How do I rename a file after is has been uploaded and saved?
My problem is that I need to parse information about the files automatically in order to come up with the file name the file should be saved as with my application, but I can't access the information required to generate the file name till the record for the model has been saved.
If, for example, your model has attribute image:
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { ...... }
By default papepclip files are stored in /system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename.
So, You can accomplish it by renaming every style and then changing image_file_name column in database.
(record.image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = record.image.path(style)
FileUtils.move(path, File.join(File.dirname(path), new_file_name))
record.image_file_name = new_file_name
Have you checked out paperclip interpolations?
If it is something that you can figure out in the controller (before it gets saved), you can use a combination of the controller, model, and interpolation to solve your problem.
I have this example where I want to name a file based on it's MD5 hash.
In my controller I have:
params[:upload][:md5] = Digest::MD5.file(file.path).hexdigest
I then have a config/initializers/paperclip.rb with:
Paperclip.interpolates :md5 do|attachment,style|
Finally, in my model I have:
validates_attachment_presence :upload
has_attached_file :upload,
:path => ':rails_root/public/files/:md5.:extension',
:url => '/files/:md5.:extension'
To add to #Voyta's answer, if you're using S3 with paperclip:
(record.image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
AWS::S3::S3Object.move_to record.image.path(style), new_file_path, record.image.bucket_name
record.update_attribute(:image_file_name, new_file_name)
My avatar images are named with the user slug, if they change their names I have to rename images too.
That's how I rename my avatar images using S3 and paperclip.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_update :rename_attached_files_if_needed
has_attached_file :avatar_image,
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
:path => "/users/:id/:style/:slug.:extension",
:default_url => "/images/users_default.gif",
:styles => { mini: "50x50>", normal: "100x100>", bigger: "150x150>" }
def slug
return name.parameterize if name
def rename_attached_files_if_needed
return if !name_changed? || avatar_image_updated_at_changed?
(avatar_image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
extension = Paperclip::Interpolations.extension(self.avatar_image, style)
old_path = "users/#{id}/#{style}/#{name_was.parameterize}#{extension}"
new_path = "users/#{id}/#{style}/#{name.parameterize}#{extension}"
avatar_image.s3_bucket.objects[old_path].move_to new_path, acl: :public_read
And to add yet another answer, here is the full method I'm using for S3 renaming :
def rename(key, new_name)
file_name = (key.to_s+"_file_name").to_sym
old_name = self.send(file_name)
(self.send(key).styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = self.send(key).path(style)
self[file_name] = new_name
new_path = self.send(key).path(style)
new_path[0] = ""
self[file_name] = old_name
old_obj = self.send(key).s3_object(style.to_sym)
new_obj = old_obj.move_to(new_path)
self.update_attribute(file_name, new_name)
To use : Model.find(#).rename(:avatar, "test.jpg")
I'd like to donate my "safe move" solution that doesn't rely on any private API and protects against data loss due to network failure:
First, we get the old and new paths for every style:
styles = file.styles.keys+[:original]
old_style2key = Hash[ styles.collect{|s| [s,file.path(s).sub(%r{\A/},'')]} ]
self.file_file_name = new_filename
new_style2key = Hash[ styles.collect{|s| [s,file.path(s).sub(%r{\A/},'')]} ]
Then, we copy every file to it's new path. Since the default path includes both object ID and filename, this can never collide with the path for a different file. But this will fail if we try to rename without changing the name:
styles.each do |style|
raise "same key" if old_style2key[style] == new_style2key[style]
Now we apply the updated model to the DB:
It is important to do this after we create the new S3 objects but before we delete the old S3 objects. Most of the other solutions in this thread can lead to a loss of data if the database update fails (e.g. network split with bad timing), because then the file would be at a new S3 location but the DB still points to the old location. That's why my solution doesn't delete the old S3 objects until after the DB update succeeded:
styles.each do |style|
Just like with the copy, there's no chance that we accidentally delete another database object's data, because the object ID is included in the path. So unless you rename the same database object A->B and B->A at the same time (e.g. 2 threads), this delete will always be safe.
