rails, how to reference action mailer in jquery - ruby-on-rails

i wanted to perform an action mailer method after an ajax method completes. im building a twitter app essentially, and wanted an email notification to be sent after someone clicks 'follow', which is done asynchronously.
i gave the follow button an id
<%= f.submit "Follow", :class => "btn btn-large btn-primary",
:id => "follow_button"%>
and then used jquery
$("#follow_button").bind('ajax:success', function() {
however, im really sure how i can reference my UserMailer in jquery. ultimately im trying to perform this line after my ajax is complete
UserMailer.is_now_following(#user, current_user).deliver
hmmm i tried adding that line of code in my create function (to create the relationship of the follow) but it lags my ajax quite a lot. the ajax is to render the 'unfollow' button after the 'follow' is clicked btw.
def create
#user = User.find(params[:relationship][:followed_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html {redirect_to #user}
#UserMailer.is_now_following(#user, current_user).deliver
i commented it out. is this what you meant for adding it after my ajax call is successful?
also, how do you put a job on queue? thanks!

The better solution is doing that only in your server not in your client side.
If you do like you want you need doing 2 requests. 1 to follow people and 1 to launch mail. If you user stop this application between this 2 requests, no email is send.
The better solution is to launch your Mailer directly in your follow action. In your controller, you know if the request is a success or not. If the request is a success launch the email.
If you want more reactivity and avoid doing this job directly in your action, you can push the mailer action to a job queue.


Add a "Thank you for your order" page that is not directly visitable

When the user purchases an item we want to display a thank you page.
Then again we want this page not to be directly visitable.
In other words, if the page was to be /orders/thankyou, the user could directly navigate to it which would be rather ugly and fail aas it would have nothing to show.
how can we show this page only when in context and forbid direct navigation to it?
You can create a partial form and append it to the DOM after the purchase event is fired. In the partial view, be sure to add a redirect action if it was accessed without the purchase event firing.
For just displaying short text (and not also e.g. the order data) you could just use a flash notice. For example:
redirect_to #page, notice: "Thank you for your order!"
Sounds like you'll be best using ajax:
<%= form_tag cart_order_path, remote: true do |f| %>
... (cart form)
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
This (obviously very simple) form will send a "remote" (Ajax) form submission to your controller. The reason why this is important is because you will then handle the response directly in that page you just sent the request from:
$(document).on("ajax:success", "#your_form_id", function(status, data, xhr) {
The trick here will be to render your thank you view without a layout -
class CartController < ApplicationController
respond_to :js, only: :create
def create
... business logic here
render "thank_you", layout: false
This will render the view you want without any of the supporting "layout" HTML - giving you the chance to append that to your current view. This means that if you wanted to show the "Thank You" view without letting the user browse to it directly - that's what you'll do
How It Works
Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is a javascript technology which basically allows you to send "pseudo requests" to your Rails backend:
Basically the same as a standard HTTP request, except handled with Javascript, Ajax gives you the ability to create the appearance of "no refresh" functionality in your app. It does this by sending requests on your behalf, through Javascript.
Ajax is typically used for small pieces of functionality on web interfaces - whereby you'll have the ability to send simple requests to the server, gaining a comparable response that you can then work into the DOM.
This is the functionality I have been proposing - whereby you'll be able to send a request to your controller (albeit using the Rails UJS engine), to which you'll then receive a response. This response can then be worked into your page, thus providing you with the ability to show the "Thank You" page without the user refreshing.
You can use any solution from the following:
Using ActionDispatch::Flash:
flash[:notice] = "Thank you for your order!"
redirect_to #page
redirect_to #page, notice: "Thank you for your order!"
Using alert, in show.js.haml file (assuming you use action show in orders_controller.rb):
alert("Thank you for your order!");
and then add respond_to :js, only: :show, and format.js in action show for orders_controller.rb

