Retrieve data from infopath form to nintex workflow - sharepoint-2007

I'm new to Nintex Workflow 2007. I am publishing inforpath 2007 form inside Library and assign a Nintex workflow.
Inforpath form contains 'approve' and 'Reject' buttons. Some parties will get tasks to approve the form via workflow. When someone 'Approve' or 'reject' it the information will remain in inforpath form. (Approver approve it only using form buttons)
I just want to access that information and do some implementation in workflow.
Ex- Set a Condition (If Approved do something Else Do something else)
Is someone know a way to access inforpath form information and use it in workflow.?
Same scenario is possible to do with flags. When someone approve it, we can set a flag to list and access that flag in workflow. However I want to know a way to directly access inforpath form and get information from itself.
Please help me.

I have found a way to do this. You can find 'Query XML' control in Nintex. Using this control , this able to access InfoPath control's Xpath.
You can copy your InfoPath control (radio button) XPath by right clicking on it and choose copy XPath. Then you can use it in Nintex. And put that outcome to your variable. This is cool way to do this.


Orbeon Forms: Inhibit Data Entry after Form is Completed

Sorry for the basic question... I'm relatively new to Orbeon Forms..
Is it possible to inhibit the change of a form (to most users) once the has been submitted and the status has reached the "Completed" ?
Specific business key users must be able to change these forms if required (like Admin rights).
At present anyone with the right permissions can re-open a form and change the data..
Many thanks
The basic idea is the following:
In the process that runs when users submit the form, use the set-workflow-stage(name = "…") action to change the workflow stage to something like submitted.
In Form Builder, set the entire form to be readonly if the workflow stage is submitted using a formula like fr:workflow-stage-value() = 'submitted'.
You can find more about it in this blog post.

Form submit with the form context in HTMLUnit

I have a project where I am converting some old HTTPUnit code to HTMLUnit. Among one of the issues I have ran into is the form.submit() option of HTTPUnit.The form.submit works without having to specifically finding the submit button for that particular form provided I have selected the correct form while initializing the form variable earlier.
Is there something similar in HTMLUnit that I could use?
Just to explain the significance of what I am asking, I am testing a shopping site with several forms (for different product) and each form has it own form button with no specific attribute to separate them. Every form has its own different structure and hence finding the submit button using xpath is a bit difficult.
Specifically what I am asking is there a way in HTMLUnit where I could submit a form on basis of the form itself and not the specific submit button? And if not given the above circumstances could anybody please suggest a workaround?
Thanks in advance.

Add Submit button on Orbeon Form Runner and then call custom Java REST API on submission

I am working on a POC (proof of concept) where I am evaluating Orbeon form builder/runner. I am using community edition, just in case, I will need to change the code, else the Professional Edition would do for POC.
I am integrating FormRunner with my web application running on different web server, which will call the FormRunner URL with some custom query parameters.
I want to remove the Summary, PDF and Review buttons from FormRunner and simply want the save button to function as submit button, so as clicking on it will submit the POST data to my custom Java code which will talk back to my web application, likely through REST API. The submit button then should redirect me to another page saying 'Your data has been submitted'.
I find it difficult to understand the area where I can change the code for expected behavior. Could you provide me some pointers in this regards please?
Thanks and Regards,
You shouldn't have to change the code for this, but instead use the*.* property to define which buttons are shown. Based on your description, you only need the workflow-send button, which, amongst other things can POST the form data to a service you specify.

Concept for a grails app

I am working on a Grails project, its an accounting project. We have multiple clients and they can have multiple types of accounts. I have to create the 'create' page for client, there should be a way to add multiple types of account to the client.
So I was thinking of making a drop-down list with account types and few text boxes to enter account name and other info about account. Also, as a client can have multiple accounts, so I want to create a 'add' button, when clicked it would display a new row to add a new client. I have done this kind of UI before using javascript but in this case, as there is a drop-down list and other components, I think it would be very hard and may not work.
I was thinking of creating a partial view which would render each time user clicked the 'add' button with additional row, problem with this would be during validation errors, edit page and i would also have to pass all values each time user clicks 'add' button.
Is there any other for doing this?
For the template approach you must use ajax if you don't want to carry on the params that the user has already set.
It is possible to make new drop-down lists appear (or any group of elements inside a <div>) when a user clicks a button, since Grails already comes with jQuery you might want to take a look at the .clone() method.
The problem with the two listed approeaches is that it will be possible to have duplicates.
Now, another option is to use checkboxes, so you can check just the type of account you want.
But to be honest it does seems a bit odd or even inapropiate to let the user choose the type of account he wants with such freedom.

Assigning Fogbugz cases programmatically

I want to write an application that assigns Fogbugz cases programmatically, how would I accomplish this? Is it possible to achieve this given any of the following scenarios:
The user enters text in my
application's input field and the
Fogbugz report is opened in the
browser where the "note" field is
populated with the text from the user
The fogbugz report is assigned to the
specified user in the application
without the browser even being opened
i.e. the report is stored directly in
the DB.
I'm planning to add default values to the other fields as well so I would assume the process would be the same for adding text to the "note" field.
You can do this with the Fogbugz API. See the heading "Editing Cases" for the specifics on how to edit a case (which includes creating a new one). It's a little complicated (or perhaps just oddly designed) but, as I remember, you basically have to call cmd=new if you want to create a new case, supply your text in the 's' parameter and set the ixPersonAssignedTo to the correct person. For an existing case, use cmd=edit.
This is possible both with a regular form posted to your Fogbugz installation and some server side code that calls the API.
You might want to write a plugin for FB and allow others to use it. (share it or sell it)