To add to #Fotios's answer:
its the best way I think to make custom file name, but in case you want file name based on md5 you can use fingerprint which is already available in Paperclip.
All you have to do is to put this to config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb
# :url=>"/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename"
There's no need to set :path here as by default it's made that way:
I didn't check if it's necessary but in case it doesn't work for you make sure your model is able to save fingerprints in the database -> here
One more tip which I find handy is to use rails console to check how it works:
$ rails c --sandbox
> Paperclip::Attachment.default_options
> s = User.create(:avatar =>'/foo/bar.jpg', 'rb'))
> s.avatar.path
=> "/home/groovy_user/rails_projectes/funky_app/public/system/users/avatars/original/49332b697a83d53d3f3b5bebce7548ea.jpg"
> s.avatar.url
=> "/system/users/avatars/original/49332b697a83d53d3f3b5bebce7548ea.jpg?1387099146"
The following migration solved the problem to me.
Renaming avatar to photo:
class RenamePhotoColumnFromUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_attachment :users, :photo
# Add `avatar` method (from Paperclip) temporarily, because it has been deleted from the model
User.has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { medium: '300x300#', thumb: '100x100#' }
User.validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, content_type: %r{\Aimage\/.*\Z}
# Copy `avatar` attachment to `photo` in S3, then delete `avatar`
User.where.not(avatar_file_name: nil).each do |user|
say "Updating #{}..."
user.update photo: user.avatar
user.update avatar: nil
remove_attachment :users, :avatar
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
Hope it helps :)
Another option is set to default, work for all upload.
This example change name file to 'name default' for web, example: test áé.jpg to test_ae.jpg
def sanitize_filename(filename)
fn = filename.split /(?<=.)\.(?=[^.])(?!.*\.[^.])/m
fn[0] = fn[0].parameterize
return fn.join '.'
Create config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb
include ApplicationHelper
:path => ":rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
:url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
Paperclip.interpolates :parameterize_file_name do |attachment, style|
Need restart, after put this code
This is my code:
:styles => lambda { |attachment| attachment.instance.define_styles }
def define_styles
return_styles =
case self.imageable_type
when "Admin::ProductDetail"
return_styles[:thumb] = "70x60>"
return_styles[:front] = "450x400>"
The problem is that when I first upload the image, it dont use the styles... only after I reupload the image, so it is only creating the default style, not the :thumb or :front in the first upload.
You can use the callback before_post_process
:styles => lambda { |attachment| attachment.instance.define_styles }
before_post_process :skip_on_create
def skip_on_create
When this callback returns false, the post processing step will be halted
Documentation here
I added this code and it works now.
after_create :reprocess
def reprocess
But I don't know if it's the right way to do it.
This is my code to obtain an UUID:
def manage_id = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create().to_s.upcase if
This works perfectly for the primary key of my object.
My problem is I want to name an uploaded file with an UUID... and I obtain the same UUID for different uploads. For example I will have an UUID and 2 minutes later with another object I will have the same UUID !
This is the class code to name my image:
:filename => "#{UUIDTools::UUID.random_create().to_s.upcase}.jpg" }
I don't understand what can be the problem when generating the UUID...
I have not the problem in development !!!
EDIT 1: the problem is not with UUID itself, it's the same with a timestamp... (and only in production)
EDIT 2: I found the problem. The setting:
config.cache_classes = true
is the problem in production mode. It is certainly keeping the UUID somewhere in memory.
I think I can't switch to false in production mode (for performance), so what is the best way to deactivate the cache for this plugin name feature ?
