when to destroy a data-tables in Jquery-Mobile? - jquery-mobile

I'm using the datatables plugin in a Jquery Mobile project.
I'm using a multipage layout, with several pages containing tables enhanced by the datatables plugin. Since I already have a lot of overhead using Jquery-Mobile, running datatables alongside seems to push my mobile browser's limit.
So my questions:
- Does it make sense to only initialize a datatables table when the Jquery Mobile page is being pulled into view?
- Should I destroy a datatables table when I'm leaving the page for another page and re-initialize when the user goes back to the page?
I guess the question is sort of a longshot, but maybe someone can share some insights or opinion on it nevertheless.

I've used dataTables a lot and i had problems only when the row count got too big. In any cas to your questions
Does it make sense to only initialize a datatables table when the Jquery Mobile page is being pulled into view?
Yes this makes sense to me, no need to waste processing power and memory if the table is not shown
Should I destroy a datatables table when I'm leaving the page for another page and re-initialize when the user goes back to the page?
This is a little more difficult to decide since you have to consider the effort that you put into creating the table. That's a though decision and only testing out both options will lead you to the right decision

Yes, it makes sense to initialize them as the page is pulled into view (maybe the pageload event?) In Chrome, I profiled ~30ms hit when binding data tables to a 3-row table. That will really add up if you have large tables or many of them.
This seems a bit arbitrary. Once the hit has already been taken to create/bind the datatables, I'm not sure that destroying it will clean up anything as no datatable functionality/events will be called once the page is removed from view. In fact you will put an additional (and largely unnecessary) hit on the browser unbinding them.


jQuery mobile prefetch data-icon

I have many different pages in jquery mobile which utilizing different data-icon, some custom and some are built in, is there a way to preload all of these data-icons, because now its like when a new page loads with a new icon for the first time, it will be blank for a second before it is loaded. which is annoying.
I am using phonegap+backbone+jquery mobile. so its heavy java stuff instead of pure html.
Have you thought about using image sprites? This way, all icons will be cached on the first page load. It's a little extra css upfront, but I think it'd be really worth it!

Web page design - number of pages and user experience

I am just starting a project and the wireframes are ready. But looking at the wireframes it seems that the primary goal was to reduce the number of pages and to include maximum functionality in to a single page.
Taking an example of an organization, the top portion of the page will show the organization details, below that at the left we have an division structure as a tree view, clicking on a division will populate the employee list on the right as a table, and when you click on an employee it will populate the employee details below.
Current wireframe looks something like this:
End user is happy as they can see the entire functionality on a single page and doesn't need to navigate to another page.
But this design reminds me the screen of some old desktop application and I feel that this page is unnecessarily complex- I want to split this in to multiple pages (at least in to three). Also, I am using MVC 4 and splitting this in to multiple pages will definitely help me to reduce the complexities during implementation.
But before arriving at any conclusion and raising any concern, I would like to know what you guys think. Some articles related to User experience are also welcome.
Here's what I think.
Whether the design above is 'right' depends on the target audience and the type of work / business process they need to carry out. There may be a strong business argument for being able to see all the information (org details, divisions, employees and employee details) on one page. It is not unusual to see a lot of information displayed in a page with a lot of interactivity - users expectations have increased because of consumer sites such as Gmail.
The users might find it frustrating if it was broken out into different pages.
To put it another way, I don't think there is a valid technical justification for making the designer change the UI above to split it into different pages.
You would be able to build the UI above in MVC as a single page web application. You will probably need to implement a lot of controller actions to support ajax calls. You're almost certainly going to end up using a lot of JQuery and you are probably also going to end up with a significant amount of JavaScript to write. Also, you'll need to make sure the designer has made good decisions around the sizing of the page. Is it going to be fixed width or dynamic for instance? You'll need to emit well structured HTML in order to achieve that solely using CSS (which I would strongly advise you do).

Dynamic menu versus hard-coded

I'm working on building a mobile application for a client using jQuery Mobile. The question I have is fairly basic and non-technical:
The application can have three different types of users, all with a different menu layout. Some users will have access to some parts of the system that other users will not.
My question is- should I hardcode the menu system in the index.html file or should I dynamically create it when they log in? I'm assuming that there would be a slight performance gain by hardcoding the menu and then just choosing which #page to display as opposed to requiring an ajax call...but keeping the menu builder on the server side processing keeps us more agile if need to change the menu after deployment.
Deep apologies if this has already been asked. Thanks for your help!
Build your pages dynamically. On jQuery mobile, a lot of stuff will be repeated and if you want to respect the DRY principle and want to create easily maintainable code, do it dynamically.
Also, by doing this on a mobile application you will reduce the loading times : instead of loading 3 pages you'll only load one, wich can be crucial in mobile developpement.
Hard coding is bad if it can be done dynamically do it because it saves over head and produces nicer code that is easier maintainable.
If you want to change the menu in the future you can just edit the source of information instead of going through all your code having tons of messy if and else statements saying if this person is logged in don't show this option but show this one etc.

