Spring Roo RooEntity and RooJpaActiveRecord - spring-security

I am a novice with Spring.
I am looking to resolve conflicts between #RooEntity and #RooJpaActiveRecord. I have used the typicalsecurity addon to an existing project which used more recent versions of Roo (#RooJpaActiveRecord). I was wondering if there's a workaround or a specific way to address this issue. I am not able to run the project on the internal web browser. I receive the HTTP Status 404 error.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

#RooEntity is no longer the annotation that you have to use.
Replace it with #RooJpaActiveRecord and run the Roo shell again.
Regarding the web project, the annotations belongs to the spring-roo-annotations.jar (or something like that) that maven puts in your WEB-INF/lib folder when deploying the war application.
You need to have the appropriate jar dependency (I mean, the correct version) depending on the annotation that you have in your code.
In order to see more explanation, maybe you can provide your server stack trace.


Where is the default login page for the spring security core plugin?

I have installed the spring security core plugin. I need to modify the login page to look like my existing website. I have searched the entire project and cannot find it. I am running grails 2.4 and spring-security-core:2.0-RC5. Where can this pesky little file be? Can someone who is not a complete greenhorn help a fellow out?
As #Abs points out, the file is at target/work/plugins/spring-security-core-2.0-RC5/grails-app/views/login/auth.gsp but you shouldn't edit plugin files. Other developers on your team won't have access to the modified files and if you delete the target directory you'll lose your changes since the target directory is only a temporary work location.
Instead, copy the file to the same relative location in your application and make changes there. Create grails-app/views/login and copy the file there and make whatever changes you want.
This technique works for most plugin files, not just GSPs. The compilation order and classpath are configured such that application files and classes override plugin files if they're in the same location/package.
You can find the default login page here

How to configure JIRA_HOME?

How to configure JIRA_HOME? I'm getting an error:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone' must not be a parent directory of the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Changed it and now I get this:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira' must not be the same as the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Have a look in here, if you're still having troubles please write what did you set JIRA_HOME to be and where did you defined it, thanks.
Yea, that documentation is more of 'how to' instead of 'what'. A better explanation of what the JIRA_HOME should be is writen in more details here.
Anyway, if you feel that the documentation are confusing or just bad, you could do everyone a favour and write it at the bottom of the page, under comments, so other could see it easily.
The JIRA documentation does NOT! make it clear even to a seasoned programmer that this JIRA_HOME directory is referring to a data directory and not the installation directory. If there are any JIRA folks out there please fix this outragious misunderstanding in your documentation. JAVA_HOME refers to you guessed it the installation location of java. Its called a 'convention' if you want to invent some other meaning please say so it your documentation and don't wast valuable developer time on installing your productivity tool. Think its not a problem? Google 'must not be the same as the webapp servlet path' and see what you get back. Thanks for wasting my afternoon, and no doubt the time of many others.
(warning) However, avoid locating the JIRA Home Directory inside the JIRA Installation Directory.
This appears in only documentation point and is not the first place people look as noted above
Just create a folder named JIRA, then set the environment variable JIRA_HOME as D:\JIRA, as well as the application properties file.
# jira-application.properties
jira.home = D:\\JIRA
Don't be confused with the JAVA_HOME, JIRA_HOME has absolutely nothing to do with the folder of your zip ball downloaded from official website.
JIRA_HOME is an empty folder where JIRA will create everything it needs in a RUNTIME.
It is NOT a folder where your unpacked JIRA distribution resides.
P.S. yes it is confusing still in 2021

Possible to deploy WAR via Dreamweaver CS5?

I use Dreamweaver heavily for modifying Liferay templates (Velocity files), and then have to run Apache Ant from Command Prompt to deploy the WAR to Tomcat . Is there anyway I can streamline this process so I can save/deploy straight from Dreamweaver?
I tried to setup a site and specify Tomcat as the local server, but obviously Dreamweaver just tries to push the raw file and does deploy the WAR.. Is there some sort of extension or way I can call Apache Ant from Dreamweaver?
I've not seen such an extension, you can search for one at the Adobe Exchange: http://www.adobe.com/go/exchange , however if there isn't one already available, which I suspect there isn't, it would be possible to write one of your own. The following links are for the extending Dreamweaver, and Dreamweaver extensibility APIs:
In this particular case, I believe that you'd need to use an undocumented API call to communicate with an external process (in your case Ant), such as DWfile.runCommandLine() or MM.runCommandLine(). Paul Boon found these and blogged about them and a couple of others here:

Rabbitmq erlang client build failed due to file paths problems?

I have been able to build rabbitmq server on ubuntu linux. It came already prepackaged and on making, it is able to start as a service. When i got the client source, i failed to make because it appeared like it needed a folder called ./deps/rabbitmq-server. Analysing the code, i find that the author of the client was accessing the same header files as are found in the server, using include_lib("path to rabbit.hrl e.t.c") in his header file called "amqp_client.hrl". I then decided to add rabbitmq_server in the lib dir of erlang so as its paths are automatically added on start up of the vm. But still this didnot help. There is also another folder which the client references called "rabbit_common" for an include folder he assumes would contain all the .hrl files there. Please assist me in building both the client and server on my ubuntu server, for testing.
Also, if anyone has used RabbitMQ server for IMs, please provide some benchmarks and/or your findings on its throughput, speed and number of users. How can it be compared to ejabberd?. How can one create AJAX/Jquery/Javascript clients for Web functionality?
I hope you had made some progress as far as RabbitMQ and ejabberd are concerned.
Below is a link to an interesting discussion that might be of help.

Connection issue in JayBird

I am new to Firebird using its Java version Jaybird, But unable to connect from database (.fdb file). The problem comes like this:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initilize Jaybird native library. This is most likley due to a failure to load the firebird client library.
Using following code:
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS /FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
Having following files in build path of Eclipse project:
Also using the JVM arguments as -Djava.library.path="D:\Shared\Firebird\Jaybird-2.1.5JDK_1.5"
Tell me what is wrong in my approach?
Thanks RRUZ for giving repsonse.
Actually there was no space after "C:/XLNKREPOS" in my connection string, It was a copy past mistake. Again & again I got the following SQL Exception:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
And that database is no where used in other program.
Hope my this post makes you understand my problem.
The OP is mixing two jdbc url formats supported by Jaybird.
Either use
{...} used to indicate optional part
I think the problem must be the connection string, there is a blank space after "C:/XLNKREPOS"
Try this
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS/FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
When I got this error it was because I was using x64 Firebird version instead of the standard x86 version. I thought since I was running a 64bit OS that those embedded binaries corresponded to me... Hopefully that fixes your problem.
Troubleshooting Tips:
I was also able to further diagnose additional Firebird problems by adding the latest log4j jar from apache's site to my project/classpath. I then added a log4j.properties file to my default/root src directory with the following properties set inside:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%c{1},%p] %m%n
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, stdout
log4j.category.org.firebirdsql=DEBUG, stdout
I also had to set System.setProperty("FBLog4j", "true"); in my code.
Another thing you can do is make sure you're running the latest and greatest from their repository at http://firebird.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/firebird/client-java/?view=tar
Just unzip the tarball and compile it using their supplied build script (build.bat/build.sh). After compilation look in the 'output/lib' directory and you'll find the latest version of the jaybird jar (as of right now it's 2.2.0). You'll also need the latest jaybird dll (as of right now it's 22) which is located in the 'native' directory. I went through a lot of pain trying to figure this crap out. The documentation on Firebird's site is very outdated and poorly written.
I had the same problem, it was caused by those slashes before localhost.
That URL should be:
