Commiting drawing from touch events rather than large array - ios

A small portion of my app contains a view were people can take brief notes by drawing on the screen. Currently, I do this by saving the touch points into an array then connecting the dots in drawRect. I know that this isn't the best way to do this but this is only a small portion of my app.
The problem is that after awhile the array of touch points get's pretty large and performance bogs down.
Can someone suggest a better way to do this rather than a giant connect-the-dot's game? I am thinking that at each touchesEnded event I should somehow commit what was drawn during that touch to a separate drawing, then clear out the array but I'm not sure how to do that?

Keep a CGMutablePath (or UIBezierPath) property and append to it. Constructing large paths is very expensive, so you should definitely not do that inside of drawRect:. If you do have to construct paths very often, it is generally cheaper to have a few smaller paths than one massive path.
You can also just draw each new path into a persistent CGLayer and draw it in drawRect:. This is less flexible, but has a fixed memory and processing requirement. You can achieve similar things by updating the contents of a CALayer.


Best Practice for Rendering Context of free hand drawing on iPad 3

I currently have a free hand drawing iPad app, that adds lines to a mutable path via quad curves in the touches methods then calls setNeedsDisplayInRect on the new area.
Problem is when the drawing (path) gets rather large, it takes longer to redraw, and begins to bog down. As well as whenever the user changes the brush size or color, it applies this to overlapping parts of the previously drawn path on redraw.
To counter this, I call renderInContext in a background thread in touchesEnded, and merge this with another UIImage in an imageview behind the draw view. Then clear the draw view.
This also helps so when the user hits save, the drawing is usually already rendered in a single UIImage - ready to go.
This works fine on other devices, but on he iPad 3 retina display, the performance is really awful and tends to crash whenever the user lifts his finger multiple times when drawing quickly.
I am seeking any type of advice for best practice in handling this type of situation? Aside from adding additional views to render off of in the background to prevent the main and background thread from accessing the same view at a time - which sounds rather hack-ish - I feel like I'm beating a dead horse?
In my current app, I made a working implementation that works fine on iPad 2 as well as 3, regardless of path length or number of paths. It seems that the graphics card is better at drawing lots of small paths then a few large paths, and either one is faster than rendering an image into a context. So, what I do is even if the user is continuously drawing, I break the path into many smaller paths and add those to an array. This approach gives me one advantage, and one disadvantage.
Advantage: The ability to zoom and redraw the image crisply
Disadvantage: Can't do pixel perfect erasing
As far as multiple colors, I made a subclass of UIBezierPath that includes a color property. Since colors are now serializable via NSCoding, they are easily saveable. In addition, I have a "stroke" object, which holds all of the paths the user created in one continuous stroke. This way I can handle undo / redo correctly.
Hope this info helps.

ios iPaint from WWDC 2012

In the Video Session 506 of Apples WWDC 2012 they showed a painting app which is made for high performance drawings (so the frame rate never gets below 30).
I tried to replicate the code but get stuck on multiple points.
What I am looking for is a basic drawing app (lines, Squares, Circles, bezier paths), which performs well even after hundreds of lines have been drawn.
The basic approach is to save the drawn lines (or circles bezierpaths etc) to an image after a certain numbers of them have been drawn, and then only refresh the new drawings, therefore not having to redraw all the already drawn lines.
But somehow I never get to a higher performance. How do I need to implement this? Do I need multiple layers? And how do I manage that not all layers in a view are redrawn, but only a certain sublayer?
If someone could provide me with a short example of a few lines drawn on an layer, then saving that layer to an image, an then drawing on top of that I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for any help to recreate the iPaint application, which is unfortunately not available for download from apple.
That is only half of the puzzle. The other half is to only refresh the minimum possible area of the view (via setNeedsDisplayInRect:). However, I have been through many different ways of drawing via Core Graphics. The caching is fine, but I don't use it anymore. I set the update rectangle as above, and then test each path before I stroke it (testing is fast, stroking is slow). If it is inside the update box, I stroke it, otherwise I ignore it.
I did not look at that session, but a traditional Quartz speedup has been to use CGLayers (not CALayers). You can think of a CGLayer as a cached drawing which may or may not be a bitmap (the system decides how best to cached it). If you have a backing bitmap context, you can use that as your "image" and draw the CGLayers into that (and then discard the layers) as you see fit. Read up on CGLayer (its in the Quartz documentation) and then see if this was what they talked about in that session.

