Rails 3 - Disable cache for filename in file_column plugin - ruby-on-rails

This is my code to obtain an UUID:
def manage_id
self.id = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create().to_s.upcase if self.id.blank?
This works perfectly for the primary key of my object.
My problem is I want to name an uploaded file with an UUID... and I obtain the same UUID for different uploads. For example I will have an UUID and 2 minutes later with another object I will have the same UUID !
This is the class code to name my image:
:filename => "#{UUIDTools::UUID.random_create().to_s.upcase}.jpg" }
I don't understand what can be the problem when generating the UUID...
I have not the problem in development !!!
EDIT 1: the problem is not with UUID itself, it's the same with a timestamp... (and only in production)
EDIT 2: I found the problem. The setting:
config.cache_classes = true
is the problem in production mode. It is certainly keeping the UUID somewhere in memory.
I think I can't switch to false in production mode (for performance), so what is the best way to deactivate the cache for this plugin name feature ?
EDIT 3: I add the full code of my model
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
file_column :image, {:magick => { :versions => { "tiny" => "70x70", "small" => "160x240", "high" => "640x960" }}, :store_dir => "public/upload/wine/image", :web_root => "upload/", :filename => "#{UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create().to_s.upcase}.jpg" }
So, as I said the UUID generated is cached in production. I don't know how to force this model or maybe the plugin file_column to not be cached ?

The reason that it doesn't work for you because you always use pre-initialized option.
But you can try to change something to improve it. For example you can use lambda expression for calcaulationg filename ... Try something like next
file_column :image, {:magick =>
{ :versions =>
{ "tiny" => "70x70", "small" => "160x240", "high" => "640x960" }
:store_dir => "public/upload/wine/image",
:web_root => "upload/",
:filename => lambda { "#{UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create().to_s.upcase}.jpg"} }
and change this
Assign filename to temp image path. Update code #class TempUploadedFile store_upload method line number 219
#filename = options[:filename] || FileColumn::sanitize_filename(file.original_filename)
options_file_name = options[:filename].respond_to?(:call) ? options[:filename].call : options[:filename]
#filename = options_file_name || FileColumn::sanitize_filename(file.original_filename)


what is activerecord.values.columnattribute

I got an events helper module that somebody coded in a rails application. I am working on a form that can allow someone to create a new event.
here is a part of the form
=form.input :sponsorship_type, collection: get_event_labels(:event_types), as: :select_other
=form.input :society_name
it used to be
=form.input :event_type, collection: get_event_labels(:sponsorship_types), as: :select_other
=form.input :society_name
per the client request I had to drop the event_type column from the events table and added this instead
t.string "sponsorship_type"
the old schema has this
t.string "event_type"
this is the module
module EventsHelper
institutions: [::INSTITUTIONS, 'activerecord.values.institutions.name'],
event_types: [::EVENT_TYPES, 'activerecord.values.event_types'],
industries: [::INDUSTRIES, 'activerecord.values.industries'],
referrers: [::REFERRERS, 'activerecord.values.referrers'],
regions: [::REGIONS, 'activerecord.values.regions'],
cities: [::CITIES, 'activerecord.values.cities']
def get_event_labels(type)
if Geokit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.geocode(remote_ip).country_code == 'TW' and type == :event_types
return {
'活動/班' => 'Activities/Classes',
'食品和飲料' => 'Food&Beverage',
'優惠券' => 'Coupons',
'現金' => 'Cash',
'器材' => 'Equipment',
'獎品' => 'Prizes'
LABEL_MAP[type][0].map do |constant|
def remote_ip
what is this? [::EVENT_TYPES, 'activerecord.values.event_types']
i tried just changing all the event_types to sponsorship_type. and then I am getting a
': uninitialized constant SPONSORSHIP_TYPES (NameError)
Its probably because activerecord.values.sponsorship_types have no values. How do I access it and put in values?
what is this?
my end goal is to return the hash
return {
'活動/班' => 'Activities/Classes',
'食品和飲料' => 'Food&Beverage',
'優惠券' => 'Coupons',
'現金' => 'Cash',
'器材' => 'Equipment',
'獎品' => 'Prizes'
as selection option for the user on the form.
EVENT_TYPES is a constant. It must be defined somewhere in that application, perhaps in the controller or somewhere in the config folder. Find it and define your SPONSORSHIP_TYPES in the same way.
activerecord.values.event_types looks like a localization key. Look into your localization files in config/locales/... for some yaml hash with this structure. Add a new node sponsorship_types in the same way.

