Metamodelling tools - model-driven

What tools are available for metamodelling?
Especially for developing diagram editors, at the moment trying out Eclipse GMF
Wondering what other options are out there?
Any comparison available?

Your question is simply too broad for a single answer - due to many aspects.
First, meta-modelling is not a set term, but rather a very fuzzy thing, including modelling models of models and reaching out to terms like MDA.
Second, there are numerous options to developing diagram editors - going the Eclipse way is surely a nice option.
To get you at least started in the Eclipse department:
have a look at MOF, that is architecture for "meta-modelling" from the OMG (the guys, that maintain UML)
from there approach EMOF, a sub set which is supported by the Eclipse Modelling Framework in the incarnation of Ecore.
building something on top of GMF might be indeed a good idea, because that's the way existing diagram editors for the Eclipse platform take (e.g. Omondo's EclipseUML)
there are a lot of tools existing in the Eclipse environment, that can utilize Ecore - I simply hope, that GMF builts on top of Ecore itself.

Dia has an API for this - I was able to fairly trivially frig their UML editor into a basic ER modelling tool by changing the arrow styles. With a DB reversengineering tool I found in sourceforge (took the schema and spat out dia files) you could use this to document databases. While what I did was fairly trivial, the API was quite straightforward and it didn't take me that long to work out how to make the change.
If you're of a mind to try out Smalltalk There used to be a Smalltalk meta-case framework called DOME which does this sort of thing. If you download VisualWorks, DOME is one of the contributed packages.

GMF is a nice example. At the core of this sits EMF/Ecore, like computerkram sais. Ecore is also used for the base of Eclipse's UML2 . The prestige use case and proof of concept for GMF is certainly UML2 Tools.

Although generally a UML tool, I would look at StarUML. It supports additional modules beyond what are already built in. If it doesn't have what you need built in or as a module, I supposed you could make your own, but I don't know how difficult that is.

Meta-modeling is mostly done in Smalltalk.
You might want to take a look at MOOSE ( There are a lot of tools being developed for program understanding. Most are Smalltalk based. There is also some java and c++ work.
Two of the most impressive tools are CodeCity and Mondrian. CodeCity can visualize code development over time, Mondrian provides scriptable visualization technology.
And of course there is the classic HotDraw, which is also available in java.
For web development there is also Magritte, providing meta-descriptions for Seaside.

I would strongly recommend you look into DSM (Domain Specific Modeling) as a general topic, meta-modeling is directly related. There are eclipse based tools like GMF that currently require java coding, but integrate nicely with other eclipse tools and UML. However there are two other classes out there.
MetaCase which I will call a pure DSM tool as it focuses on allowing a developer/modeler with out nearly as much coding create a usable graphical model. Additionally it can be easily deployed for others to use. GMF and Microsoft's Beta software factory/DSM tool fall into this category.
Pure Meta-modeling tools which are not intended for DSM tooling, code generation, and the like. I do not follow these tools as closely as I am interested in applications that generate tooling for SMEs, Domain Experts, and others to use and contribute value to an active project not modeling for models sake, or just documentation and theory.
If you want to learn more about number 1, the tooling applications for DSMs/Meta-modeling, then check out my post " great resources, worth a look." or just navigate directly to the

In case you are interested in something that is related to modelling and not generation of code, have a look at As a metamodelling platform it does provide functionalities and mechanisms to quickly develop your own DSL and allows you to focus on the models needs (business requirements, conceptual level design/specification). There is an active community from academia and practice involved developing prototypical as well as commercial application based on the platform. Could be interesting ...


