I´m developing an application from windows phone, and I need that user could configure DataTemplete of DataList.
The application uses WCF to load data from external database, and I think that I can use this method in order to desing a DataContext(following user indications) and sent it to windows phone application, save it on a file an then load this file.
I´m traying this, but I get an error on last line
string dt = #"
Text=""{Binding Codigo}""
FontSize=""{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}""
Text=""{Binding Nombre}""
FontSize=""{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeLarge}""
listLineas.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(dt);
Shouldn't you be created a valid XAML DataTemplate in the string?
string dt = #"
<DataTemplate xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"">
Text=""{Binding Codigo}""
FontSize=""{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}""
Text=""{Binding Nombre}""
FontSize=""{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeLarge}""
listLineas.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(dt);
Note that there has to be a default namespace declared, and that the content can only be set once (hence the wrapping StackPanel)
So, I'm currently new to Umbraco and I'm following some tutorial videos on umbraco.tv. I have created my template and is currently using it to setup the Home Page for my website. I have all the front end working and its displaying properly.
My problem is on the images. I'm using a lot of images for my website and I'm trying to link it to content so the images can be easily changed(not sure if I'm making sense).
Navigation bar image
If you click the link above, that's how my current navigation bar look like. I want to be able to change the LOGO using Umbraco's media picker. However, everytime I do so, it either gives me the alt name or a runtime error.
This is the code for the image on the template.
<img src="#Umbraco.Field("navigationLogo")" height="100" width="50" alt="Logo">
I'd appreciate it if you can help me. I'm not sure if I've explained it properly so feel free to ask in detail. Thanks!
Edit -----
I am only coding on browser since it doesn't allow me to login to pull the codes locally (only on trial version since I'm just testing out if its a good CMS).
Not sure if I'm doing it correctly so I apologize. I wrote my code like this
var navigationLogo = #Umbraco.AssignedContent.Site().GetPropertyValue("navigationLogo");
var navigationLogoMediaItem = #Umbraco.TypedMedia(navigationLogo);
<img src="#navigationLogoMediaItem.Url" height="100" width="50" alt="Logo" />
It's giving me the following error so far.
Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'Umbraco.Web.UmbracoHelper' does not contain a definition for 'AssignedContent' and no extension method 'AssignedContent' accepting a first argument of type 'Umbraco.Web.UmbracoHelper' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
Layout = "WebBase.cshtml";
string navigationLogoMediaItem = "";
if (Model.Content.HasValue("navigationLogo"))
navigationLogoMediaItem = Model.Content.GetPropertyValue<IPublishedContent>("navigationLogo").Url;
<img src="#navigationLogoMediaItem" height="100" width="50" alt="Logo" />
you can try this
I'm going to make a few assumptions so please bear with me here.
Assumption 1) On your home node (assuming a document type of 'home") you have a property on it called "navigationLogo".
Assumption 2) This is a media picker data type
Assumption 3) You are using Umbraco 7.6 or newer.
Assumption 4) You aren't using Models Builder
So, assumptions in place there are a few steps you need to go through.
1) Get the navigation logo where ever you are in the site.
var navigationLogo = #Umbraco.AssignedContent.Site().GetPropertyValue("navigationLogo");
2) next, you'll need to get the media item as I belive you will only have a UDI at this stage.
var navigationLogoMediaItem = #Umbraco.TypedMedia(navigationLogo);
3) You'll want to put a null check in at this point but to get the url of the logo you simple need to do this:
<img src="#navigationLogoMediaItem.Url" height="100" width="50" alt="Logo" />
That should get you what you are after. :-)
You can simply try out this code.
memberImage is your document type field name
var image = Umbraco.TypedMedia(#Umbraco.Field("memberImage").ToString());
<img src="#image.Url" style="max-width:250px">
I currently use ZK for web-development. Here is my case:
I implement instant search, once text change=> perform search.
