yEd to MySQL Workbench - entity-relationship

yEd is a modeling software tool that is for free. I really enjoy using this modeling software tool because of its simplicity and quick deployment.
During my work i will take a break here and there and just kind of dream up some of my side projects entity relationship in yEd. So after building something over some course of time i wanted to transfer it to mysql.
After several searches i cannot find anything that is related to mysql workbench and yEd. Is there a way to import a yEd model into mysql workbench?

Well, yEd produces XML files that are pretty easy to understand. I've eventually managed to build some XSLT files that are capable of reading source yEd files and transform them to any output I need. (I was producing pipelines similar to those used in XProc standards)
My developpements in this field were very specific to my needs, but it's an easy task as long as you now some XML/XSLT basics.
Don't hesitate to ask further questions if you need help for this.

I developed a script that converts a TGF file to SQL.
You just draw your diagram using YED, save it as TGF, copy the content in the site, and it will parse and transform it into SQL.
You have to draw the diagram following some criteria. It works fine!
The diagram
The result


Building and extending a Knowledge Graph with entity extraction while Neo4j for my database

My goal is to build an automated Knowledge Graph. I have decided to use Neo4j as my database. I am intending to load a json file from my local directory to Neo4j. The data I will be using are the yelp datasets(the json files are quite large).
I have seen some Neo4j examples with Graphaware and OpenNLP. I read that Neo4j has a good support for JAVA apps. I have also read that Neoj supports python(I am intending to use nltk). Is it advisable to use Neo4j with JAVA maven/gradle and OpenNLP? Or should I use it with py2neo with nltk.
I am really sorry that I don't have any prior experience with these tools. Any advice or recommendation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Unfortunately, this question is a suggestion/opinion question so isn't appropriate for this forum.
However, this is an area I have worked in so I can confidently say that Java (or Kotlin) is the best way to go for Neo. The reason being, it is the native language for Neo and there is significantly more support in terms of the community for questions and libraries available out there.
However, NLTK is much more powerful than OpenNLP. So, if your usecase is simple enough for OpenNLP, then purely Java/Kotlin is a perfect approach. Alternatively, you can utilize java as an interfacing layer for the stored graph, but use python with NLTK for language work feeding into the graph. This would, of course, dramatically increase the complexity of your project.
Ultimately, the best approach depends on your exact use-case and which trade-offs make the most sense for you.

Machine Learning for extracting text from bunch of files

I have a case where I have lots of specification files and I need to extract a specific kind of information from them (a block of text). It couldn't be done through RegExp solution because the files are quite irregular (could be done but with great effort to create a RegExp string and I do not want to do that). My first thought was to use information extraction (I have lots of examples which could be used to learn a model) from the machine learning branch. My main language is C# so I've checked ML.NET but it appears there isn't such functionality in the library. So my question is, are there any libraries which could allow me to achieve the goal? Or does anyone have an idea to automate such task without writing a complex RegExp?

Are there visual/graphical MDD tools for Ruby on Rails?

This is going to be pretty vague, so I hope I done get banned for it.
I've been learning about various dynamic web tools such as ruby on rails that can require a huge number of referencing between files (master view controllers, assets etc). Typically, when designing a rails application, I now draw the whole thing out in inkscape so that I have a visual representation of how all the files are connected to one another.
It would be really useful if I could translate the simple workflow diagram into some skeletal code. For example dragging a red block onto the page would create a controller, dragging an arrow in a direction towards a named view would then create the def in the controller etc etc. It's just an idea, but I wondered as a result if there were any graphical tools I could manipulate in order to do this kind of task?
If such a tool doesn't exist I'm happy to try and code one up myself - any ideas for a starting point?
A quick web search for model-driven rails came up with a master thesis (pdf) comparing graphical model driven development (in a J2EE context) with Rails' textual model driven development approach. So one could assume that the usual way to develop a Ruby-on-Rails application is already considered model-driven, just that the used domain specific language is a textual (and ruby-based) one instead of a graphical one, and that this textual approach is deemed sufficient. This would make it unlikely for graphical modeling tools for Rails to exist.
But another search result is the ModelDriven Rails Plugin which claims to be just such a tool. It doesn't use SVG images but UML diagrams.
If you decide to actually come up with your own code generator, consider accepting UML input as well. UML is the standard for visual software modeling and much better suited than SVGs: SVGs are more about the look of the diagram than its semantics.
One problem with UML is though, that I don't know of a single, universally accepted file format for exchanging UML. Almost each UML editor/modeling software seems to come with a file format of its own.