jQuery Mobile & JS Frameworks

At my work we have an existing ASP.NET web application and are duplicating some of the pages & functionality to better target our mobile users. We are using the jQuery Mobile framework and ASP.NET Web Forms to do this.
Since this is going to target the mobile web I would like it to be fast & lightweight which means turning off the view state, loading lists on demand (when opened), and I'd like to eliminate post backs (annoying & doesn't work well w/ jQuery Mobile). Of course this means doing a lot more work client side.
One of the pages is a bit complex, it allows the user to log items, however it's layout is fully customizable. Prior to logging the user is able to define what fields they wish to track. Some of these fields are system designated but others are created by the user. They can choose from a checkbox, dropdown list, date box, radio button, text box, or list box. Some fields are also tied to other fields meaning the user can select an item in one drop down list which then reloads another drop down list with the associated data. The user also has the ability to add an unlimited amount of additional fields (drop down lists) while on the actual page used to log their item. Once the page is filled out by the user the selected fields values are saved back to the server in a database table.
I figured this would be a great chance to use a JS Framework like Knockout.js, the dependency tracking would come in great for trying to keep things synced up & reload lists as needed based on selections made in other lists. Even though I am a bit concerned about how it would handle the fact that the form layout is dynamic & can be modified once displayed (anyone know if it can handle this?).
So I started looking around for jQuery Mobile & Knockout.js and apparently there are issues, workarounds, limitations, etc. w/ the two working together and I saw the same thing w/ Backbone.js
Does anyone have any suggestions w/ this? Is it worth the hassle to try and use a JS Framework of some sort w/ jQuery Mobile? Can a JS Framework handle the form I am trying to create w/o me having to jump through hoops? Am I better off looking for some sort of dependency tracking plugin and just using that and if so can you suggest any that will wire up to my model object & other controls on the page & work correctly w/ jQuery Mobile?
Overall, knockout should be a good fit for your requirements. I'm currently using it an MVC3 applicaiton to do similar things to what you are describing.
As for your complex page, this is all doable.
Your highly customizable form. This is one area where knockout really shines. It allows a separation be how data is displayed and the data itself. This can be done with different data-bindings types and you can add your own customized bindings. I actually do this a lot when creating a form and experimenting with what the test control type is.
Dynamic Layout - With Knockout there is no direct connection between the DOM and the data. Knockout's data-bind statements allow you to connect new content to it's data at run time. This currently works well in my current app.
For your requirement about unlimited adds, take a look at the Contacts Editor Demo. It seems to have features to do the unlimited requirements
In general with knockout, once I went to using ajax to handle all my data requirements, things became greatly simplified.
As far as using knockout with jQuery mobile, knockout is now part of the new releases of Asp.Net Mvc4, developer preview. It is my understanding that knockout is key to MVC's design on building single page web offline where the data is stored locally, then dynamically added to the displayed page. Cannot find link right know, but I'll keep looking and post edit later.
Hope this helps out. Also, checkout the links on knockoutjs.net home page. -

ASP.NET MVC: cache with non-cachable portions

I have a heavy page that is cached. This is okay for anonymous users. They all see the same page.
The problem is for logged in users. They should have minor parts of the page re-rendered on every request (like personal notes on content in the page, etc.)
But still all the rest of the page should be cached (it does tons of SQL and calcuations when rendered).
As a workaround I put placeholders in page templates (like #var1#, #var2#,..).
Then I make controller method to render View into string, where I do string.Replace #var1# and other into real values.
Any cleaner way to do such kind of partial "non-caching"?
This is called donut caching.
The ASP.Net MVC framework doesn't currently support it, but it's planned for version 3.
To start things off, it might make sense to go through the page and see if there is anything about it that you can do to streamline or reduce the weight. Depending upon how bad things are, investing some time here might pay off in the long run.
That said, in regards to trying to server the content to anonymous as well as logged in users, one option is to have two versions of the page: one for anonymous users and one for logged in users. This may not be the best approach though as it means that you now have two versions of the same page to maintain.
Given the lack of support doughnut caching mentioned by SLaks what I would likely do is try and cache the results of the calculations that are being done for the page (e.g. if you are querying a database for a table of data, cache a DataTable that you can check for before running the operation) and seeing what that does for the performance. It may not be the most elegant solution in the world, but it may solve the problems that you are having.
