried the command xcrun simctl install but failed. Currently, I am using the Mac with Big Sur and XCode 12. I can't download the project because the project size is very big and my internet too slow for download it, Thank you all
Since you have the ability to run the simulator, You have the ability to have Xcode installed.
Rather than have the developer send you the IPA file, you could get access to the source code for your project (usually this is on a Git service provider) download the source and build the app to the simulator directly.
In a well set up project it shouldn't be hard to clone the repository, maybe run some configuration, then open Xcode and build to the simulator
I have the same problem, and refer to that link before. it seems noway but to buy an iphone test device...

Running an iOS application in a device with iOS 5.1.1, using Xcode 5

I am trying to install an iOS application in my iPad running in iOS 5.1.1. When i launch it with Xcode with the development profile, i am getting the following errors :
Xcode cannot install or launch applications supporting the 64-bit
architecture on devices running iOS versions prior to 6.0. This
configuration is supported for distribution through the iOS App Store,
but cannot be used during development with Xcode. To continue, edit
the Run scheme action and select a build configuration that does not
include the 64-bit architecture.
I have tried to change the building architecture by removing the arm64 but i have the same error.
I have tried to install it with testflight by building an ipa with an adhoc provision profile but the same error repeats.
How i can test my application in real device running iOS 5.1.1, building with Xcode 5
You need to make a test target that has no arm64 within valid architectures.
See screenshot, check that you don't have arm64.
Changing the Build Active Architecture Only to Yes for the Debug scheme fixed this for me. This is shown in the screen shot of the accepted answer and it's possible that is the real solution, rather than what the accepted answer describes.

iOS app exits before launch

I am new to iOS development and as a newbie I’ve created a very simple Hello World application using Xcode 4.3.3 against iOS 5.0 SDK on my MacBook air. I have set Deployment Target to 3.2 and Base SDK (in build settings) has been set to iOS 5.1
The output build runs fine on iPhone 4.3 simulator but when I copy output to my jailbroken iPod using a SSH client the app icon appears however when I run it, the app exits before launch.
My iPod OS version is 4.2.1 and I can run a lot of app from cydia however it sounds like I’m missing something when I build my own app.
Valid Architecture is set to armv6 armv7
Is there anybody help me with that?
The executable that is deployed to the Simulator cannot be just copied to a device. Xcode should do it for you and it needs a development certificate. There is a way, however, to patch Xcode to do it without certificate, but you have to search how to do it.

rebuild ipa file using appcelerator

I'm using Titanium Appcelerator to build an iPad app. I have my iPad provisioned and everything, however when I try to run the app on "iOS Device" from the Appcelerator menu it opens up iTunes and tries to install / sync the app on the iPad. The problem with this is that the computer I"m using to develop is not the main computer for the iPad, so I don't want it to sync. I'm using the iphone configuration utility, and just going through the titanium workspace until I find the .app or .ipa. I am using TestFlight to beta test, and import the ipa into that and it sends it off to a few devices. The problem is, I updated the app in appcelerator, but the .ipa (or .app) file never updated. Is there a way to do a fresh build so it will regenerate the .ipa file? Also is there a way to run the app from the computer (while it's plugged in) so you can still use the log and info terminal using titanium?
In version 1.7.x of Titanium, The .ipa of your app will be in the build/iphone/build/Debug-iphoneos directory of your Titanium project - that is what you can (and are) uploading to TestFlight. To force a rebuild, just delete everything in the build/iphone directory (including subdirectories) and do a 'Run on Device' build it again. This will give you a fresh build and fresh ipa.
If you are using the new Titanium Studio and have paid to be a Indie developer, it should have the ability run your application on your device, but I haven't tested it.
Before Titanium Studio, I rolled my own tracer that I can turn on and off. Details are here.