Representing Excel Spreadsheet in an online application

Suppose you have inherited a massive spreadsheet which contains lots and lots of data. The problem is that data in that spreadsheet is always changing, is hard to maintain and tend to cause management's hair loss.
I'd like to find a way to represent the data found in Excel in some database and prepare a web application to interact with that database. There will need to be an eye pleasing web front end which would act as a View for the Model hidden in the Oracle underneath.
To take care of the web app part, i am thinking Ruby on Rails.
What do you think?
(performance is not an issue)
(scalability is not an issue)
Any MVC/MTV framework will work for what you're describing. RoR is perfectly well suited to this sort of thing as are: Lift, Django, Pylons/Pyramid, Camping, Web2Py, Plone (yes I said Plone), LuCI, and many many others.
You mentioned Oracle as a back end. This may suggest that your organization is big on overpriced 'enterprise-y' software and probably uses Java. Lift is written in/for Scala which runs on the JVM. Web2Py runs on Jython (java implementation of Python). I'm not sure whether Rails runs on JRuby but then there is always Groovy and Grails too. All of them can connect to Oracle (and other databases)
It's confusing when you say "To take care of the web part". These frameworks take care of the web part (view/template) as well as the datastore and can even export that data (model) to other formats (controller/view).
You'll want to look at one of the AJAXy datagrid widgets if you want to present the data in a nice scrollable and dynamically sortable format.
I hope that helps
Yes, Ruby on Rails is excellent for this type of thing. I have done exactly what you have described; created Rails apps for things which were previously stored in Excel.
Using JRuby, Rails apps can take advantage of Java libraries, which enable you to use POI, for example, to create a very nice Excel download (for when the PHB wants his Excel back).
Good luck!

Metamodelling tools

What tools are available for metamodelling?
Especially for developing diagram editors, at the moment trying out Eclipse GMF
Wondering what other options are out there?
Any comparison available?
Your question is simply too broad for a single answer - due to many aspects.
First, meta-modelling is not a set term, but rather a very fuzzy thing, including modelling models of models and reaching out to terms like MDA.
Second, there are numerous options to developing diagram editors - going the Eclipse way is surely a nice option.
To get you at least started in the Eclipse department:
have a look at MOF, that is architecture for "meta-modelling" from the OMG (the guys, that maintain UML)
from there approach EMOF, a sub set which is supported by the Eclipse Modelling Framework in the incarnation of Ecore.
building something on top of GMF might be indeed a good idea, because that's the way existing diagram editors for the Eclipse platform take (e.g. Omondo's EclipseUML)
there are a lot of tools existing in the Eclipse environment, that can utilize Ecore - I simply hope, that GMF builts on top of Ecore itself.
Dia has an API for this - I was able to fairly trivially frig their UML editor into a basic ER modelling tool by changing the arrow styles. With a DB reversengineering tool I found in sourceforge (took the schema and spat out dia files) you could use this to document databases. While what I did was fairly trivial, the API was quite straightforward and it didn't take me that long to work out how to make the change.
If you're of a mind to try out Smalltalk There used to be a Smalltalk meta-case framework called DOME which does this sort of thing. If you download VisualWorks, DOME is one of the contributed packages.
GMF is a nice example. At the core of this sits EMF/Ecore, like computerkram sais. Ecore is also used for the base of Eclipse's UML2 . The prestige use case and proof of concept for GMF is certainly UML2 Tools.
Although generally a UML tool, I would look at StarUML. It supports additional modules beyond what are already built in. If it doesn't have what you need built in or as a module, I supposed you could make your own, but I don't know how difficult that is.
Meta-modeling is mostly done in Smalltalk.
You might want to take a look at MOOSE ( There are a lot of tools being developed for program understanding. Most are Smalltalk based. There is also some java and c++ work.
Two of the most impressive tools are CodeCity and Mondrian. CodeCity can visualize code development over time, Mondrian provides scriptable visualization technology.
And of course there is the classic HotDraw, which is also available in java.
For web development there is also Magritte, providing meta-descriptions for Seaside.
I would strongly recommend you look into DSM (Domain Specific Modeling) as a general topic, meta-modeling is directly related. There are eclipse based tools like GMF that currently require java coding, but integrate nicely with other eclipse tools and UML. However there are two other classes out there.
MetaCase which I will call a pure DSM tool as it focuses on allowing a developer/modeler with out nearly as much coding create a usable graphical model. Additionally it can be easily deployed for others to use. GMF and Microsoft's Beta software factory/DSM tool fall into this category.
Pure Meta-modeling tools which are not intended for DSM tooling, code generation, and the like. I do not follow these tools as closely as I am interested in applications that generate tooling for SMEs, Domain Experts, and others to use and contribute value to an active project not modeling for models sake, or just documentation and theory.
If you want to learn more about number 1, the tooling applications for DSMs/Meta-modeling, then check out my post " great resources, worth a look." or just navigate directly to the
In case you are interested in something that is related to modelling and not generation of code, have a look at As a metamodelling platform it does provide functionalities and mechanisms to quickly develop your own DSL and allows you to focus on the models needs (business requirements, conceptual level design/specification). There is an active community from academia and practice involved developing prototypical as well as commercial application based on the platform. Could be interesting ...