EDIT 3: I add the full code of my model
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
file_column :image, {:magick => { :versions => { "tiny" => "70x70", "small" => "160x240", "high" => "640x960" }}, :store_dir => "public/upload/wine/image", :web_root => "upload/", :filename => "#{UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create().to_s.upcase}.jpg" }
So, as I said the UUID generated is cached in production. I don't know how to force this model or maybe the plugin file_column to not be cached ?
The reason that it doesn't work for you because you always use pre-initialized option.
But you can try to change something to improve it. For example you can use lambda expression for calcaulationg filename ... Try something like next
file_column :image, {:magick =>
{ :versions =>
{ "tiny" => "70x70", "small" => "160x240", "high" => "640x960" }
:store_dir => "public/upload/wine/image",
:web_root => "upload/",
:filename => lambda { "#{UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create().to_s.upcase}.jpg"} }
and change this
Assign filename to temp image path. Update code #class TempUploadedFile store_upload method line number 219
#filename = options[:filename] || FileColumn::sanitize_filename(file.original_filename)
options_file_name = options[:filename].respond_to?(:call) ? options[:filename].call : options[:filename]
#filename = options_file_name || FileColumn::sanitize_filename(file.original_filename)
I use Rails 3.0.6 with mongoID 2.0.2. Recently I encountered an issue with save! method when overriding setter (I am trying to create my own nested attributes).
So here is the model:
class FeedItem
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :audio_refs
def audio_refs=(attributes_array, binding)
attributes_array.each do |attributes|
if attributes[:audio_track][:id] => AudioTrack.find(attributes[:audio_track][:id]))
elsif attributes[:audio_track][:file] => => attributes[:audio_track][:user_id], :file => attributes[:audio_track][:file]))
if !binding!
AudioRef model (which is just buffer between audio_tracks and feed_items) is:
class AudioRef
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :feed_item
belongs_to :audio_track
And AudioTrack:
class AudioTrack
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :audio_refs
mount_uploader :file, AudioUploader
So here is the spec for the FeedItem model which doesn`t work:
it "Should create audio_track and add audio_ref" do
#audio_track = Fabricate(:audio_track, :user_id =>, :file =>"#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3"))
:user => #author,
:message => {:body => Faker::Lorem.sentence(4)},
:audio_refs => [
{:audio_track => {:id =>}},
{:audio_track => {:user_id =>, :file =>"#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3")}}
#feed_item.audio_refs.length.should be(2)
As you can see, the reason I am overriding audio_refs= method is that FeedItem can be created from existing AudioTracks (when there is params[:audio_track][:id]) or from uploaded file (params[:audio_track][:file]).
The problem is that #feed_item.audio_refs.length == 0 when I run this spec, i.e. audio_refs are not saved. Could you please help me with that?
Some investigation:
1) binding param is "true" by default (this means we are in building mode)
I found a solution to my problem but I didnt understand why save method doesnt work and didn`t make my code work. So first of all let me describe my investigations about the problem. After audio_refs= is called an array of audio_refs is created BUT in any audio_ref is no feed_item_id. Probably it is because the feed_item is not saved by the moment.
So the solution is quite simple - Virtual Attributes. To understand them watch corresponding railscasts
So my solution is to create audio_refs by means of callback "after_save"
I slightly changed my models:
In FeedItem.rb I added
attr_writer :audio_tracks #feed_item operates with audio_tracks array
after_save :assign_audio #method to be called on callback
def assign_audio
if #audio_tracks
#audio_tracks.each do |attributes|
if attributes[:id]
self.audio_refs << => AudioTrack.find(attributes[:id]))
elsif attributes[:file]
self.audio_refs << => => attributes[:user_id], :file => attributes[:file]))
And the spec is now:
it "Should create audio_track and add audio_ref" do
#audio_track = Fabricate(:audio_track, :user_id =>, :file =>"#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3"))
:user => #author,
:message => {:body => Faker::Lorem.sentence(4)},
:audio_tracks => [
{:id =>},
{:user_id =>, :file =>"#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3")}
#feed_item.audio_refs.length.should be(2)
And it works fine!!! Good luck with your coding)
Check that audio_refs=() is actually being called, by adding debug output of some kind. My feeling is that your call doesn't use the audio_refs=() setter.
