Asterisk registration programmatically - ios

I am trying to implement Asterisk server for VOIP in an iPhone application.
I am able to register the user through manually, but I wanted to do the same thing programmatically. I am not sure but there might be some idea like sending through an HTTP request.
If you have any idea or pointer please share with me.

I think the thing that you are looking for is called SIP client. You install the client on the iPhone and it will register to your SIP server (let it be Asterix or anything else). Then you can make VoIP calls between the clients registered contemporary, send instant messages, exchange files or even implement some custom protocol over SIP to exchange other type of data.
There are a lot of SIP client applications for iPhone, and even a couple of SIP stacks that is a framework that allows you to build your own SIP client application through its API calls, so you will have full control on everything. One of the most mature of these with iPhone support is pjsip. Check out their web site to see whether this is what you are looking for.

it is hard because is necessary modify the dial plan in order to add a sip account. but you can program a web service that read a text file with the extensions from your mobile.

it is nto fully clear from your desription what exactly you want, but probably this one will help


how to sip registration in server for an ios app

i am creating an app for internet calling using VoIP . But have no idea how to send SIP registration to sever to stabilise connection between to devices .
and any suggestions for the library
You can use Linphone library for that purpose. Although be prepared that documentation is not ideal and you will need to figure some of the things by yourself. You however can inspire by this tutorial project

Creating a push notification system with a React Native front end and a Java Spring back end?

Currently building a mobile application that ideally would have functionality that allows one user to "nudge" another user, pretty much the equivalent to a Facebook "poke." For the sake of building quickly, we'd like to use as many third-party libraries/services as possible. So far we were looking into using pusher and expo, but to be totally honest, we are a bit confused as to how to architecture this.
From what I understand, the front-end (ios app) would subscribe (open a socket) to a specific channel/server and the server would then send messages to the client(s) that subscribed whenever necessary. How this works with users being subscribed to every other user they are friends with, I don't understand. What's the proper way to architecture this?
I also read that on the front end, when a user doesn't have the ios application open you can't have any websockets open to the server, so how does that work?
Additionally, how does one bundle notifications??
Really confused with this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, push notifications now mostly are implemented with Firebase. This is a service inside most of mobiles, so you only need use these libraries to implement your client application.
From the server, you only need to consume a rest api of Firebase.
Now there are permissions to allow mobile applications receive push notifications in background. You do not need to implement a socket or websocket, that is a feature of Firebase.
Read more about this.

Google IOT device on webhooks & post

Is there any way to create your own google IOT device based on webhooks and POST-request? Without using firebase, IFTT, node.js
Samples that Google are very poor, they don`t show all steps of creating your own app, they just showing how to deploy "their sample"
I tried to make action with dialogflow & webhook, it was pretty simple. Just processed JSON in POST request to Azure function.
But when I try to create IOT device, its ask me for fulfilment url and it does not even tries to reach that address. I read about action.device.sync, action.device.execute, it just does not communicate with the specified address, giving simulator some voice command doesn`t affect at all. Are there any ways to create IOT device to work with POST-requests & web-hooks?
The answer is it depends.
There are many different ways to do server-device communication: web sockets, local servers, hub/local control, polling, MQTT, and likely many others. All of these solutions have trade-offs, and work in particular circumstances. Depending on exactly what IoT device you want to build, its requirements and technical specs, and what cloud providers you are using, you may identify what works best.
If you run the sample, you'll see it is sending JSON requests to a server and expect JSON responses back. This is must like Dialogflow & a webhook. In this case, the smart home platform communicates solely with the server.
Your server can then communicate with the device in any way that you want. I'm not too familiar with Azure offerings. It might have an MQTT service as well, or some other sort of push notification service you might be able to use.
If you're seeing simulator issues, you may need to make sure your authentication is set up correctly, and you'll need to first complete account linking on your phone before you can use the simulator.

Sending messages to iPhone : PushSharp or SignalR

A web application acts as a backend to process request coming from the iPhone. To send messages to iPhone from web application while processing a request(e.g., for payment), I want to send messages to iPhone when something interesting happens on the server or else if everything is successful, sending them transaction details. Which one is better to use PushSharp or SignalR? Does they both serve the same purpose? Either way, enlighten me on this topic. Its confusing to me.
SignalR is a great way to send real time information to a web client, essentially having server-side code push information to the client and call client-side code (i.e. javascript) in realtime.
PushSharp is a great way to send push notifications to native mobile apps. For iOS, this means using Apple's infrastructure. It also means that the message will be shown as a notification in the iPhone and not just inside the browser.
Essentially, if the iPhone request you mention is coming from a native app, try PushSharp. If it's a web app running in a browser, use SignalR.
PushSharp appears to leverage the native messaging for each platform. Azure Notification Hubs provide native messaging similar to what PushSharp appears to do. The native messaging platforms scale out very well, but do not give you direct access between client/server code, and messages can be delayed in some cases up to minutes. Messaging like this works really well when you want to send messages to millions of devices. Example: all users who want an alert when their favorite sports team wins a game - not time sensitive to the minute.
If you want your push message to be strictly between your server-side code and your client-side code, SignalR can achieve that. SignalR also has a .Net implementation, so it isn't just for javascript/web pages. SignalR is will leverage approaches like web sockets / long polling / etc. If you are sending a response to tell your client that a query has finished, or that a message was received, and it doesn't help to have that message arrive minutes later... SignalR may be a better approach.

Customized sip server to be used with doubang's idoubs

I wish to use a VOIP SIP service for video and audio calls. After researching this I found out that doubang is a flexible framework for voip client.
I want to build an app which requires to connect to a customized SIP server for the communication (registration will be the process where user will be provided with an unique identifier with which user can communicate with others through the sip server). My question is can doubang's idoubs voip client communicate with other users using my sip server or it will use its own resource for that.
I am in need of all features like voice call, video call, Instant Messaging, SMS.
Is there any other framework which satisfies my needs?
You could consider linphone a multi-platform opens-source SIP client that is available on iOS among others.
Kamailio ( tried and tested ...