Using Private-pub with channels that have segment keys and coffeescript variant

I'm trying to replicate a push notification system similar to facebook's using private_pub. Ideally I would want to link this to show notifications using a gem such as gritter (other gem suggestions are welcome)
Whenever a certain action from a controller is called, I want to send a notification to all subscribers that are part of a specific id. As long you are logged in, you are subscribed to the channel, achieved by putting the subscribe_to in the layouts.
in the view:
<%= subscribe_to "/messages/#{#group_id}" %>
in the controller
PrivatePub.publish_to("/messages/#{#group_id}", "alert('test')")
this works just fine, however I would like to have something more sophisticated than an alert as a response (such as a gritter notification), so instead:
PrivatePub.publish_to("/messages/#{#group_id}", data: #some_data)
Following the tutorial, they use coffeescript for this. However, I cannot get the simple alert going (probably due to the id in the channel)
In this question, the OP was able to solve this using a js.erb view. But I can't get it to work.
disclaimer: my js and coffeescript knowledge is almost zero.
Any help is appreciated :)
Some more info: I've a method in a controller that's part of a public API, and expects POST request. If everything is ok it sends out a JSON success response. Aside from this, the same method sends a notification to all users of a specific group.
I've actually managed to get this working, putting this in the controller:
callback method:
respond_to do |format|
format.js #-> calls callback.js.erb
#format.json { render json: {"success" => true}.to_json }
and putting the gritter stuff in my_api_controller/callback.js.erb:
<% publish_to "/messages/#{#group_id}" do %>
<%= add_gritter(
"Nova " + link_to("reserva", reservation_path(#r)) + " de #{#channel} para " +
link_to(#hostel_name, hostel_path(#hostel_id)),
:title => "Nova reserva!",
:sticky => true,
:image => :notice
) %>
<% end %>
note: since the subscription to the channel is done in every view (through the layout), you can receive a notification on any page/view
My problem at the momento is, as you can guess, the JSON response. Since I cant render two responses, only the js.erb is called, but the JSON response is never sent
Although I've not got much experience with this gem, here's something which may help:
Client-side, your JS is basically running an eventlistener on the private_pub object (defined when you include the private_pub / gritter JS on your page), which you can use to perform other actions (call alerts, append data to page, etc)
It seems your back-end is working, it's just the receipt & processing of the data from the server you're struggling with. To remedy this, you can do 2 things: 1) run a standard JS call from application.js or run a js file from your controller action:
According to the private_pub documentation, you should do this to create a JS file:
def create
#message = "Hello"
respond_to do |format|
format.html { PrivatePub.publish_to("/messages/#{#group_id}", "alert('test')") }
format.js #-> calls create.js.erb
<% publish_to "/messages/new" do %>
$("#chat").append("<%= j render(#messages) %>");
<% end %>
PrivatePub.subscribe("/messages/new", (data, channel) ->
alert data.message.content
I was able to accomplish this by directly adding the gritter script in the publish_to method of Privat pub.
In my controller:
image: '#{ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path('notice.png')}'
, sticky: true
, text: '#{t('some text'}'
render json: {"error"=>{"code"=>20,"msg"=>e.message},"success" => false}.to_json
Basically, I was able to publish to PrivatePub witouth resorting to the html response, wich enabled me to return a JSON response as intended.
I guess, you can handle your problem with the help of gon gem like below:
In view
<%= subscribe_to "/messages/#{#group_id}" %>
In controller
gon.group_id = #group_id
PrivatePub.publish_to("/messages/#{#group_id}", message: #message)
In messages.coffee
if gon.group_id
PrivatePub.subscribe "/messages/#{gon.group_id}", (data, channel) ->
image: '/assets/notice.png'
title: 'Notification!'
text: data.message.content
But, gon.group_id can make trouble sometimes so you need to take care of that.
So, I recommend to use js.erb which is easy and we can access to controller's variable easily in js.erb file.
Hope that answer your problem.

ajax link not working though jquery is loaded

I have a link to in my view
= link_to "Remove from Handy List", {controller: "handy_lists", action: "destroy_via_ajax", tradie_id: "1"}, method: :get, remote: true, class: "pull-right"
In my routes I have
get "handy_lists/destroy_via_ajax/:tradie_id", to: "handy_lists#destroy_via_ajax"
The action for now simply displays
def destroy_via_ajax
puts "it deletes"
Whenever I click the button the server isn't responding. I've checked and javascript and jquery are loaded so I know it can't be that. I don't know what I'm missing. What's wrong with the link and how can I fix it?
There are several things which could be wrong:
Is your remote link working?
This would be the first thing to test. I would use the development console in either Chrome or Mozilla & click on the "network" tab, to see if the link is actually requesting some sort of ajax link.
Likelihood is that it is, but I don't think you've set up your system correctly
Your controller setup could be incorrect
You're calling the action "destroy with ajax"... why not just use the respond_to function in the normal destroy action?
You could try this:
def destroy
respond_to do |format|
This will allow you to create destroy.js.erb in your views/controller folder, where you can then call something like:
alert('Deleted Successfully!');
This should work, but I am open to chat if you need more help!