Free hand painting and erasing using UIBezierPath and CoreGraphics

I have been trying so much but have no solution find out yet. I have to implement the painting and erasing on iOS so I successfully implemented the painting logic using UIBezierPath. The problem is that for erasing, I implemented the same logic as for painting by using kCGBlendModeClear but the problem is that I cant redraw on the erased area and this is because in each pass in drawRect i have to stroke both the painting and erasing paths. So is there anyway that we can subtract erasing path from drawing path to get the resultant path and then stroke it. I am very new to Core Graphics and looking forward for your reply and comments. Or any other logic to implement the same. I can't use eraser as background color because my background is textured.
You don't need to stroke the path every time, in fact doing so is a huge performance hit. I guarantee if you try it on an iPad 3 you will be met with a nearly unresponsive screen after a few strokes. You only need to add and stroke the path once. After that, it will be stored as pixel data. So don't keep track of your strokes, just add them, stroke them, and get rid of them. Also look into using a CGLayer (you can draw to that outside the main loop, and only render it to your rect in the main loop so it saves lots of time).
These are the steps that I use, and I am doing the exact same thing (I use a CGPath instead of UIBezierPath, but the idea is the same):
1) In touches began, store the touch point and set the context to either erase or draw, depending on what the user has selected.
2) In touches moved, if the point is a certain arbitrary distance away from the last point, then move to the last point (CGContextMoveToPoint) and draw a line to the new point (CGContextAddLineToPoint) in my CGLayer. Calculate the rectangle that was changed (i.e. contains the two points) and call setNeedsDisplayInRect: with that rectangle.
3) In drawRect render the CGLayer into the current window context ( UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() ).
On an iPad 3 (the one that everyone has the most trouble with due to its enormous pixel count) this process takes between 0.05 ms and 0.15ms per render (depending on how fast you swipe). There is one caveat though, if you don't take the proper precautions, the entire frame rectangle will be redrawn even if you only use setNeedsDisplayInRect: My hacky way to combat this (thanks to the dev forums) is described in my self answered question here, Otherwise, if your view takes a long time to draw the entire frame (mine took an unacceptable 150 ms) you will get a short stutter under certain conditions while the view buffer gets recreated.
EDIT With the new info from your comments, it seems that the answer to this question will benefit you -> Use a CoreGraphic Stroke as Alpha Mask in iPhone App
Hai here is the code for making painting, erasing, undo, redo, saving as picture. you can check sample code and implement this on your project.

Making a Drawable layer in cocos2d

I want to make sort of a chalk board for part of my app, and I was wondering how to accomplish this?
I was thinking I could create a sprite and have it's image set to something very small (maybe a small point), and then add a new instance of that sprite everywhere the user touches to simulate a draw event. Something like [self addChild:someSprite]; for each touch location.
But it seems like that would be extremely memory inefficient. There has to be a better way than that, Maybe drawing actual lines? I'm probably overlooking some method.
Thanks for any help.
You need to use CCRenderTexture for chalk board paintings. Check this article & project for a drawing example.
Your variant isn't such "memory inefficient" as you think. No matter how much sprites will you create with the same texture, your texture will be placed to the memory only once. And all the sprites will use pointer to it. Just one thing to prevent many unnessesary calls is to use CCBatchNode. It will draw all it's children with single draw call. Without using it, draw will be called on every children.

-[CALayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:] causes the whole layer to be redrawn

I'm subclassing CALayer to provide my own drawing in method. For optimization I call -[MyLayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:] instead of -[MyLayer setNeedsDisplay]. In the drawing method I get the rect which should be redrawn via CGContextGetClipBoundingBox().
If I use this layer as the base layer of an UIView every thing works as expected. The problem arises, as soon as I use my custom layer as a sublayer of an other CALayer. Than CGContextGetClipBoundingBox() always returns the rect of the bounds of that layer.
Any ideas?
It seems, that there is no guaranty, that the content of the CALayer is cached and only the dirty part gets redrawn. I did a small test and stored the rect that needs display as a separate property. The result was, that only this part was visible on the screen.
I'll now render to an image context and keep that image as a cache. In the draw method I'll only display the cached image.
Apple's documentation is unfortunately conflicting as the docs on -setNeedsDisplayInRect do not indicate whether the method works in practice. Based on my own experience, this technote sets it straight:
Note that, because of the way that iPhone/iPod touch/iPad updates its screen, the entire view will be redrawn if you call -setNeedsDisplayInRect: or -setNeedsDisplay:.
That being said, there are a number of things you can look into if you think that you are hitting a wall due to redundant drawing.
If drawing images, the biggest performance improvement you can make is to use images of the same dimensions at which you draw. If they're not, try to cache your image by rendering it to some offscreen bitmap context and bring it back later on.
Check out the shouldRasterize property on CALayer. This can be a godsend if you are trying to manipulate a layer whose sublayers potentially constitute a complex layer hierarchy. Be sure to check out how you're doing in Instruments by ticking the Color Hits Green and Misses Red box in the Core Animation instrument. If you see a lot of red, chances are using shouldRasterize is hurting more than it's helping.
Even better than shouldRasterize is to flatten your layer hierarchy, as then you can avoid the extra overhead that shouldRasterize incurs when flattening your layer hierarchy real time. Of course this is not always possible, but don't be afraid to try :)
If you're drawing images, try experimenting with your blending mode. If you happen to be drawing opaque images, there's no need to be using normal source over methods (which use both read/write bandwidth). Try kCGBlendModeCopy, which allows you to eliminate read bandwidth overhead.
Check out CGLayerRef, which allows you to cache Core Graphics output across various calls to your drawing methods. My experience is that, unless you're doing some hardcore pixel pushing, that this ends up being more costly than just redrawing. See this for an interesting read.
Above all, Instruments is your friend. Check out a couple videos from past WWDCs (2012, 2011, and 2010); they all have great info about how to fine-tune performance.
Please feel free to ask any further questions if something I've said makes little sense.