Zul File
<textbox id="textSearch" sclass="search_text">
<attribute name="onChanging">
<label id="lbOnChangingSearch" visible="false"></label>
<grid id="gridChapter" model="#load(vm.chapterInPage)">
Controller code
ListModelList<ChapterJoinComic> chapterInPage;
public ListModelList<ChapterJoinComic> getChapterInPage() {
return chapterInPage;
#NotifyChange({ "topComics", "chapterInPage"} )
public void onChangingTextSearch() {
FilterObject fo = getFilterObject();
doSearch(fo); // Change chapterInPage
// Manually post Not
After call onChangingText search, Grid dont update databinding.
But if I continue change text (more call onChangingTextSearch ). The Grid will update, but the updated value is the previous value.
It seems the Grid is a-step slower than my latest Model object.
Note If I use onOK instead of onChanging event, the databinding works well.
Anyone can help me. Thanks in advance!
In addition of Malte his answer.
Textbox only sends data to the server with the onChange event to avoid needless network traffic.
If you want to send data to the server with the onChanging event, you need to do :
<textbox instant="true" />
In this case the client will update almost instantly to the server (if you type fast, it will be when you stop typing)
You should remove the BindUtils.postnotifyChange when you use #NotifyChange already, and you use it wrong anyway: the third parameter should be this instead of this.chapterInPage. The JavaDoc explains that you need to specify the bean whose property is changing and the name of the property.
Furthermore, replace your onChanging attribute with the proper way to call a command:
<textbox id="textSearch" sclass="search_text"
onChanging="#command('onChangingTextSearch')" />
Consult the documentation for more information on how to use commands. I think because you do not use the command as a command, the #NotifyChange is not triggered. And your postNotifyChange is wrong, as I said.
Let me know if that works or if there are other problems remaining.
I just re-created an example on my own, and it seems to work. Try it like this:
ViewModel --------------------------------
private String searchText = "";
#NotifyChange({"chapterInPage", "searchText"})
public void onChangingTextSearch(#BindingParam("text") String searchText)
this.searchText = searchText;
public String getSearchText()
return searchText;
public ListModelList<String> getChapterInPage()
return new ListModelList<>(searchText.split(""));
zul --------------------------------------
<textbox onChanging="#command('onChangingTextSearch', text=event.value)" />
<label id="lbl" value="#load(model.searchText)" />
<listbox model="#load(model.chapterInPage)" />
Note that I use command binding to call the search method in the model instead of calling it "manually" in an onChanging listener. This way, I actually execute it as a command, which triggers the notifyChange. When you call it like vm.onChangingTextSearch() in a listener, the #NotifyChange is ignored.
This way, it works as expected, and with every character typed (well, after a couple of millisenconds delay), the list updates. Another advantage is that you do not have to bind your label into the view model, something that zk's documentation discourages.
Can you try to link your zul and model like this and tell me if it works. If it doesn't, you might want to try to create an example on zkFiddle that re-produces your code's behavior.
Hi i am working on Windows phone,
Step :1 I am trying to learn localisation. I added 2 resource files.(AppResources.resx and AppResourcesfr-FR.resx)
Step 2: I created a class LocalizedStrings. It has a property of type AppResources
private static App1.AppResources localizedResource = new pp1.AppResources();
public App1.AppResources LocalizedResources { get { return localizedResource; } }
Step 3 :In the App.Xaml i added a ApplicationResource
<local:LocalizedStrings xmlns:local="using:App1" x:Key="LocalizedStrings" />
Step 4 :In my Login.Xaml I just added Like this
<TextBlock x:Name="tbTitlePanel" Text="{Binding Path=LocalizedResources.AppTitle, Source=LocalizedStrings}"/>
My resource file :
Data is not binding. I did not get understand what the isuue is?
If you are creating the WinRT app, there is a different approach for creating localized applications. HERE is good article about it.
In short, you have to use x:Uid in you controls (instead of names) and add resources with properties, eg. tbTitlePanel.Text.
Above article will be helpful.
I am developing a WPF application for arabic users using vb .net.
In the application the user has to enter in a textbox the following: "22/85/39" but unfortunately after entering it, it displays the reverse (i.e. 39/85/22).
This is my xaml code:
<TextBox x:Name="txtWorkingNumber" Height="26" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="200"
Text="{Binding WorkingNumber}"
I have tried all Substitution enumerations but failed to find the fix.
