Make Asset Pipeline work with Chrome DevTools Autosave - ruby-on-rails

Chrome DevTools Autosave doesn’t work with Rails Asset Pipeline. The culprit of the problem is in the assets URLs — I cannot decipher the actual file path by its URL. For example, /assets/application.css may refer to either app/assets/stylesheets/application.css, lib/assets/stylesheets/application.css,
or vendor/assets/stylesheets/application.css.
I wonder, how do I change assets URL to one of the following:
/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css (matches exactly actual file path, perfect solution)
/assets/application.css?source_url=app/assets/stylesheets/application.css (introduces source_url query parameter)
I would appreciate any help writing Rails plugin for that.
Update: I filled an issue to sprockets.

I'll try to get the ball rolling, but I'd have to do a lot more to verify or provide a better answer, so I'll mark this answer community wiki. That way others can answer below and or edit this post.
I've had to set up asset pipelining for Sinatra, and generally speaking, in the latest versions of Sprockets (which is used to provide the asset pipelining in Rails) the Sprockets::Asset class has methods to obtain the path and logical path.
I believe Rails uses the asset_path helper to generate the public facing url from the Sprockets class. This in turn appears to use the AssetPaths#compute_public_path instance method. A good first step would be to modify these parts of the code to add a source_url parameter based on your parsing of the source.pathname. This is assuming that source is an instance of Sprockets::Asset in some form or another.

I'm not quite sure how you expect the source to come from but it's already provided by ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
# => <img alt="Rails" src="" />
# => <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


How to use svg 'use' statement with Rails sprockets asset helpers?

I have an svg in an external file that I want to reference with a use statement in Rails.
If I do:
%use{"xlink:href" => "assets/icon.svg#test"}
which generates the html:
<use xlink:href="assets/icon.svg#test"></use>
Everything works as expected.
However I want this to be able to work with sprockets asset versioning in a similar way to how image_tag works.
I tried to do:
%use{"xlink:href" => image_url("icon.svg#test")}
This generates the html:
<use xlink:href=""></use>
The asset certainly exists at, but the icon does not show.
What am I doing wrong? How do I use sprockets asset helpers with svg use statements?
Asset cannot exist at, it is not a real ip, you need to set config.action_controller.asset_host
In development ip) will do
Seems to be a cross origin browser security issue.
Google chrome actually gives a message that helps with this. (I was previously using firefox so didn't notice this...)
Unsafe attempt to load URL from frame with URL http://localhost:5000/. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
The domain names much match for it to work.
In my opinion, this can be fixed by using image_path instead of image_url. That way you should get a relative link to the SVG file, i.e. precisely the same output as in your raw HTML, possibly with just the asset hash added to the file name.

In Rails, how can I include a style sheet from the asset pipeline as a <style> tag?

Everyone knows how to use stylesheet_link_tag to link to a stylesheet, but I would like to actually include an entire stylesheet in a page itself. (No, this is normally not a great practice, but it makes sense in this context.)
stylesheet_include_tag does not exist, and a co-worker who is a much bigger bad-ass at Rails than I am says there isn’t a simple way.
Is it actually possible to make use of the asset pipeline and still embed the contents of a CSS or JavaScript file (compiled from Sass or CoffeeScript!) into a .haml view? How?
Added for clarity:
I’d like for my layout to be able to include something like:
= stylesheet_link_tag "base"
= stylesheet_embed_tag "page-specific-styles/foo"
And have this generate output HTML along these lines:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/base.css" />
<style type="text/css">.foo { color: red; }</style>
It’s possible to use Sass within Haml if you set your initalizer correctly, but I cannot seem to #import "foo" from this context, where foo.css.sass is a stylesheet in the asset pipeline. Note that #import "compass" (assuming you have the compass gem) does work.
This looks like (haml):
#import "foo"
Rails gives an error that "foo" cannot be found, even though it claims to be looking in app/assets/stylesheets (which is where foo.css.sass lives).
So, this feels closer, but still not quite there.
from :
in haml
=raw YourApp::Application.assets.find_asset('foo.css').source
I believe this requires asset compilation in production, which can be pretty costly.
If I understand your question correctly, you could add your CSS code to a normal Ruby view file (as a partial), say styles.html.erb.
And then add that to your page upon any condition you want, I think it's the simplest way of looking at it.

