XCode 4.31 crash when open my project [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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XCode 4.31 crash when i try to open my project. I could open any other project except mine.
I recall I was changing some values in .plist file when the problem happened. however, I fix .plist (by text editor) but still Xcode crash.
any suggestion?

Create a new project and import your files in it. Configure it accordingly.


Find out if an iOS app is compiled with Swift [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it possible to find out if an iOS app is compiled with Swift by checking its .ipa files?
Unzip IPA file.
Open unzipped package (show content)
Open Frameworks folder
You can see swift support libraries inside. That's it!

Compiling problems I am new to programming could someone check out my project file and see what's wrong with it [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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It would be really great if anyone could get it running again since it was running before on the Apple watch as well as the simulator
Xcode project
I apologies for my 1st comment. I made mistake to understand your question. and run your project in iphone simulator. but , now I have successfully solved your issue .
You have set InterfaceController as class of both the controller in storyboard .
I have attach image with your issue.
Here i have attached your app result .
Apple Watch Simulator Output

how to download and open a doument in myapp in ios [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new in IOS and making an app
1-First phase download attachment i.e. doc,ppt,and pdfs,xlsx (i hav done with that)
2-Second phase is open those attachment
Please surges me how to open those attachments
thanks in advance
You need to use UIDocumentInterationController . Tutorial for Opening the Documents

Where the architecture of iOS apps is explained? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Could you please point me to the documentation, where the meaning and format of all files inside iOS app source is explained? I'm trying to understand the architecture of iOS applications, behind the UI of Xcode.
Change the extension on the app from ".ipa" to ".zip". Then double-clock to unzip. Examine the unzipped folder's contents.

Getting code from .ipa file [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to get code from .ipa file ?
The .ipa file has machine code, which can be disassembled into hard-to-read assembly code, but there is no way to get the original source code from the .ipa file.
