Package iPad webapp to a downloadable iPad app and submit to App Store - ios

We are creating a web application for iPad, which doesn't have offline features for now. We are thinking if we need to create a downloadable iPad app and submit to App Store. The web application could run in some kind of embedded browser so that it looks like a native app.
Here are my questions regarding this:
Is it good/necessary to create a downloadable iPad app to let user have same experience to native apps on iPad?
Does Apple allow this kind of app to submit to App Store?
Are there any best practices for installation of iPad web applications? Is the way of typing URL in iPad safari (or homescreen icon) acceptable/preferred for most users?
How did you manage the installation process for your iPad web applications?


Material UI Web App packaged with Cordova as IOS APP

We have created a Web App using material UI and React JS. It is working great and wanted to bundle it as a mobile app using Cordova.
The bundled Cordova Android app has been accepted on Google Play. However, the IOS version has been rejected by App store review team.
Reason given:
4.2 - Design
We continue to find your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari. It would be appropriate to include additional iOS interactive features within your app before resubmitting for review.
Has anyone managed to publish a react web app as an IOS app. What advice would you give us?

How to recommend a native app when viewing web app in devices?

Have you ever used gmail in your Android or iOS using your browser. While browsing it you get a small popup at the top saying that to view/install the native gmail app available at Google Play or AppStore. How do you do that? Is that feature done using html, css, and JS. Or is it built-in to native app?
By the way, this doesn't happen only for gmail but pretty much all the professional apps with both web apps and native apps.
On iOS, you're thinking of Smart App Banners, which are a website configuration detail to display a banner for the user to view your iOS app in the App Store:

What does Apple think about complete Web Based Apps?

I used to be a Web Developer and I'm not experienced at developing iOS Apps.
I've just found out that I can make the whole App a Mobile Website. So my question is if Apple accept these kind of Apps, where the whole content is a normal mobile friendly Website. As Apple can't control the content displayed in such an App.
There are three ways you can leverage your expertise as a web developer to develop iOS apps:
Use SFWebView or WKWebView and use it to present HTML (either stored or retrieved remotely) to the user. In this case your app would have to go through AppStore review. There's plenty of apps like these, so I would assume it would not be a huge issue.
Use a framework like React Native that compiles Javascript dialects into native UIKit. Again, the app would be up for review in the AppStore. It would feel more iOS-like to the users.
Develop a bona-fide web app that looks great on any phone and you skip the AppStore part.
I'm working as a web developer too and we did a few iOS apps for our clients. Basically 90% or more where pure web view and so far we didn't had problems getting through with them.

iOS webapp open from another webapp or safari

Is there a way I could make links to my website open in the web app if the user has it installed on their home screen? Like if there is a link to my website in the Facebook app, how do I tell the iPhone to open the web app and not safari?
I know native apps can do this, and you can open one app from another... but can the same be done with a web app and native app or two web apps (open one web app from another)?
It's probably super far fetched, but it would be a nice feature!
Yeah, it would be a nice feature... but unfortunately you can't yet. iOS 8 may be?

Web Application iOS, Blackberry

I need my application to work with BlackBerry Smartphone and iOS (iPad).
Current I use BlackBerry web works to build and sign my application so it can be used standalone without an internet connection.
I want to do the same for iOS: Sign the application and deploy.
Many people are saying just navigate to the website where your app is and add to bookmark then home screen as described in the Dashcode User Guide "Testing and Sharing" and Safari Developer Library article "Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide"
But I don't want to host the application on a web server, I just want to build and deploy as this is not public.
I guess what you are asking is, You want to develop an app using web technologies which requires no server for hosting DB.
Also, you don't want the user to user/distribute via bookmark/AddToHomescreen(webclip); you would like to sign the app and distribute via Appstore.
In such case you should look at which allows you to sign and distribute via app store.
If you want to install it on your device(it is called Adhoc install) you need to have a ios developer account from apple. And you can install using XCode, ios developer program limits no. of devices you can install (100 dev. max).
If you are eligible for Enterprise program, then you can install it on more devices.
In iphone and ipad copy all html resource on resource folder and you can all index.html page through webview. Now all html page is now local no need to server side because of it's local path not server path. Now you can build and distribute application on app world.
Let me know any doubt.