How to inline css when using the rails asset pipeline

Instead of having the page include a style tag with a link where to get the css from, which I could add to my view using rails' stylesheet_link_tag helper method, I want to have the css inline directly inside the page.
This is what I came up with so far:
But I can't find any rails' helper method which gives me the physical path of an asset - physical_asset_path is just a dummy method invented by me.
Anybody knows how to get the physical path of an asset when using rails 3.2.x?
Is there an easier/ better way to get stylesheets - from css files inside the common rails assets paths - inline?
Use case: most email clients don't access external sources (like css, images) without user confirmation. So to get the emails properly displayed I need to embed the CSS inside the emails' HTML.
Rails.application.assets.find_asset('email').to_s will return the compiled asset as a string.
Use premailer or premailer-rails3
Joe's Nerd Party say:
We also used the Premailer gem to automatically inline the linked
stylesheet in the email views. Our email layout looks something like:
= stylesheet_link_tag 'email'
%style{:type => "text/css"}
#media all and (max-width: 480px)
width: auto !important
max-width: 600px !important
... and so on for the mobile code
Email body here.
Lots of tables.
We include a stylesheet in the HTML. Premailer downloads it, processes
it, and inserts the css rules inline in the HTML.
The #media rules need to be inline in the email layout, since
Premailer can’t handle those being in a separate css file yet.
We use premailer-rails3 to integrate Premailer into Rails 3.
Unfortunately, we found a bunch of bugs in premailer and
premailer-rails3. Our forks of the projects are at and The forks fix some
encoding bugs, remove some weird css processing stuff done by
premailer-rails3, allow premailer to not strip out embedded
rules in the email layouts, and some other things.
We also found a bug in sass-rails, where you can’t embed image-urls in
inline sass code. See
Premailer-rails3 hooks into ActionMailer when the email actually being
delivered, not just generated. When running tests, email is not
actually sent, so the premailer-rails3 hooks don’t get ran during
tests. I haven’t spent the time to see if it’s possible to get the
premailer processing to run during tests, but that would be a nice
thing to do.
Also, our forks on premailer-rails3 assume that you want premailer to
go out and actually download the linked CSS files. It should be
possible to use the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline to get the processed css
without downloading it. A very special thanks goes to Jordan Isip who
did the super annoying job of making sure the emails look great in all
the different clients out there. Writing that CSS/HTML did not look
Roadie appears to be a better option. Thanks to Seth Bro for pointing it out.
(Sorry this answer is in html, not HAML… but that shouldn't be a problem for HAML fans)
I found this question when looking for a way to inline Sass compiled as css into html for creating html email templates.
Combining the above advice, I used the following code in the head of my html page:
<style type="text/css">
<%= Rails.application.assets['path/to/sass/file'].to_s.html_safe %>
This code compiles Sass as CSS and then inserts the css into a <style> tag. The html_safe ensures that any quotes (' and ") or angle brackets (> and <) used in the css are not escaped.
The path/to/sass/file is the same as you would use when creating a stylesheet link tag:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'path/to/sass/file', :media => 'all' %>
Rails.application.assets['asset.js'] will work only in local environment, as rails asset compilation is disabled in both production and staging environment.
Rails.application.assets_manifest.find_sources('asset.js').first.to_s.html_safe should be used to inline css when using rails asset pipeline.
Can't add comment to Seth Bro's answer. You better use #[] instead of #find_asset:
Re "asset will not be compressed". It's not true. It will be compressed if you have compressors enabled (in rails config):
Rails.application.configure do
# ...
config.assets.css_compressor = :sass
config.assets.js_compressor = :uglify
Notice, that by default this is enabled in production environment (config/environments/production.rb).
Had the same problem, solved it using #phlegx's answer to a similar issue in Premailer.
For an environment-safe solution you need to use
(Rails.application.assets || ::Sprockets::Railtie.build_environment(Rails.application)).find_asset('email.css').to_s
I've packaged it into a helper in my app:
# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
# Returns the contents of the compiled asset (CSS, JS, etc) or an empty string
def asset_body(name)
(Rails.application.assets || ::Sprockets::Railtie.build_environment(Rails.application)).find_asset(name).to_s
I was trying to inline css for use in google amp compatible pages with rails. I found the following helper from vyachkonovalov which was the only thing for me working in production and locally.
Add the following to the erb template:
<style amp-custom>
<%= asset_to_string('application.css').html_safe %>
And the helper to ApplicationHelper. It works perfectly locally and in production.
module ApplicationHelper
def asset_to_string(name)
app = Rails.application
if Rails.configuration.assets.compile
controller.view_context.render(file: File.join('public/assets', app.assets_manifest.assets[name]))
tl;dr (without Roadie):
= render template: '../assets/stylesheets/email_responsive.css'
For actually applying the CSS as inline styles, I recommend roadie-rails (which is a Rails wrapper for Roadie). It also has other neat features like absolutizing hrefs, srcs etc.
A usage combining both inlined (email.scss) and non-inlined (email_responsive.css) stylesheets, both residing in app/assets/stylesheets:
-# This will be inlined and applied to HTML elements.
-# Note that you need to include this in your asset config, e.g.:
-# Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(... email.css)
-# (You need to list it as `email.css` even if it's actually `email.scss`.)
= stylesheet_link_tag 'email'
-# E.g. for media queries which can't be inlined - yeah, some iOS devices support them.
-# This will not be inlined and will be included as is (thanks to `data-roadie-ignore`).
-# `template:` marks it as a full template rather than a partial and disables `_` prefix.
-# We need to add the extension (`.css`) since it's non-standard for a view.
%style(type="text/css" data-roadie-ignore)
= render template: '../assets/stylesheets/email_responsive.css'
You can use this:
Rails.root.join('public', ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("email.css")[1..-1]).read.html_safe