Mr. Ruby, Ms Rails, my json created record is empty

this newbie here is smacking his head with webservices over Rails.
Perhaps someone could ease my pain?
I've created a simple rails app, and generated the scaffold MyRecords. Then I'm trying to create a record over irb with the code below :
require 'HTTParty'
class MyRecordCreate
include HTTParty
base_uri 'localhost:3000'
def initialize(u, p)
#auth = {:username => u, :password => p}
def post(text)
options = { :body => { name:text} }
self.class.post('/my_records', options)
response = HTTParty.get("http://localhost:3000/my_records/new.json")
print response
record = MyRecordCreate.new("","").post("test remote record")
print record
With the code above, I managed to create a record. the thing is that my Record (which only has the column "name") is created with an empty name!
Any suggestions on this one?
I'm longing to slice this despair piece by piece.
Thank you for your contribute.
Try adding these two lines to your HTTParty class:
format :json
headers "Accept" => "application/json"
These tell httparty and the remote service to which it connects to send and receive JSON. For your example (with .json at the end of the URL) it isn't necessary to add the second line, but I find it is good practice and keep it anyway.
The next problem is that Rails expects your uploaded data to be inside the top level name of your object. So, for your example, the options line should look something like:
options = { :body => { :person => { :name => text } } }
Replace person with the name of the model that you are attempting to create.

ActiveRecord Include, how to use in nested records?

I currently have the following:
#threads = current_user.threads.includes(:user, :thread_members)
I then take threads and do the following:
#threads.each do |thread|
thread_members = thread.thread_members_active(current_user)
#threadList << {
:id => thread.id,
:uuid => thread.uuid,
:user_id => thread.user.id,
:last_activity_at => thread.last_activity_at,
:user_count => thread_members.length,
:user_photos => thread_members.collect { |thread_member|
:id => thread_member.user.id,
:photo => thread_member.user.photo(:thumb),
:name => thread_member.user.full_name
:caption => thread.caption
The issue here is that every EACH loop, rails is hitting the DB for the same basic records. Rails sees to be caching as I see CACHE in the log but it's mighty messy. Leaves me wishing I could do some type of includes so there wasn't so many db requests.
Any ideas on how this can be optimized? Something around including all the users in one db hit?
If you don't want any DB queries in the loop, you have to define everything that's used there in the named associations that are included, so instead of a thread_members_active method you'd define a thread_members_active association which has the same behavior. Note that the association also needs to use includes on user. Can't give you more right now, but maybe that helps a bit.
Edit: Check out the "Eager loading of associations" part of this doc:

