How to make synchronous counter that counts 3,5,7,0 and repeats? - digital

How to make synchronous counter that counts 3,5,7,0 and repeats?
I'm assuming I'll need three T-flip-flops?

Hmm, you could get it simpler if treat in another way: two upper bits are circling 0,1,2,3, and lower one is OR of upper ones.
Something like (pseudocode)
wire V[1:0];
wire Out[2:0];
#(posedge clk) {
V += 1;
Out[2] <= V[1]; Out[1] <= V[0]; Out[0] <= V[1] | V[0];


Minimizing memory usage in Julia function

This function is a workhorse which I want to optimize. Any idea on how its memory usage can be limited would be great.
function F(len, rNo, n, ratio = 0.5)
s = zeros(len); m = copy(s); d = copy(s);
rNo ≤ len-1 && (m[rNo + 1] = s[rNo+1] = -n[rNo])
rNo > 1 && (m[rNo - 1] = s[rowNo-1] = n[rowNo-1])
while true
for i ∈ 2:len-1
d[i] = (n[i]*m[i+1] - n[i-1]*m[i-1])/(r+1)
d[1] = n[1]*m[2]/(r+1);
d[len] = -n[len-1]*m[len-1]/(r+1);
for i ∈ 1:len
sum(abs.(d))/sum(abs.(m)) < ratio && break #converged
m = copy(d); r+=1
return reshape(s, 1, :)
It calculates rows of a special matrix exponential which I stack later.
Although the full method is quite faster than built in exp thanks to the special properties, it takes up far more memory as measured by #time.
Since I am a noob in memory management and also in Julia, I am sure it can be optimized quite a bit..
Am I doing something obviously wrong?
I think most of your allocations come from sum(abs.(d))/sum(abs.(m)) < ratio && break #converged. If you replace it with sum(abs, d)/sum(abs,m) < ratio && break #converged those allocations should go away. (it also will be a speed boost).
Your other allocations can be removed by replacing m = copy(d) with m .= d which does an element-wise copy.
There are also a couple of style things where I think you could make this a nicer function to read and use. My changes would be as follows
function F(rNo, v, ratio = 0.5)
len = length(v)
s = zeros(len+1); m = copy(s); d = copy(s);
rNo ≤ len && (m[rNo + 1] = s[rNo+1] = -v[rNo])
rNo > 1 && (m[rNo - 1] = s[rowNo-1] = v[rowNo-1])
while true
for i ∈ 2:len
d[i] = (v[i]*m[i+1] - v[i-1]*m[i-1]) / (r+1)
d[1] = v[1]*m[2]/(r+1);
d[end] = -v[end]*m[end]/(r+1);
s .+= d
sum(abs, d)/sum(abs, m) < ratio && break #converged
m .= d; r+=1
return reshape(s, 1, :)
The most notable change is removing len from the arguments. Including an array length argument is common in C (and probably others) where finding the length of an array is hard, but in Julia length is cheap (O(1)), and adding extra arguments is just more clutter and confusion for the people using it. I also made use of the fact that julia is able to turn s[end] into s[length(x)] to make this a little cleaner. Also, in general when using Julia you should look for ways to use dotted operations rather than writing for loops. The for loops will be fast, but why take 3 lines to do what you could in 1 shorter line? (I also renamed n to v since to me n is a number and v is a vector, but that is pure preference).
I hope this helps.

How would one create a bitwise rotation function in dart?