What is the advantage of using s:url in link tag

I have seen at couple of places people using the inside the tag to include the css, like below
<link href="<s:url value="path_to_css_file" />" rel="stylesheet" />
What are we gaining from this. We could have easily written the same code without the and things would have worked then also.
It uses the application context (similar to the JSTL tag), but has S2-specific attributes like action, can include/not include current request parameters, etc. (tag docs)
If you're not using any S2-specific functionality when you're using it, I'd use the JSTL equivalent.
I don't really know what will be the difference. All I do know it has something to do with 'struts' and apache.
Hope the source might help you put.

grails app root context

I have a test grails app setup with a context of "/testapp". When I add a link in my gsp that references / it does not go to the root of my, but to the root of my grails.serverURL property.
For example given a link with href "/css/main.css"
I would expect that this link would actually look in localhost:8080/testapp/css/main.css instead of localhost:8080/css/main.css
Is there a way that I can get references to / to start at my vs the grails.serverURL?
use the request contextPath value on the page
and then prepend the additional host information if necessary to construct the complete url
the question is how do you add your links into your gsps?
We do things like
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir: 'css', file: 'stylesheet1.css')}"/>
<g:javascript library="prototype"/>
by using the g:javascript and resource tags and methods, you tell grails to set the path for you...
I suspect you are just putting standard tags in...
and, under tags in the left hand nav, look for resource and/or javascript to get an idea (its difficult to link directly in to the docs...:()
I had a similar issue to OP - how to have grails form links that start at the context root and NOT server root?
You can do so using the "uri" attribute for g:link and g:createLink tags. For example:
<g:link uri="/login">login</g:link>
will prefix any context if applicable, and produce the following
login if your app is at the http://server/
login if your app is at http://server/testapp/
Not sure why it's an undocumented attribute in the reference docs, but I found it in the Javadocs - ApplicationTagLib
You should probably be using the resource tag into your grails CSS directory, like mentioned above. However, you can also use the resource method to find the root context of you web application using the same tag:
then just use that string wherever.
And when it comes to elements like stylesheets I'd recommend creating a simple tag that'll do the trick, something along those lines:
class StylesTagLib {
static namespace = "g"
def stylesheet = { args, body ->
out << """<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir: 'css', file: args.href)}"/>"""
and later on in your code use it like this:
<g:stylesheet href="main.css"/>
Obviously you can fiddle with the conventions (should I use a predefined folder? should I add the .css extension automatically? stuff like that) but the general idea is to hide the ugliness behind a nicely defined tag.