Here's the source code of the ActiveRecord::Base#initialize method, taken from APIdock:
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb, line 1396
def initialize(attributes = nil)
#attributes = attributes_from_column_definition
#attributes_cache = {}
#new_record = true
#readonly = false
#destroyed = false
#marked_for_destruction = false
#previously_changed = {}
#changed_attributes = {}
self.attributes = attributes unless attributes.nil?
result = yield self if block_given?
I don't currently have an environment to test this, but it looks like it's setting the attributes hash directly without going through each attribute's setter. If that's the case, you'll need to call your setter manually.
Actually, I think the fact you're not getting an exception for the number of arguments (binding not set) proves that your setter isn't being called.
I have an app that must accept almost every file type except those known to be malitious (ie exe, dll, bat, etc). I am using Paperclip and am wondering if there is a way to do this. Following the commit on github,, it looks like it may be possible. But I am unsure.
UPDATE: I could not find a Paperclip way of doing things, however I did add this custom validation:
def extension_not_blacklisted?
#An attempt to make a blacklist command when saving...
forbiden_types =
forbiden_types << "jpg" << "exe" <<"dll"
path_array = attachment.to_s.split(".")
extension = path_array.pop
extension_with_extras = extension.to_s.split("?")
extension = extension_with_extras[0]
forbiden_types.each do |f|
if f == extension
errors.add(:attachment,'FORBIDEN FILE EXTENSION: ' + extension)
Your custom validation method is probably the only way. At least for now, Paperclip can validate only content types, with something like:
validates_attachment_content_type :attachment, :content_type => ['image/png', 'application/pdf'], :message => 'should be a valid type'
and it validates inclusion, not exclusion.
You can use a regular expression that uses negative lookahead:
validates_attachment_content_type :attachment, :content_type => /\/(?!(php|pl|exe|pm|cfm|asp)$)/
Use a before_post_process filter and return false if the extension is in your blacklist - returning false will prevent the rest of the processing chain from executing.
See the bottom of this page for an example on checking for a valid file size.
Create a custom validation.
validate :file_extension_is_allowed
def file_extension_is_allowed
errors.add( :attachment, "is not an allowed file extension" ) if BANNED_FILE_EXTENSIONS.include?( File.extname( self.attachment_file_name ) )
By default Attachment Fu stores uploaded files in "public/#{table_name}". I want to modify this to be something like "public/#{table_name}/#{site_id}", where site_id is a property of the model. Note that I've tried using self.site_id and both fail.
has_attachment :storage => :file_system,
:max_size => 25.megabytes,
:path_prefix => "public/#{table_name}/#{site_id}",
:thumbnails => {
:large => '256x256>',
:medium => '128x128>',
:small => '64x64>'
I receive "undefined local variable or method site_id" error messages. Removing the #{site_id} component from the :path_prefix works fine and the initialize method is run. I can access the site_id as expected.
I have an initialize method which looks like this:
def initialize(site_id = nil)
self.site_id ||= site_id
I instanciate the object via the Rails console like this:
r =
Is the has_attachment method running before my initialize method? How can I pass a parameter into the :path_prefix dynamically when the model is instantiated?
site_id is a dynamic value, so you can't set this in the class. You'll want to redefine #full_filename in your model. The current definition looks like:
def full_filename(thumbnail = nil)
file_system_path = (thumbnail ? thumbnail_class : self).attachment_options[:path_prefix].to_s
File.join(RAILS_ROOT, file_system_path, *partitioned_path(thumbnail_name_for(thumbnail)))
Change the final line to something like:
File.join(RAILS_ROOT, file_system_path, site_id.to_s, *partitioned_path(thumbnail_name_for(thumbnail)))