I'm in the process of creating a cryptography package for Dart ( Right now, most of what I've done is either exposed from PointyCastle or simple-ish algorithms where bitwise rotations are unnecessary or replaceable by >> and <<.
However, as I move toward complicated cryptography solutions, which I can do mathematically, I'm unsure of how to implement bitwise rotation in Dart with maximum efficiency. Because of the nature of cryptography, the speed part is emphasized and uncompromising, in that I need the absolute fastest implementation.
I've ported a method of bitwise rotation from Java. I'm pretty sure this is correct, but unsure of the efficiency and readability:
My tested implementation is below:
int INT_BITS = 64; //Dart ints are 64 bit
static int leftRotate(int n, int d) {
//In n<<d, last d bits are 0.
//To put first 3 bits of n at
//last, do bitwise-or of n<<d with
//n >> (INT_BITS - d)
return (n << d) | (n >> (INT_BITS - d));
static int rightRotate(int n, int d) {
//In n>>d, first d bits are 0.
//To put last 3 bits of n at
//first, we do bitwise-or of n>>d with
//n << (INT_BITS - d)
return (n >> d) | (n << (INT_BITS - d));
EDIT (for clarity): Dart has no unsigned right or left shift, meaning that >> and << are signed right shifts, which bears more significance than I might have thought. It poses a challenge that other languages don't in terms of devising an answer. The accepted answer below explains this and also shows the correct method of bitwise rotation.
As pointed out, Dart has no >>> (unsigned right shift) operator, so you have to rely on the signed shift operator.
In that case,
int rotateLeft(int n, int count) {
const bitCount = 64; // make it 32 for JavaScript compilation.
assert(count >= 0 && count < bitCount);
if (count == 0) return n;
return (n << count) |
((n >= 0) ? n >> (bitCount - count) : ~(~n >> (bitCount - count)));
should work.
This code only works for the native VM. When compiling to JavaScript, numbers are doubles, and bitwise operations are only done on 32-bit numbers.

F sharp KMP Algorithm is stuck in the first while loop if i use a pattern with the same characters at the first two indces

I am playing around with the KMP algorithm in f sharp. While it works for patterns like "ATAT" (result will be [|0; 0; 1; 2;|]) , the first while loop enters a deadlock when the first 2 characters of a string are the same and the 3rd is another, for example "AAT".
I understand why: first, i gets incremented to 1. now the first condition for the while loop is true, while the second is also true, because "A" <> "T". Now it sets i to prefixtable.[!i], which is 1 again, and here we go.
Can you guys give me a hint on how to solve this?
let kMPrefix (pattern : string) =
let (m : int) = pattern.Length - 1
let prefixTable = Array.create pattern.Length 0
// i : longest proper prefix that is also a suffix
let i = ref 0
// j: the index of the pattern for which the prefix value will be calculated
// starts with 1 because the first prefix value is always 0
for j in 1 .. m do
while !i > 0 && pattern.[!i] <> pattern.[j] do
i := prefixTable.[!i]
if pattern.[!i] = pattern.[j] then
i := !i+1
Array.set prefixTable j !i
I'm not sure how to repair the code with a small modification, since it doesn't match the KMP algorithm's lookup table contents (at least the ones I've found on Wikipedia), which are:
-1 for index 0
Otherwise, the count of consecutive elements before the current position that match the beginning (excluding the beginning itself)
Therefore, I'd expect output for "ATAT" to be [|-1; 0; 0; 1|], not [|0; 0; 1; 2;|].
This type of problem might be better to reason about in functional style. To create the KMP table, you could use a recursive function that fills the table one by one, keeping track of how many recent characters match the beginning, and start running it at the second character's index.
A possible implementation:
let buildKmpPrefixTable (pattern : string) =
let prefixTable = Array.zeroCreate pattern.Length
let rec run startIndex matchCount =
let writeIndex = startIndex + matchCount
if writeIndex < pattern.Length then
if pattern.[writeIndex] = pattern.[matchCount] then
prefixTable.[writeIndex] <- matchCount
run startIndex (matchCount + 1)
prefixTable.[writeIndex] <- matchCount
run (writeIndex + 1) 0
run 1 0
if pattern.Length > 0 then prefixTable.[0] <- -1
This approach isn't in danger of any endless loops/recursion, because all code paths of run either increase writeIndex in the next iteration or finish iterating.
Note on terminology: the error you are describing in the question is an endless loop or, more generally, non-terminating iteration. Deadlock refers specifically to a situation in which a thread waits for a lock that will never be released because the thread holding it is itself waiting for a lock that will never be released for the same reason.