Could any one give me a help on how to fix it??
many thanx...
Finally I found the solution which is, to add white space at the end of the text where you type "/" sympole. This is achieved through this code snippet added to the code behind:
Private Sub TextBox_PreviewKeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs)
Dim myTextBox As TextBox = CType(sender, TextBox)
If Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString.StartsWith("ar") Then
If e.Key = System.Windows.Input.Key.Divide Then
myTextBox.Text += " "
myTextBox.CaretIndex = myTextBox.Text.Length
End If
End If
End Sub
I'm having isues trying to access a PathGeometry resource in a Resource Library in a silverlight 3 app
Ive created a resource file called Geo.xaml
in my app.xaml i link to this file
<ResourceDictionary Source="Components/Resources/Geo.xaml"/>
in my resource file i have the following line which has the geometry for a simple box
<PathGeometry x:Key="CloseCross">M0,0 L188,0 L188,161 L0,161 z</PathGeometry>
and then in my MainPage.xaml i have a path trying to use that resource
<Path Data="{StaticResource CloseCross}" Stretch="Fill" Margin="10,10,0,0" Width="100" Height="100" UseLayoutRounding="False" Fill="Red"/>
and in Blend 3 (RC) it all looks fine, the path takes on the geometry and displays fine, the problem is when i build it and view it in browser i get the following error
Attribute {StaticResource CloseCross} value is out of range. [Line: 8 Position: 14]
I discovered a semi work around but even that has issues, i can create a style for target type Path and use a setter to set the Data property of the Path
<Style x:Key="PathStyle1" TargetType="Path">
<Setter Property="Data" Value="M0,0 L188,0 L188,161 L0,161 z" />
The problem with this is that when I apply that style, the geometry isnt displayed in blend, the path is there in the hierachy tree but is not visible on the canvas but when i build and view it in a browser, its all good...
can anyone help me understand why I cant seem to put path geometry in a resource file (or in fact anywhere)
One problem is that in Silverlight you cannot store Paths within the ResourceDictionary. I would put the Path coordinates within a string resource, and then use http://StringToPathGeometry.codeplex.com to create the paths.
It is actually possible to store a path in a ResourceDictionary, the trick being to store it as a string.
However, the issue with this is that you get no design time suport if you do this, although at run time, it looks great.
The workaround for getting design time support in SL 5 is to store the path as a string in a code file, then using binding to get to the path data. This is the only way to get your path to show up at design time.
For example, say you have a toolbar button and you want to use a path as it's icon:
<c1:C1ToolbarButton x:Name="SaveChanges">
<Path Margin="5"
Data="{Binding SaveIcon,
Source={StaticResource iconTheme}}"
Stretch="Uniform" />
Now you have your path bound to a class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged:
//A class for storing Paths which are turned into icons.
public class IconTheme : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _saveIcon =
"M10.280033,48.087753L10.280033,54.397381 50.810078,54.397381 50.810078,48.087753z M15.900046,6.4432963E-05L23.693047,6.4432963E-05 23.693047,15.900064 15.900046,15.900064z M3.4200456,0L10.280033,0 10.280033,19.019096 50.810078,19.019096 50.810078,0 58.300069,0C60.190087,0,61.730004,1.5399642,61.730004,3.4298871L61.730004,59.237114C61.730004,61.137043,60.190087,62.667,58.300069,62.667L3.4200456,62.667C1.53003,62.667,1.896733E-07,61.137043,0,59.237114L0,3.4298871C1.896733E-07,1.5399642,1.53003,0,3.4200456,0z";
public string SaveIcon
get { return this._saveIcon; }
set { this._saveIcon = value;
void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
Lastly, you need to create an instance of the class in your App.xaml file:
<Assets:IconTheme x:Key="iconTheme" />
Now you can bind to this anywhere in your app and see the path at design time. I would prefer to have the path in Xaml, but not being able to see it at design time can be a significant drawback. Furtheremore, if I wanted to customize the Icons at runtime, I could now do so in the IconTheme class and the changes would instantly show up in the app.