Issues Using GIT with Xcode projects - ios

I know git and use it to manage a lot of my Repos on other projects. However I run into issues when it comes to xcode projects.
I start a project on Machine 'A' - when I push up to a repo and pull to let say machine 'B' I always receive compiling errors. Normally the errors have to do with files not being found. Literally "no such file or directory" followed by a path.
I'm working with the same version of Xcode on both mac's A and B. I also use the threetwenty framework.
When I zip the project up and send via email - the same results occur.
Many times these files that xcode can't find and that fail the build, are media files, like a image or video. Sometimes I see the three20 framework too.
My question is - how in xcode should I set a project up to play nice with git and or code sharing in general. Let me know if you need more information, I know the above is a little vague.

The first thing I always do is set up the .gitignore file before adding any other files from the project. Problems can occur when loading project settings for two different machines that may have the same User account name. You have to make sure some settings aren't added to the repo whilst others are.
I set up my .gitignore by adding the following:
If you create the repos from scratch or run git rm --cached <filethatshouldbeignore> to each file that should be ignored and then commit, see if the problem still occurs.
Problems will occur in the .pbxproj file, so make sure all conflicts are corrected too.
Regarding files that cannot be found, remember to import the libraries etc. into the project folders and reference them from there. Apple's own iOS libraries should be fine, but others won't be. For example, in your project folder, copy your images from there and reference them only within the project folder.


Why is xCode asking for Android Studio Gradle files?

I had to delete Android Studio off my MacBook Air to free up space for an xCode update. Now xCode is complaining its missing Android Studio files that have nothing to do with it but are somehow titled
file:///Users/administrator/Documents/Retrographic/Sprocket/Android/Gradle%20Binaries/gradle-2.2.1/lib/plugins/xbean-reflect-3.4.jar: warning: Missing file: /Users/administrator/Documents/Retrographic/Sprocket/Android/Gradle Binaries/gradle-2.2.1/lib/plugins/xbean-reflect-3.4.jar is missing from working copy
What the heck is this and how do I fix it? I tried re-downloading the branch in SourceTree and pointing xCode at it but its still having the same problem. Do I need to just nuke and re-install xCode?
This seems very unusual...
My best guess would be to go through your various build settings in your project targets and ensure that this file isn't listed under anything for linking, building, etc.
If it is, delete it, provided you don't need it for your XCode project.
This error occurs as that file was under your version control system such as git and now it is removed. xcode checks the status of git and complains if a file was removed. You can go to your version control system and commit this change so that xcode doesn't complain. If you are using git, you can do the following:
git status
--> This should tell the file was removed
git commit ...
Some possible solutions.
Solution 1
Open your xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in a text editor
Search for "xbean".
Remove that line.
Solution 2
If you are using an xcworkspace, there may be some other project that is including that file. In that case, I'd do that for all project files. If that is infeasible, do a grep grep -r xbean . and then edit the named files. This command will recursively search for all files mentioning this particular file.
I'm not sure why is this happening, but i think there might be some file references in your project which are no more existing.
You can try this:
Search and delete missing files. scheme not found

For some reason I'm getting an error message on saying the scheme cannot be found within the project. It says to use the -list command, however doing that locally finds the scheme fine.
I know a common reason for this problem is not having your scheme shared, however I've checked this and it appears to be shared correctly.
I'm using the Xcode test for iOS step within my workflow. Another odd thing is running the build command locally works perfectly fine too.
Can anyone suggest any ideas for resolving this issue?
I'm getting an error message on saying the scheme cannot be found within the project
It's not bitrise what prints this error, it's Xcode (Xcode's Command Line Tool, xcodebuild).
The most common cause of this issue is if you don't mark the scheme as shared. If you did, you should also check your gitignore list - shared schemes are have to be stored in the git repository, the related files can't be ignored!
Related docs: - and related section:
Don't forget to commit & push the changes if you just enabled the Shared option!
This change should be reflected in your git repository,
under you project / workspace
(which is actually a directory, just seems like a file in Finder):
*.xcodeproj OR *.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes/SchemeName.xcscheme.
If you still can't see the desired Scheme,
try to look into your .gitignore file and check if you are ignoring the config files of your Xcode project.
This file have to exist after you do a clean git clone into a new directory on your Mac/PC.
I've managed to solve this problem for me by moving from xcode 8.2 to xcode 8.1.

Xcode 6: What to ignore when committing to SVN so the application can later be checked out and runnable without any extra work?

I want to commit the minimum amount of files and still be able to checkout and have it working without ANY work. This will be specifically used for a Phonegap iOS application. However, any relation to iOS apps will be great.
Essentially you may ignore only the builds/ folder as the files in there are generated every build. Have been working in a project with other develops having only this folder .gitignore'd.
If you wish, you may ignore several other files to make your repository as clean as possible.
Another way to commit as little as possible is to use external library managements, such as CocoaPods. Just remember to ignore Pods/ folder and run pod install when first running the project on a new computer.

Cordova project from .zip fails to build ios, tries to write to directory from other computer

After successfully creating, building, and emulating Cordova's Hello World project, I unzipped the project folder that I am taking over from another developer on a different machine and saved it locally. While I can run the iOS app from XCode with the built project from the previous developer, I can't run the $ cordova build ios command successfully to rebuild it on my machine.
It give the following output:
The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
Write auxiliary files
When I run it in debug mode, I notice that both of these commands are trying to make a directory for the old dev's computer (/Users/hisName/whereHePutIt/CordovaProject/stuffItIsTryingToBuild) rather than one relative to my project folder (/Users/myName/whereIPutMine/CordovaProject/stuffItIsTryingToBuild).
There is a lot of text to comb through, but it looks as though it is always failing while attempting to make a directory in /Project/platforms/ios/CordovaLib/build/
I am really stumped by this because I can't find any sort of setting or file in the project that tries to write anywhere but a path relative to my project file, and Android builds and emulates fine.
I had a similar issue on Android actually. My home for sdk tools moved but the project still wanted to use the old sdk tools.
The solution I took was to remove the platform and then re-add it. I am sure there is a way of going through the existing files and patching this, but everything you should need is in the plugin/ and www/ and where ever you elected to keep your assets.
If you do try this, make sure to create a backup before removing the platform -- it would be awful to lose changes that someone might have jammed down in the platform/ios folder.
I just ran across this issue under similar circumstances - unzipped a zipped copy of a iOS Cordova app from a coworkers computer to continue developing it, and found I could not successfully run the cordova build command.
I managed to get this to work by deleting the old "Debug-iphonesimulator" folders that had been zipped up with the rest of the project from the other computer, and then re-running the build command.
There were two folders that I deleted:
Hope this helps someone!

How to make svn on mac stop ignoring .a files on commit?

I would like to add .a files on an iOS project to SVN using Xcode, but SVN is apparently ignoring them.
Is there any configuration file where I can set SVN to not ignore these files?
I've tried changing the file in ~/.subversion/config but this file is completely commented and does not seem to be the one affecting the commit.
I've seen solutions for committing these files through terminal but I would like something a bit more hands free.