Dividing a value between non-equal rows in order to balance them

I have a spreadsheet that's structured like:
Section Total Incoming New Total
AK 56,445 2,655 59,100
AL 58,304 796 59,100
B 55,524 3,576 59,100
C 54,272 4,828 59,100
D 53,956 5,144 59,100
S 59,161 0 59,161
Generated Pts 16,999
I'm trying to automate the "Incoming" column. The goal of the sheet is to balance the Totals as closely as possible by distributing the Generated Pts between each row until no more points remain, ensuring that the lowest totals are always increased first so that higher values aren't increased while lower values exist.
Is this possible in a spreadsheet? Any suggestions on how this could be done?
I made an attempt at a custom function. Two parameters are passed: the range corresponding with your Total column, and the cell containing the generated pts. Then the Incoming array is returned.
function distribute(range, value) {
var indexedRange = (e, index) {return [e[0], e[0], index];});
indexedRange.sort(function (a, b) {return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : a[0] > b[0] ? 1 : 0;});
var count = 0, i = 0, limit = indexedRange.length - 1;
while (count < value) {
indexedRange[i][0] ++;
i = i == limit || indexedRange[i][0] <= indexedRange[i + 1][0] ? 0 : i + 1;
indexedRange.sort(function (a, b) {return a[2] < b[2] ? -1 : a[2] > b[2] ? 1 : 0;});
return (e) {return [e[0] - e[1]];});
It matches your expected results, but you might want to try it out on different data to check my logic is OK.

How can I do mod without a mod operator?

This scripting language doesn't have a % or Mod(). I do have a Fix() that chops off the decimal part of a number. I only need positive results, so don't get too robust.
// mod = a % b
c = Fix(a / b)
mod = a - b * c
do? I'm assuming you can at least divide here. All bets are off on negative numbers.
a mod n = a - (n * Fix(a/n))
For posterity, BrightScript now has a modulo operator, it looks like this:
c = a mod b
If someone arrives later, here are some more actual algorithms (with carefully)
There are actually two main kind of reduction formulae: Barett and Montgomery. The paper from eprint repeat both in different versions (algorithms 1-3) and give an "improved" version in algorithm 4.
I give now an overview of the 4. algorithm:
1.) Compute "A*B" and Store the whole product in "C" that C and the modulus $p$ is the input for that algorithm.
2.) Compute the bit-length of $p$, say: the function "Width(p)" returns exactly that value.
3.) Split the input $C$ into N "blocks" of size "Width(p)" and store each in G. Start in G[0] = lsb(p) and end in G[N-1] = msb(p). (The description is really faulty of the paper)
4.) Start the while loop:
Set N=N-1 (to reach the last element)
precompute $b:=2^{Width(p)} \bmod p$
while N>0 do:
T = G[N]
for(i=0; i<Width(p); i++) do: //Note: that counter doesn't matter, it limits the loop)
T = T << 1 //leftshift by 1 bit
while is_set( bit( T, Width(p) ) ) do // (N+1)-th bit of T is 1
unset( bit( T, Width(p) ) ) // unset the (N+1)-th bit of T (==0)
T += b
G[N-1] += T
while is_set( bit( G[N-1], Width(p) ) ) do
unset( bit( G[N-1], Width(p) ) )
G[N-1] += b
N -= 1
That does alot. Not we only need to recursivly reduce G[0]:
while G[0] > p do
G[0] -= p
return G[0]// = C mod p
The other three algorithms are well defined, but this lacks some information or present it really wrong. But it works for any size ;)
What language is it?
A basic algorithm might be:
hold the modulo in a variable (modulo);
hold the target number in a variable (target);
initialize modulus variable;
while (target > 0) {
if (target > modulo) {
target -= modulo;
else if(target < modulo) {
modulus = target;
This may not work for you performance-wise, but:
while (num >= mod_limit)
num = num - mod_limit
In javascript:
function modulo(num1, num2) {
if (num2 === 0 || isNaN(num1) || isNaN(num2)) {
return NaN;
if (num1 === 0) {
return 0;
var remainderIsPositive = num1 >= 0;
num1 = Math.abs(num1);
num2 = Math.abs(num2);
while (num1 >= num2) {
num1 -= num2
return remainderIsPositive ? num1 : 0 - num1;