What's the purpose and mechanism of Ontology in D3WEB

In the expert system D3WEB, it is possible to insert\develop\use Ontology. However, I cannot get the point what's the purpose to introduce ontology in D3WEB?
The nice example on this page, , shows how to develop an ontology in D3WEB. In my opinion, it can be more efficiently developed using Protégé. If the contents shall be changed with a real application, for instance, an ontology about 'dog', in the real application there could be instance dog A, B, C, D. It might be not feasible to 'insert' the instances into the D3WEB knowledge base. However, if the ontology changes over time, how to use the ontology in D3WEB then?
In my opinion, the best way is to develop an ontology outside of D3WEB using Java code. However, I believe the designer of D3WEB would have a nice reason to introduce ontology in D3WEB. I will appreciate it if someone let me know.
This is a somewhat common question we get regarding d3web-KnowWE, one reason might be, that our naming is somewhat misleading. So let me explain.
First there is d3web the java framework to run knowledge bases with strong problem solving knowledge, including rules, decision trees, flow-charts, covering lists, cost-benefit dialog strategies, time based reasoning, and so on. This framework in its core does not provide any GUIs, but is meant to integrate problem solving capabilities in other applications/expert systems. It also does not provide a way to properly create/author the knowledge bases it runs, aside maybe from doing it in the Java code on an API level.
To also provide proper means to author and develop a knowledge base, including some basic dialogs to run, demo, test, and debug the authored knowledge bases, we began working on the wiki system KnowWE, which today is basically a heavily extended JSPWiki. The page itself for example is also just a build of KnowWE with specific content.
While we were working on and with KnowWE, we began to really like the approach to edit and author large knowledge bases in this 'wiki way', were you automatically support multiple distributed users to work on the same knowledge base, have automatic versioning, can add nice documentation directly beside the actual formal knowledge, can generate knowledge using script (because it's all just simple text markup), and so forth. Also, the underlying architecture of KnowWE became quite good and mature over the years.
So after some time of this, we found ourselves in the need to also author large ontologies. And yes, Protégé is a nice tool to develop ontologies, but for our use cases, it was just not well suited and we also found it to not scale very well. So we began to implement some simple markups to also allow to also develop ontologies in KnowWE. After then recognizing, that authoring ontologies the 'wiki way' indeed works pretty nicely, we decided to again also share these tools with everybody else on And that is why today you can author/develop both d3web knowledge bases and ontologies in KnowWE, although there is no actual connection/interoperability between both as of now. That would be nice of course and maybe we add this in the future, but for KnowWE is just a development environment for these two knowledge representation.
Maybe you can see KnowWE similar to an IDE like eclipse or IntelliJ, where the same application can be used to develop many different programming languages. KnowWE does the same for different knowledge representations.
A problem is maybe, that historically, we didn't differentiate very well between KnowWE and d3web, because KnowWE was narrowly used to build d3web knowledge bases. We also like to call KnowWE and its distribution package d3web-KnowWE for example. But maybe this should change...
Thanks for pointing this out, I will try to correct/clarify this on

Are there concrete tools or methods for visualizing the structure of a program/project?

I'm working on some beginner programming tutorials and am finding it difficult to keep track of the many modules and functions involved, their purpose (abstractly), and their interrelationships. I'd like to see everything from a bird's-eye view to better envision how I can more elegantly reorganize and refactor the code.
Is there a specialized tool (other than a whiteboard and marker) that professionals use to manage this complexity? Are programmers expected to just rely on mental models? Do professionals use flowchart software like Lucidchart for this kind of thing?
Structure Charts have been around since the mid-70s. Data Flow Diagrams, if you do leaf level -1 only, are useful too for structured (non-OO). If doing non-OO look at the Yourdon Method. Also look at Essential Systems Analysis as the basis for event partitioning. There are various CASE tools still in use.
UML can work well and has been around for many years, if you are doing OO. If one does not go "diagram-happy" then UML can work quite well.
There are ERDs for data relationships.
Graphical modeling tools have never penetrated the general programmer population more than about 18%. I think in part due to lack of proper training for the developers, lack of proper training in managing projects using models for managers and over-promise/under deliver by CASE tool vendors. I started using graphical tools in college - structure charts. I am always amazed at how "professional developers" can write large programs with no visual model of the interrelationships and dependencies.
How do they remember all that? How do they bring new people up to speed when they join the project?
Those of us who ask the questions you ask seem to be in a minority. I don't think it's a "tool-thing." I think some developers want that "higher level of abstraction" and visualization, and some don't.
There's always UML, although I am not a huge fan.
You also didn't tag with what language you are talking about.
For .Net, Visual Studio can actually auto-generate code from such diagrams.
You can also check this similar post on Quora.

I'm interested in developing a website from the ground up. Where do I start? What should I learn? What should I use?

