iPhone is there a way to allow a user to rate the app from within it? - ios

I have seen some apps with a button to rate the app. It brigs them to a page that always them to rate that app.
I can't figure out how to do this. Does anybody know how to do this? I fred googling it.

The most well known way to do this is an open source library called AppIRater, but I have also seen iRate and people roll their own versions of the simple code.

Use Appirater by Arash Payan. It's easy and clean ;)

Appirater is good, but using the Game Center is better, because it allows to rate inside the app (without switching to iTunes). Check out Apple's GameCenter API.


Track usage time of all apps and power button pressing with iOS

I need to write an app that should monitor the usage time of all apps that are currently running on iOS(1).
The app should also be able to track how often the user uses the on / off button at a specific time frame (2).
Can you help me how to do this with iOS. Are there already existing open source solutions?
Thank you very much for your help.
Same as sandbox, I don't think you can do it. Apple doesn't allow monitoring other apps. If u want to do, prob have to jailbreak.

Accessing settings in an IOS app

I am trying to create an IOS app in which you assess the settings of the phone and in my case I need to access the mute setting in settings. Can someone please help me figure this out? Mainly i just want to know if you can and how to access the setting of an IOS deviceI do not have any source code yet but I will try to get some up once I get an answer or some help. Thank you
Pretty sure that is not allowed due to sandboxing restrictions.
You cannot accessing the Settings App from your own App, you can however adjust the system volume from an App if that is all you want to do.
Check out MPVolumeView.
What you are specifically writing about is not possible but you will probably find something that answers your use case in this SO question:
How to programmatically sense the iPhone mute switch?
No way to do this easily. If you want to do what you want in a one line way, take a look at this class : http://hoishing.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/mute-checking-in-ios7/

iOS7 Screen Capture Prevention / Detection

In my iOS app I need either prevent the screenshot capture (by pressing combination of Home +Power button), or need to detect before it saved to the Photo library .
In previous iOS version before taking screenshot touchesCancelled:withEvent this method will called , but iOS7 onwards this wont work.
Apple provide a notification
for detecting screenshot capture .The real problem is this will fire only after the screenshot is saved in Photo library .
Is there any methods (Private /Public) for detecting screenshot before it happens , or Just prevent the screenshot feature .
Dont consider it as a duplicate question , it is iOS7 specific question
No, nothing has changed since iOS7 and it will not change in the future, it is a conceptual issue, iOS app doesn't has control over the device public functions, consider you turned off 'taking screenshot' while other application needs it!! How this app would know about that?
Best thing you can do is using Configuration Profile as mentioned #QED valid answer.
You can restrict with a Configuration Profile, as described in the linked question.
Check out the Restrictions Payload section, starting on page 27, of the iPhone Configuration Proifile Reference. The key you want is allowScreenShot, described at the bottom of page 30.
Also, the linked reference states that there are a number of ways to install a profile. It may be possible for you to provide, within the app, some method for the user to trigger your server to install/reinstall your profile. Just a thought, I'm not experienced in the matter.
I'm not able to speak to private APIs. You might check out http://www.modmyi.com, or snoop around on IRC for some jailbreak communities. There are lots of experts out there who may be able to point you to the API, but they don't tend to hang on SO.
Good luck!

iOS Changing App icon at runtime

I want to change my app icon at runtime. I read other similar threads on SO, and they say that it is not possible using Apple sanctioned APIs. One of the responses mentioned that its possible using restricted APIs, but did not elaborate.
I understand that if I use restricted APIs, my application scope will be reduced to jail-broken devices only. I'm ok with that, but how do I implement this feature.
Sorry, I cannot indicate any research effort for this question because I have no idea how to go about it or even how to get started on this.
Thanks in advance :)
Although this is an old question, I recently discovered this is now possible, as of iOS 10.3:
...using the UIApplication.setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API.
Note however you are limited to using icons which are already shipped as part of the app bundle.

Template/Tips for Photo/Artwork viewing only App in iOS

First, I must say have never programmed in iOS, I am only familiar with Matlab & Mathematica.
I would like to create an App to show my artwork & photography. A "view only" app. yet.
Any suggestion on existing templates or place to start ?
Many thanks for your attention & any help you could provide.
Google for iPhone tutorials. There are undoubtedly some opensource photoviewer apps out there. Apple has a few takes in their developer examples. But here's the thing: You are going to need a lot more background in iOS basics to get what you want completed. You really need to be looking at beginner's iPhone tutorials, of which the web is flooded with them. Google.
