I usually have to check things like:
if ['Bob','Mary','John'].include? #user.name
Is there a way to write something like:
if #user.name.in? ['Bob','Mary','John']
Thank you.
Rails 3.1 has got this Object.in? method
characters = ["Konata", "Kagami", "Tsukasa"]
"Konata".in?(characters) # => true
character = "Konata"
character.in?("Konata", "Kagami", "Tsukasa") # => true
If #user.name is a String, you can add in? to String.
class String
def in? a
a.include? self
This has the following effect:
irb(main):011:0> 'Bob'.in? ['Bob','Mary','John']
=> true
irb(main):012:0> 'Jane'.in? ['Bob','Mary','John']
=> false
Suppose I have a class Article, such that:
class Article
attr_accessor :title, :author
def initialize(title, author)
#title = title
#author= author
Also, variable atrib is a String containing the name of an attribute. How could I turn this string into a variable to use as a getter?
a = Article.new
puts a.eval(atrib) # <---- I want to do this
Suppose I now have an Array of articles, and I want to sort them by title. Is there a way to do the compact version using & as in:
col = Article[0..10]
sorted_one = col.sort_by{|a| a.try('title') } #This works
sorted_two = col.sort_by(&:try('title')) #This does not work
You can use either send or instance_variable_get:
a = Article.new 'Asdf', 'Coco'
a.pubic_send(:title) # (Recommended) Tries to call a public method named 'title'. Can raise NoMethodError
=> "Asdf"
# If at rails like your case:
a.try :title # Tries to call 'title' method, returns `nil` if the receiver is `nil` or it does not respond to method 'title'
=> "Asdf"
a.send(:title) # Same, but will work even if the method is private/protected
=> "Asdf"
a.instance_variable_get :#title # Looks for an instance variable, returns nil if one doesn't exist
=> "Asdf"
Shot answer to your extended question: no. The &:symbol shortcut for procs relies on Symbol#to_proc method. So to enable that behavior you'd need to redifine that method on the Symbol class:
class Symbol
def to_proc
->(x) { x.instance_eval(self.to_s) }
[1,2,3].map(&:"to_s.to_i * 10")
=> [10, 20, 30]
ActiveRecord instances have an attributes hash:
a = Article.new(title: 'foo')
#=> <#Article id: nil, title: "foo">
atrib = 'title'
#=> "foo"
You can use order to get sorted objects from your database:
#=> array of first 10 articles ordered by title
How can I tell Ruby (Rails) to ignore protected variables which are present when mass-assigning?
class MyClass < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :age
Now I will mass-assign a hash to create a new MyClass.
MyClass.create!({:name => "John", :age => 25, :id => 2})
This will give me an exception:
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: id
I want it to create a new MyClass with the specified (unprotected) attributes and ignore the id attribute.
On the side note: How can I also ignore unknown attributes. For example, MyClass doesn't have a location attribute. If I try to mass-assign it, just ignore it.
Use Hash#slice to only select the keys you're actually interested in assigning:
# Pass only :name and :age to create!
MyClass.create!(params.slice(:name, :age))
Typically, I'll add wrapper method for params to my controller which filters it down to only the fields that I know I want assigned:
class MyController
# ...
def create
#my_instance = MyClass.create!(create_params)
def create_params
params.slice(:name, :age)
Setting mass_assignment_sanitizer to :logger solved the issue in development and test.
config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :logger
You can use strong_parameters gem, that will be in rails 4.
See the documentation here.
This way you can specify the params you want by action or role, for example.
If you want to get down and dirty with it, and dynamically let only a model's attributes through, without disabling ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Errors globally:
params = {:name => "John", :age => 25, :id => 2}
The .symbolize_keys is required if you are using symbols in your hash, like in this situation, but you might not need that.
Personally, I like to keep things in the model by overriding assign_attributes.
def assign_attributes(new_attributes, options = {})
if options[:safe_assign]
authorizer = mass_assignment_authorizer(options[:as])
new_attributes = new_attributes.reject { |key|
!has_attribute?(key) || authorizer.deny?(key)
super(new_attributes, options)
Use it similarly to :without_protection, but for when you want to ignore unknown or protected attributes:
{ :asdf => "invalid", :admin_field => "protected", :actual_data => 'hello world!' },
:safe_assign => true
# => #<MyModel actual_data: "hello world!">
I have a Rails 3 app which JSON encodes objects in order to store them in a Redis key/value store.
When I retrieve the objects, I'm trying to decode the JSON and instantiate them from the data like so:
def decode(json)
The problem is that doing this involves mass assignment which is disallowed (for good reason I'm told!) for attributes I haven't given attr_writer ability to.
Is there a way I can bypass the mass assignment protection just for this operation only?
assign_attributes with without_protection: true seems less intrusive:
user = User.new
user.assign_attributes({ :name => 'Josh', :is_admin => true }, :without_protection => true)
user.name # => "Josh"
user.is_admin? # => true
#tovodeverett mentioned in the comment you can also use it with new, like this in 1 line
user = User.new({ :name => 'Josh', :is_admin => true }, :without_protection => true)
EDIT: kizzx2's Answer is a much better solution.
Kind of a hack, but...
self.new do |n|
n.send "attributes=", JSON.decode( json )["#{self.name.downcase}"], false
This invokes attributes= passing false for the guard_protected_attributes parameter which will skip any mass assignment checks.
You can create a user also in this way which is not doing the mass assignment.
User.create do |user|
user.name = "Josh"
You may want to put this into a method.
User.create do |user|
user.name = name
Last part of my project, Hopefully.
Need to check if user.email attribute changes. If it does, then need to tell mailchimp to change or add the email.
Looks like Dirty will do this, but have never used it before. How can I catch the change in a block, or pass it to a block, and then update the attribute?
Using the ActiveRecord::Dirty module is pretty straightforward:
bob = User.find_by_email('bob#example.org')
bob.changed? # => false
bob.email = 'robert#example.org')
bob.changed? # => true
bob.email_changed? # => true
bob.email_was # => 'bob#example.org'
bob.email_change # => ['bob#example.org', 'robert#example.org']
bob.changed # => ['email']
bob.changes # => { 'email' => ['bob#example.org', 'robert#example.org'] }
I recommend using Rails Dirty methods:
if #user.email.changed?
# ...
But you can also do:
if #user.email != params[:user][:email]
# ...
If I have an object say
and I want to render only certain fields in it say first_name and last_name(I'm using AMF)
render :amf => #user
For instance I have a property for #user which is 'dob' (date of birth) I would like to use it inside the controller business logic but I don't want to send it to the client (in this case Flex) I can defenitaly do something like this before rendering:
#user.dob = nil
But I thought there must be a better way of doing this.
how do I do that?
I know I can use :select when doing the 'find' but I need to use the other field at the server side but don't want to send them with AMF to the client side and I don't want to do a second 'find'
This article gives the details for the approach.
You have configure the config/rubyamf_config.rb file as follows:
require 'app/configuration'
module RubyAMF
module Configuration
ClassMappings.ignore_fields = ['created_at','updated_at']
ClassMappings.translate_case = true
ClassMappings.assume_types = false
ParameterMappings.scaffolding = false
:actionscript => 'User',
:ruby => 'User',
:type => 'active_record',
:associations => ["employees"],
:ignore_fields => ["dob"]
:attributes => ["id", "name", "location", "created_at", "updated_at"]
ClassMappings.force_active_record_ids = true
ClassMappings.use_ruby_date_time = false
ClassMappings.use_array_collection = true
ClassMappings.check_for_associations = true
ParameterMappings.always_add_to_params = true