I'm quite new to the field of computer science but I think I've got a pretty decent idea for a website to aid classroom CS learning and collaboration. I'd really like to develop the website from the ground up and make it a sort of pet project in hopes of eventually getting it out on the web for free. Hopefully I can get some teachers to adopt it for use with their classes.
The problem is that I honestly don't know where to start. I've got the idea but I don't have enough formal education to guide the implementation of my idea. The site should have quite a bit of functionality in the long run. I'll need to be able to store user and class data/files as well as offer discussion boards and other things.
Without getting into too many details, what is the best way for me to get started? What languages and databases should I be most interested in as I build the site and ensure scalability and future functionality developments? I would really appreciate any information you could give me on how to structure the project/stack as I don't have much of a clue at this point. I have the idea. Now I just need a little bit of help getting started.
There are definitely already projects out there that will (more than likely) do everything you're currently considering. That said, there's immense benefit in doing a project like this for personal development - you get to learn, and you expand your public portfolio. If you run the project as open source, you can also demonstrate your ability to work with others. All very good (hireable) attributes.
Are there any programming languages you already know? Are there any that your course is going to be teaching that you know ahead of time?
There are so many different languages and frameworks available to choose from, but I'll only mention a few.
Language: Framework
python: django
ruby: ruby-on-rails
I'm a huge fan of django. Python is quite a nice language to learn. I'd recommend django purely from a biased point of view. Python runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, though you probably don't want to host python on windows (culture more than ability).
Conversely, if you really like Windows, ASP.NET MVC makes building out websites very very easy. Mono does allow you to run .NET on linux and mac, but you might find support lacking, and I wouldn't suggest using Mono for your first project.
PHP is (was?) another popular language for building websites in. There are tonnes of web frameworks available for PHP. Popular opinion seems to be that PHP makes it easier for developers to write bad code, though it is possible to write good code with PHP.
Unfortunately, without knowing a rough direction in which you're headed, it's nearly impossible to offer some concrete advice. Database choice will generally come down to what language and platform (linux/.net) you're targeting. Web server also fits this profile. Once you decide on a language, narrowing down the other choices become a lot easier.
Learn HTML to start with and keep improving as per needed with css , javascript. You won't need more then this.

What makes Groovy+Grails a more productive setup than Java EE?

I'm coming across references to 'Grails' and 'Groovy' quite often these days.. mostly on how great a productivity booster it is as opposed to standard Java EE, or things like JSF, Struts etc.. And there's also an impressive set of case studies in support of this on their web site too. So I just thought I would explore some of it..
As I start off on this, I was curious if there was any material (link, blog, article, paper..) that explains what are the special features in Grails+Groovy (and not found elsewhere, in the Java EE world) that makes it a more productive environment to work in?
The Wikipedia Grails page provides a basic explanation:
Grails has three properties which attempt to increase productivity when compared to traditional Java web frameworks:
No XML configuration
Ready-to-use development environment
Functionality available through mixins
The first point should really be "less configuration" as a result of RoR-popularized configuration-by-convention: the framework addresses development of a certain class of applications and provides sensible defaults in that context.
The second point is also valuable: a hello world application can be both developed and deployed in a couple of grails commands. This reduces the barrier to entry, increases mind-share and makes for a more streamlined development experience compared to pure Java development.
I'll use an example from the Grails GORM page to illustrate the 3rd point. Grails allows you to write this kind of code to retrieve a book by its title from the "book" table without having to set much of anything up:
Book.findByTitle("Groovy in Action")
Of course, it's the result of a much more general property of Groovy: its dynamic nature.
For more practical productivity increase reports, see e.g. the Sky report.
A framework becomes useful when it minimize effort to do something. That's why C became more successful than Assembly, C++ improved on C, and Java on C++.
Although not strictly listed in pro and cons, I like the discussion of the subject in a blogpost by one of the early Groovy developers. Furthermore, I also like the discussion on another modern database-backed-webapplication framework by Martin Fowler, one of the leading architects in the Java EE world.
I also came across Groovy first, while testing Java applications. You will come in touch with work of Dirk Koenig, e.g.short Groovy presentation.
By the way, if you want to develop "cloud" related applications, then Ruby opens up a bunch of doors as well.

Tools to manage semantic webs

I've seen a lot frameworks to create a semantic web (or rather the model below it). What tools are there to create a small semantic web or repository on the desktop, for example for personal information management.
Please include information how easy these are to use for a casual user, (in contrast to someone who has worked in this area for years). So I'd like to hear which tools can create a repository without a lot of types and where you can type the nodes later, as you learn about your problem domain.
For personal semantic information management on the desktop there is NEPOMUK. There are two versions, one embedded in kde4, this lets you tag, rate and comment things such as files, folders, pictures, mp3s, etc. on the desktop across all applications.
Another version is written in Java and is OS independent, this is more of a research prototype. It has more features, but is overall less stable.
For KDE-Nepomuk see
For Java-Nepomuk see and for downloads (the DFKI version is better)
Extensive list of semantic web tools
Also check out Protege
If you need to create a small model, then I suggest that you use topbraid. I have used for creating much larger models and I know people who have used to create humongous models. It comes packaged with a set of reasoners and provides ability to plug-in custom reasoner and in case if you decide to make your model larger, you can even integrate Topbraid with a triple store like Allegrograph.
And since its based on eclipse, to get started with it is relatively easier.
For developers who are spoiled working in more matured programming languages like Java (IDEA ? anyone), topbraid is the closest tool to an actual IDE.
Chandler is a "a notebook you can organize, back up and share!" It seems to be pretty simple to use.
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