Rails Cancel Confirmation Reason

I have an application, which contains calls. I want to be able to cancel the call and supply a reason for the call cancellation. So far I have my cancel action working in the controller, but I'm trying to figure out how to expand it so before it posts "cancel" to the call_status field it will also populate a cancel_reason field based on a drop down.
Here's what I have so far:
view code: cancel button
<%= link_to 'Cancel',
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to cancel the call?',
:method => :post,
:class => 'btn btn-danger btn-mini' %>
controller code: cancel action
def cancel
#call = Call.find(params[:id])
attrs = {
call_status: 'cancel',
incharge_id: #call.units.first.incharge_id,
attendant_id: #call.units.first.attendant_id
attrs.merge!({ incharge2_id: #call.units.second.incharge_id, attendant2_id: #call.units.second.attendant_id }) if #call.units.count == 2
if #call.update_attributes(attrs)
#call.units.each do |unit|
CallMailer.cancel_call(unit.incharge, #call).deliver
CallMailer.cancel_call(unit.attendant, #call).deliver
redirect_to calls_url, :notice => "Call was successfully cancelled"
redirect_to calls_url, :error => "Whoops."
I want either the confirmation pop-up shown, with the reason for cancellation, or the cancel action tied to a different view with a small form, that includes a reason.
By default the confirm attribute in link_to uses a JavaScript window.confirm which is a simple yes/no that returns true/false.
If you want to do it all on the same page you You'll need to use JavaScript and Ajax to accomplish this. Something along the lines of adding an event handler on the Cancel link that will show a modal with a drop down. The result of this modal will then Ajax a POST request to the Rails app. There are a lot of jQuery Plugins that you can use to help you accomplish this in Rails.
The second option is the one you described which would be to use a separate action in your controller. In terms of UX I think the first option is a better route to go and isn't as scary as it sounds.

Adding AJAX 'add to favorite' to this controller?

This is blowing my mind, and there is so much going on that I just need to ask here for help.
Right now, I have a listing of resources. Inside each resource, it allows someone to 'add it as a favorite' by clicking a link. I have it working with normal redirection, but as for integrating ajax so they can favorite without the page refreshing, I am completely lost...
Right now I have it as a "put" action it seems for CRUD 'update'
FavoritesController (update is the only action in this controller)
def update
#favorite = Favorite.find_or_initialize_by_resource_id_and_user_id(params[:id], current_user.id)
if #favorite.persisted?
if #favorite.valid?
redirect_to root_url
My view:
<%= link_to "", favorites_path(:id => resource.id), :class => "star#{star_post?(resource)}", :method => "put" %>
My routes:
resource :favorites, :only => [:update]
My JS:
$('.res-list .star').click(function(){
$.put('/favorites/?id=' + $(this).attr('data-id'));
return false;
There's a couple of ways to do this. You can use link_to_function through which you can pass a javascript method (you can even pass a custom one if you've defined it in the view or in application.js). In this method, you can set up your AJAX call to hit your update action.
View (using jQuery's put macro):
<%= link_to_function "AJAX Link", "$.put('/favorites/#{resource.id}');" %>
Another way to do this is to give your link an addition HTML selector. Again, you would need to write a bit of js to hit your update action. I tend to like this way because I like to use buttons and what not instead of <a href="#"> tags. (Though honestly I ended up just creating a button_to_function method that calls content_tag(:button) instead of content_tag(:a))
I would recommend starting off with this Railscast on basic JQuery and Ajax processing. It's a bit dated, but is pretty solid still and will give you the basics to get you started.
It will give you an idea of how to attach the ajax call to the element on your page, handle request processing and craft a basic javascript view partial that will update the form for the user.
Good luck!