Paperclip renaming files after they're saved

How do I rename a file after is has been uploaded and saved?
My problem is that I need to parse information about the files automatically in order to come up with the file name the file should be saved as with my application, but I can't access the information required to generate the file name till the record for the model has been saved.
If, for example, your model has attribute image:
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { ...... }
By default papepclip files are stored in /system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename.
So, You can accomplish it by renaming every style and then changing image_file_name column in database.
(record.image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = record.image.path(style)
FileUtils.move(path, File.join(File.dirname(path), new_file_name))
record.image_file_name = new_file_name
Have you checked out paperclip interpolations?
If it is something that you can figure out in the controller (before it gets saved), you can use a combination of the controller, model, and interpolation to solve your problem.
I have this example where I want to name a file based on it's MD5 hash.
In my controller I have:
params[:upload][:md5] = Digest::MD5.file(file.path).hexdigest
I then have a config/initializers/paperclip.rb with:
Paperclip.interpolates :md5 do|attachment,style|
Finally, in my model I have:
validates_attachment_presence :upload
has_attached_file :upload,
:path => ':rails_root/public/files/:md5.:extension',
:url => '/files/:md5.:extension'
To add to #Voyta's answer, if you're using S3 with paperclip:
(record.image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
AWS::S3::S3Object.move_to record.image.path(style), new_file_path, record.image.bucket_name
record.update_attribute(:image_file_name, new_file_name)
My avatar images are named with the user slug, if they change their names I have to rename images too.
That's how I rename my avatar images using S3 and paperclip.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_update :rename_attached_files_if_needed
has_attached_file :avatar_image,
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
:path => "/users/:id/:style/:slug.:extension",
:default_url => "/images/users_default.gif",
:styles => { mini: "50x50>", normal: "100x100>", bigger: "150x150>" }
def slug
return name.parameterize if name
def rename_attached_files_if_needed
return if !name_changed? || avatar_image_updated_at_changed?
(avatar_image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
extension = Paperclip::Interpolations.extension(self.avatar_image, style)
old_path = "users/#{id}/#{style}/#{name_was.parameterize}#{extension}"
new_path = "users/#{id}/#{style}/#{name.parameterize}#{extension}"
avatar_image.s3_bucket.objects[old_path].move_to new_path, acl: :public_read
And to add yet another answer, here is the full method I'm using for S3 renaming :
def rename(key, new_name)
file_name = (key.to_s+"_file_name").to_sym
old_name = self.send(file_name)
(self.send(key).styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = self.send(key).path(style)
self[file_name] = new_name
new_path = self.send(key).path(style)
new_path[0] = ""
self[file_name] = old_name
old_obj = self.send(key).s3_object(style.to_sym)
new_obj = old_obj.move_to(new_path)
self.update_attribute(file_name, new_name)
To use : Model.find(#).rename(:avatar, "test.jpg")
I'd like to donate my "safe move" solution that doesn't rely on any private API and protects against data loss due to network failure:
First, we get the old and new paths for every style:
styles = file.styles.keys+[:original]
old_style2key = Hash[ styles.collect{|s| [s,file.path(s).sub(%r{\A/},'')]} ]
self.file_file_name = new_filename
new_style2key = Hash[ styles.collect{|s| [s,file.path(s).sub(%r{\A/},'')]} ]
Then, we copy every file to it's new path. Since the default path includes both object ID and filename, this can never collide with the path for a different file. But this will fail if we try to rename without changing the name:
styles.each do |style|
raise "same key" if old_style2key[style] == new_style2key[style]
Now we apply the updated model to the DB:
It is important to do this after we create the new S3 objects but before we delete the old S3 objects. Most of the other solutions in this thread can lead to a loss of data if the database update fails (e.g. network split with bad timing), because then the file would be at a new S3 location but the DB still points to the old location. That's why my solution doesn't delete the old S3 objects until after the DB update succeeded:
styles.each do |style|
Just like with the copy, there's no chance that we accidentally delete another database object's data, because the object ID is included in the path. So unless you rename the same database object A->B and B->A at the same time (e.g. 2 threads), this delete will always be safe.
To add to #Fotios's answer:
its the best way I think to make custom file name, but in case you want file name based on md5 you can use fingerprint which is already available in Paperclip.
All you have to do is to put this to config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb
# :url=>"/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename"
There's no need to set :path here as by default it's made that way:
I didn't check if it's necessary but in case it doesn't work for you make sure your model is able to save fingerprints in the database -> here
One more tip which I find handy is to use rails console to check how it works:
$ rails c --sandbox
> Paperclip::Attachment.default_options
> s = User.create(:avatar => File.open('/foo/bar.jpg', 'rb'))
> s.avatar.path
=> "/home/groovy_user/rails_projectes/funky_app/public/system/users/avatars/original/49332b697a83d53d3f3b5bebce7548ea.jpg"
> s.avatar.url
=> "/system/users/avatars/original/49332b697a83d53d3f3b5bebce7548ea.jpg?1387099146"
The following migration solved the problem to me.
Renaming avatar to photo:
class RenamePhotoColumnFromUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_attachment :users, :photo
# Add `avatar` method (from Paperclip) temporarily, because it has been deleted from the model
User.has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { medium: '300x300#', thumb: '100x100#' }
User.validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, content_type: %r{\Aimage\/.*\Z}
# Copy `avatar` attachment to `photo` in S3, then delete `avatar`
User.where.not(avatar_file_name: nil).each do |user|
say "Updating #{user.email}..."
user.update photo: user.avatar
user.update avatar: nil
remove_attachment :users, :avatar
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
Hope it helps :)
Another option is set to default, work for all upload.
This example change name file to 'name default' for web, example: test áé.jpg to test_ae.jpg
def sanitize_filename(filename)
fn = filename.split /(?<=.)\.(?=[^.])(?!.*\.[^.])/m
fn[0] = fn[0].parameterize
return fn.join '.'
Create config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb
include ApplicationHelper
:path => ":rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
:url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
Paperclip.interpolates :parameterize_file_name do |attachment, style|
Need restart, after put this code

