YouTube API: orderby causes deleted videos in results? - youtube-api

I have uploaded 1 video to my YouTube channel. Everything works fine when I try to get the list of uploaded videos this way:[*my user name*]/uploads
But when I try to sort it, I get a list of 2 deleted videos that I am assuming were uploaded during one of my earlier tests:[*my user name*]/uploads?orderby=published
Any ideas what might be going on?

Including orderby= causes requests to go against the search index rather than the backend datastore:


Processing stuck at 7 percent

I'm trying to upload a video using the API. I can successfully authenticate, upload and create a video and receive a video id. But when I query the processing status using{VideoId}?fields=status%2Ctitle%2Cpublishing_progress URL, it keeps returning "publishing_progress": 7 no matter how long I wait.
If I try to upload the same video using the website directly it will process it just fine.
I wonder if anyone else has encountered this issue and know how to solve it.
I think there is an issue with the source URL you associated to the video.
Have you correctly filled the URL field at the video creation (STEP 4.) with the URL returned by the API when you uploaded your video (on STEP 3.)?
If so, you would encourage you to contact our support with more details to dig further into possible issues

Youtube videos and playlists tab not opening

Today youtube videos and playlist tabs stopped working for me in all channels. I've tried it both on Chrome (logged in) and Firefox (not logged in). Both times the panel just turns blank when trying to access the videos or playlist tabs in the channel.
The only thing that worked for me was reinstalling Chrome and disabling plugins.
The only workaround I've found is to remove /c from the URL.
My URL looked like this:[channel]/videos
When I remove the /c from the URL it shows the videos correctly. I am surprised this issue has not received more complaints. I think it is something do with the google account because when not signed in, videos load normally for me, when signed in I get the exact same issue as you have shown above. I have not found the problem mentioned anywhere else on my google search. It is a difficult problem to find help with because there are so many similar results when using the keywords blank youtube channel videos. I see what you mean when the /user part is in the url there is no /c to remove so the workaround doesn't help you there.

Youtube API v3 upload get Video Link

I am new to the Youtube API.
I am trying to use it to upload a file through my page on youtube.
Everything is working, and the File gets uploaded.
Now i want to display the link to the Video, so i can save it in the database. Its also enough if i can log it in the console and make an ajax call to save in the db.
The point is, i dont know how to get it.
I am using exactly the code form here:
You have it already, it's the video id in the response after you upload.
Then the url is like this -

How to get video id from new share url pattern

I see YouTube app updated new function to share videos with the url like this:
My app is using YouTube API/videos/list to get video informations and it required the Video ID field.
How can we get youtube video id from the url above.
This is maybe not a good way to do it, but since there seems to be no API for that, check this:
What they do is fetching the content and search for the meta tag with the name videoId. Again: Not a good way, maybe this approach stops working in a month or a year or maybe never.

Is it possible to set the content rating using the YouTube .NET API w/ Direct Upload?

If I'm upload some items that should have a content rating, how can I set that via the API?
Here's some tidbits of the code:
Dim newVideo As Video = Nothing
newVideo = New Video()
newVideo.Title = title
That's a part of it, can we set the rating ourselves within the API or is that functionality not there yet?
Also, if a video is blocked or flagged worldwide, do YouTube provide that in the upload successfully response, if a video uploads okay, I can get the ID, but can I also check to see if there's any complaints? I will ignore the Duplicate response for now. But I am more worried about the flagged or block as you only get three strikes.
Setting content rating isn't supported via the API.
If a video is not playable for any reason, including the reasons you mention, it will have an explanation of the problem in yt:state:
