Any good tips for App-book library? [closed] - ios

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've already released several app-books for children and the number of books is quite big.
What I want to do is create a book-stand (like news stand in iOS) and get the book together.
I think there is no way to get my apps in one app(the book-stand...) so I'm trying to remake all my previous work(the app-books) and create new app(book stand).
However, each app-book has its own interactive objects so I have no idea how to do this.
Is there any good document or any tips for this?

Can your books be made via iBooks Author? How are they interactive? If you have to go down the custom store route, I would look at epub and HTML5.
Check out the Baker Framework or HPub. Also check out various interactive PDF SDKs out there.


iOS development [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need to write supersimple iPhone application. It contains the list of buttons and if the user clicks one of these buttons, the application opens a new view with image.
My problem is that a lot of tutorials/books was created 2-3 years ago and I can't learn in parallel Objective C and understand compiler's changes.
What will be better for my "buttons" menu? What can I read about it? Help pls
Just look at storyboards tutorials, and you won't even need Objective-C for that kind of app.

Which is the best way to develop an iphone app similar to existing app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Hi am going to develop an iphone app which is similar to the app which is already availble in appstore .I would like to know whether i can start the app from scratch or i can customize the code of existing app.I need to know the best way for creating this type of app. Please give me some suggestions.
You have to start from scratch unless the developer of the other app shares the source code with you. You cant just pick an app from app store and edit it.

Custom control development in iOS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there a guide / book about custom control development for iOS? All the books I've found don't go beyond using UIKit builtin controls.
As #petert wrote, Cocoa Controls is a great resource, but my favourite is by far iDev Recipes (even though it's not updating that often anymore). Check also, many open source libraries/projects can be found and it gets updated regularly. Ray Wenderlich has also many nice tutorials - scroll down to "Graphics and Animation".
EDIT: I just saw that #Jano suggests idevrecipes as well, sorry for doulbe posting

What is a good framework for creating interactive books on the iPad? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to create interactive books for the iPad (such as the Alice in Wonderland and Dr. Seuss books currently available in the App Store)? I am looking at using Cocos2D which seems like it could be a good option. Thanks in advance!
If you want an intermediate solution (i.e. more than epub but less than cocos2d), try It is an HTML5 ebook framework. The "book" portion is developed in HTML5 and the project includes an XCode app to compile the HTML5 into an app that manages page turns, etc. Project is BSD license.
cocos2d is definitely doable, have a look here. You could also use core animation depending on how interactive you want the book to be.

Create and store the geo-location data [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm creating rails application where it allow users to add geo-location data for restaurants, shops, etc., to a (Google) map and query it.
First I started with, as there is a feature for creating our own entities and querying them. But the service doesn't support my country well. So, I decided to create and store the geo-location data on my own database.
Can someone please tell me what are the best gems/plugins available for this?
I found these, but I'd like to get some feedback from you. Thanks
I would reccomend PostGIS and then use a Ruby Connector.