Overriding id on create in ActiveRecord

Is there any way of overriding a model's id value on create? Something like:
Post.create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
would be ideal, but obviously won't work.
id is just attr_protected, which is why you can't use mass-assignment to set it. However, when setting it manually, it just works:
o = SomeObject.new
o.id = 8888
o.reload.id # => 8888
I'm not sure what the original motivation was, but I do this when converting ActiveHash models to ActiveRecord. ActiveHash allows you to use the same belongs_to semantics in ActiveRecord, but instead of having a migration and creating a table, and incurring the overhead of the database on every call, you just store your data in yml files. The foreign keys in the database reference the in-memory ids in the yml.
ActiveHash is great for picklists and small tables that change infrequently and only change by developers. So when going from ActiveHash to ActiveRecord, it's easiest to just keep all of the foreign key references the same.
You could also use something like this:
Post.create({:id => 10, :title => 'Test'}, :without_protection => true)
Although as stated in the docs, this will bypass mass-assignment security.
a_post = Post.new do |p|
p.id = 10
p.title = 'Test'
that should give you what you're looking for.
For Rails 4:
Post.create(:title => 'Test').update_column(:id, 10)
Other Rails 4 answers did not work for me. Many of them appeared to change when checking using the Rails Console, but when I checked the values in MySQL database, they remained unchanged. Other answers only worked sometimes.
For MySQL at least, assigning an id below the auto increment id number does not work unless you use update_column. For example,
p = Post.create(:title => 'Test')
=> 20 # 20 was the id the auto increment gave it
p2 = Post.create(:id => 40, :title => 'Test')
=> 40 # 40 > the next auto increment id (21) so allow it
p3 = Post.create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
=> 10 # Go check your database, it may say 41.
# Assigning an id to a number below the next auto generated id will not update the db
If you change create to use new + save you will still have this problem. Manually changing the id like p.id = 10 also produces this problem.
In general, I would use update_column to change the id even though it costs an extra database query because it will work all the time. This is an error that might not show up in your development environment, but can quietly corrupt your production database all the while saying it is working.
we can override attributes_protected_by_default
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.attributes_protected_by_default
# default is ["id", "type"]
e = Example.new(:id => 10000)
Actually, it turns out that doing the following works:
p = Post.new(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
As Jeff points out, id behaves as if is attr_protected. To prevent that, you need to override the list of default protected attributes. Be careful doing this anywhere that attribute information can come from the outside. The id field is default protected for a reason.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def attributes_protected_by_default
(Tested with ActiveRecord 2.3.5)
Post.create!(:title => "Test") { |t| t.id = 10 }
This doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that you would normally want to do, but it works quite well if you need to populate a table with a fixed set of ids (for example when creating defaults using a rake task) and you want to override auto-incrementing (so that each time you run the task the table is populate with the same ids):
post_types.each_with_index do |post_type|
PostType.create!(:name => post_type) { |t| t.id = i + 1 }
Put this create_with_id function at the top of your seeds.rb and then use it to do your object creation where explicit ids are desired.
def create_with_id(clazz, params)
obj = clazz.send(:new, params)
obj.id = params[:id]
and use it like this
create_with_id( Foo, {id:1,name:"My Foo",prop:"My other property"})
instead of using
Foo.create({id:1,name:"My Foo",prop:"My other property"})
This case is a similar issue that was necessary overwrite the id with a kind of custom date :
# in app/models/calendar_block_group.rb
class CalendarBlockGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :parse_id
def parse_id
self.id = self.date.strftime('%d%m%Y')
And then :
CalendarBlockGroup.create!(:date => Date.today)
# => #<CalendarBlockGroup id: 27072014, date: "2014-07-27", created_at: "2014-07-27 20:41:49", updated_at: "2014-07-27 20:41:49">
Callbacks works fine.
Good Luck!.
For Rails 3, the simplest way to do this is to use new with the without_protection refinement, and then save:
Post.new({:id => 10, :title => 'Test'}, :without_protection => true).save
For seed data, it may make sense to bypass validation which you can do like this:
Post.new({:id => 10, :title => 'Test'}, :without_protection => true).save(validate: false)
We've actually added a helper method to ActiveRecord::Base that is declared immediately prior to executing seed files:
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.seed_create(attributes)
new(attributes, without_protection: true).save(validate: false)
And now:
Post.seed_create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
For Rails 4, you should be using StrongParams instead of protected attributes. If this is the case, you'll simply be able to assign and save without passing any flags to new:
Post.new(id: 10, title: 'Test').save # optionally pass `{validate: false}`
In Rails 4.2.1 with Postgresql 9.5.3, Post.create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test') works as long as there isn't a row with id = 10 already.
you can insert id by sql:
arr = record_line.strip.split(",")
sql = "insert into records(id, created_at, updated_at, count, type_id, cycle, date) values(#{arr[0]},#{arr[1]},#{arr[2]},#{arr[3]},#{arr[4]},#{arr[5]},#{arr[6]})"
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql
