BlackBerry - Attribute Entry-Point-Icon: file cannot be found - blackberry

I'm trying to pack and sign my Adobe Air 2.5 app for the PlayBook through the "BlackBerry Tabelt OS Graphical Aid".
I'm running into this error:
Warning: Using default icon: C:\Programme\Research In
Error: Attribute Entry-Point-Icon: file cannot be found in the list of
packaged files: blackberry-tablet-icon.png
My blackberry-tablet.xml file:
<author>Foo Bar</author>
Any ideas where the error comes from?

Add the icon in the Package using "Add additional files".


error: (type 1): cannot open file for reading 'ugmm8a.pfb' in LaTeX (font depreciated)

I have been trying to compile my latex code in, but it keeps giving the errors as follows, and it does not point in which line of the code the error is located in:
It seems like a font issue there and here is the raw log of the error:
! error: (type 1): cannot open file for reading 'ugmm8a.pfb'
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
I need to solve this error to get my output document.
The urw-garamond fonts works just fine with texlive2021, you just need the ugmr8a.pfb from
(... however it might give better results not to use such a legacy font if you're already using lualatex, overleaf has many good fonts installed
I have found the solution to this problem by myself.
Turns out the solution was just to change the Compiler (TeX Live) version of the project from 2021 to 2016 (since the 'ugmm8a.pfb' font got depreciated in the later version).
Hence I had to press the Menu option in the Top Left of my project, and then change the "TeX Live version" from 2021 to 2016 as shown in the screenshot below:
And after this one change when I recompiled, my document was successfully outputted without any errors.
As an additional info to people who are facing similar issues check this post by on how to add new fonts that do not exist on their server to your project:

'meteor build', cordova - error for ios platform

I am trying to build my hello app (works on a web browser) for mobile platforms. I ran the command 'meteor build ../mobile/hello --server=localhost:3000' on the terminal. The build process for Android was successful but not for iOS.
Does anyone know what the issue could be?
=> Errors executing Cordova commands:
While preparing Cordova project for platform iOS:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
I searched on google and some suggest it could be an issue with mobile-config.js file. I already checked that file and it seems ok.
// This section sets up some basic app metadata, the entire section is optional.{
id: 'com.example.hello',
name: 'hello',
description: 'hello',
author: 'John',
email: '',
website: ''
// Set up resources such as icons and launch screens.
'iphone': 'icons/phone.png',
'iphone_2x': 'icons/phone2.png'
// More screen sizes and platforms...
'iphone': 'splash/anotherPhone.png',
'iphone_2x': 'splash/anotherPhone2.png'
// More screen sizes and platforms...
// Set PhoneGap/Cordova preferences.
App.setPreference('BackgroundColor', '0xff0000ff');
App.setPreference('HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar', true);
App.setPreference('Orientation', 'default');
App.setPreference('Orientation', 'all', 'ios');
// Pass preferences for a particular PhoneGap/Cordova plugin.
App.configurePlugin('com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect', {
APP_ID: '1234567890',
API_KEY: 'supersecretapikey'
// Add custom tags for a particular PhoneGap/Cordova plugin to the end of the
// generated config.xml. 'Universal Links' is shown as an example here.
<host name="localhost:3000" />
Delete from your project the folder /.meteor/local
launch Meteor again
Warning: you will loose your DataBase (it is located inside the local folder)
Tks #ghybs for the solution. I encountered the same issue and worked perfectly fine for me.

windows installer error when specifying "setupIcon"

I've already packaged the app correctly and am now going through the whole electron-winstaller processs, following the Christian Engvall tutorial exactly.
In createInstaller.js I have the standard
return Promise.resolve({
appDirectory: path.join(outPath, '/MyApp-win32-x64/'),
authors: 'Me',
noMsi: true,
outputDirectory: path.join(outPath, 'windows-installer'),
exe: 'MyApp.exe',
setupExe: 'Setup.exe',
setupIcon: path.join(rootPath, '/path/to/appicon.ico')
If I remove the setupIcon parameter, it builds the installer just fine. However if I keep it there, I get an 'Unable to load file' error from the console. I've verified that the path to the .ico file is in fact correct, and is a valid .ico file.
What could possibly be happening?
To fix the Setup Icon error when creating an installer with electron-wininstaller you can use Resource Hacker.
It is for editing the exe file and you can change the ressource file and icons.
For more information you there is a tutorial here.

JpcapCaptor, NetworkInterface in Jpcap package

I have dowloaded a jpcap package from
I have copied the jar file in ext of jre and jdk and also copied the folder in bin of jdk. but when i run my code it shows a error of JpcapCaptor and Network Interface class not found.
I have also searched manually in my package and there is no class named JpcapCaptor. Please help me if i had installed a wrong package or what?
yes there is no class named JpcapCaptor in 0.01.16 version. and your problem about the network interface not found is because PacketCapture.getDevice is adding \n and other string (like window) to the device name, which make it unreadable when you are trying to open the device so try compare the device name with the one you can find by using ipconfig in the Command prompt and erase the extra string using substring.
you can use code when you open the device:
PacketCapture pcap=new PacketCapture();
String device=pcap.findDevice();
device=device.substring(0, device.indexOf("}")+1);, true);

XlsLib integration in IOS Application

I'm trying to integrate xlslib in my app. After compiling and installing lib, I have added this in my code. Then I got the error shown below:
format_t::format_t(CGlobalRecords& gRecords, const u16string& fmtstr) :
format.cpp:125:52: Reference to 'u16string' is ambiguous
Out-of-line definition of 'format_t' does not match any declaration in
while in format.h file, declaration as below
format_t(CGlobalRecords& gRecords, const u16string& fmtstr);
Can any one help to solve this issue?
Why didn't you post a bug report on the SourceForge page? In any case, the xlslib project has been updated and now offers the DHxlslibIOS library that you can incorporate as is into your project. You can download a zipped package here with the latest 2.4.0b1 source, or pull it from SVN. The framework is in the DHxls directory.
