Accessing static file/folder from rails - ruby-on-rails

I have couple of generated pages, which I want rails to route to.
Example, in my rails root, I have a folder, 'generated' which has lot of generated web pages (static html, with their own stylesheets and images relative to their path).
I want to tell rails that allow them to routable, like how apache, nginx allows you to do it.
This is only for development mode, btw. I know this could be done very easily using nginx/apache in production.

Option 1.
you can put those "generated" folders in your public directory & just link to it within your views
Option 2.
Move those "generated" folders in app/views directly, add a StaticPage controller & render them. see this example


Rails 7: How to embed an existing HTML site in a rails app while maintaining authentication

I have to embed an existing HTML project (a directory that was exported from another service including HTML files, gifs, and pngs) in a Rails app. These files should only be viewable by authenticated users, so I can't put them in /public.
Do I have to write a controller and convert all the existing HTML files (of which there are many) to rails views to get all the routing and auth to work and serve the assets via the asset pipeline? Or am I missing a less time-intensive solution? I'm worried that the HTML may change not-infrequently and I don't want to get stuck replicating this process often.
If you did not need to authenticate the user, then you would be able to serve them over the /public folder. But I think you will need controllers since you want to authenticate.
You will need to create controllers and views. It should not be too hard as you won't need to do a lot of custom erb.
Then just add a authenticate user before method to all pages you wanted authentication for.

Am I handling the 'public' directory the right way?

I am using Ruby on Rails 4.1.1 and I want to add a linked image - my app's logo - in email messages but I had a doubt since my previous question.
By using files located in the public directory it seems that to link to an image in your Asset Pipeline you can use
but for those located in the app/assets it seems do not work the same, at least in rendered email messages in production mode. All assets that are compiled in Production have a fingerprint ID... is the fingerprint causing the load of static assets to do not render images in email messages?
I doubt since I would like to access images from both browser and email. I tried to solve the issue by moving the image from app/assets/images/logo.png to public/images/logo.png and by changing statements in my application.css.scss file from image-url("logo.png") to url("/images/logos.png"). However I do not know if I am following "the Rails way" or a "best practice". Do I? Should I add to the public directory all assets that I plan to use outside my application and in the app/assets directory all assets that I plan to use internally to my application?
For emails, it almostisn't any different compared to standard Rails views.
You can link to an image in your mailer using the image_tag helper you'd normally use in regular views as well:
<%= image_tag('some_image.jpg') %>
You also need to tell Action Mailer where it can find the assets, because it will use absolute URLs to refer to your images:
config.action_mailer.asset_host = ''

What is the easiest way to integrate static pages into Rails project

I have a landing page that was passed to me by a designer, the Structure is like this
I didn't type the whole structure, but the idea is, it's quite a bit of directory, and it might be tough to separate it into javascript, css, image assets, and fonts(I am not sure where fonts go). My thoughts are, should I just have a subdomain and put this about page? I do want to integrate the page into my rails project. My question is, is there an easy way to integrate an independent page into my rails project?
From the book Learn Ruby on Rails:
A Rails application can deliver static web pages just like an ordinary
web server. The pages are delivered fast and no Ruby code is required.
The Rails application server looks for any pages in the public folder
by default.
So you can drop the directory into your application public/ folder.

Compile Rails application to static site

I want to know if there is a way (or a gem) that can compile me a Rails application into a static web site; I have some files that need to only be compiled once (i.e. they have no dynamic content but they need to be parsed at least once). I can't seem to find any way to do that so I have a feeling that it might not even be possible.
I don't believe there's a way to do that with an entire Rails app. That's more the territory of or If it's only a few pages you can use caches_page :page1, :page2, ... in your controllers. That will write the fully-rendered page to public/ so that it can be served directly by Nginx/Apache on subsequent requests.
Edit In Rails 4 you'll need to use the actionpack-page_caching gem.

Put files (css, html, js, images) per feature in one place in Rails 3?

Whenever I add a new feature (eg. something I downloaded) I tend to want to put all the files (css, html, js, images) in one place.
Symfony 2.0 will have this new feature they called bundle system. Everything will be in its own folder. This will be great for adding new features so you don't have to mix all css, js, image files with each other. It should be per feature instead.
And also it would be great for deleting features. Then you know that all files are in one place and don't have to look for them throughout your application.
Instead of this...
cart_sub.css should have it like this...
Is there a way of doing so in Rails 3?
Sure, you could just treat them like a plugin - making a set of files into a plugin is very simple, after all - you basically just put them in a folder, in a file structure parallel to the root of your rails app, then put that folder in your vendor/plugins folder.
Here's the guide on it:
Then, if you want to delete a feature, just destroy it's plugin folder, and you're clean.
