Box shadow in IE 8 without Active X - activex

Is there way how to use box shadow for IE 8 when active x is disabled?
So i cant use filtrs.

I hope this link might help.
all sides shadow:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#cccccc, Strength=5, Direction=0),
progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#cccccc, Strength=5, Direction=90),
progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#cccccc, Strength=5, Direction=180),
progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Color=#cccccc, Strength=5, Direction=270);


Can't figure out how to segment overlapped digits from captcha

i'm writing an application for solving captcha. Original captcha looks like this:
Original captcha
After I apply erosion+dilation it looks like this:
erosion+dilation applied
Finally I find contours for further segmentation. Obviously, I can cut "1" from the image as it's not connected with other digits. But how can I separate 5 from 7, and 7 from 8, and two zeros on the right in this case? On the first link I see that 5 and 7 are not overlapped, this way i can somehow remember it and use after applying erosion+dilation. Maybe drawing white vertical line. But still i have problems with 7 and 8.
Any help and advises are appreciated!
What you need is a technique called skeletonization,
It will help in this specific case.

Is it possible to draw a path Line with a transparent fill or no fill at all?

I am new to JavaFX and am trying to create a chart using Path. I am wondering if it is possible to draw a path Line with a transparent fill or no fill at all? I have attempted to draw a line with no fill by playing around with setFill() and setFillRule() and have still not solved my problem. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
<SVGPath content="M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L 10 10" fill="TRANSPARENT" layoutY="540.0" stroke="#b29d9d" strokeWidth="25.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" />

iOS 7 absolute postion inside table-responsive not working

I fixated the two first left columns in my tables based on The columns is only fixated, when the screen size is less than 768px - at which point the table is scrollable (see jsFiddle). It works great on Android, desktop Chrome and desktop Safari, but it doesn't work on iOS Safari and Chrome. Does iOS not support position:absolute?
If anybody else have any alternative implementations, I'll accept that as an answer.
I was able to get this working by overriding the -webkit-overflow-scrolling property to be unset.
I believe it defaults to touch in iOS which for some reason was throwing off the position:absolute I was trying to set.
I think you have stuck in min-width problem,
I will say that its simple to solve this in case you will convert pixel to em,
if you base size is 16px (by default it is same in all browsers)
then your PX to Em will be (px)768 / 16 = 48(em)
Now try changing Px to Em in the code Fiddle 0
also if you must stay with PX, then do something like this,
#media(max-width:768px !important)
fiddle 1
Fiddle 2
Note:I suggest we keep 1 or 2 % spare(by applying 99%) because if we have applied padding some where within body that will create overflow to top level.
Also try adding zoom:1; under .table-responsive class that might help in case of iOS fiddle 3
if this does not work out please reply..

HighStock how to set default invisible for all series

I want to set invisible for all series. Where and how can i set this option please. I found that posibility only in HighChart. Could you help me please?
I mean that legend will be disable and you can choose which series you want to display, thanks
You can use visible parameter visible:false

Border Radius Doesn't work in ios4?

I'm using border-radius:50%;
This doesn't work in IOS4?
but says it does?
Huh? Whats going on?
In IOS4,
It appears that it doesn't support border-radius:50%?
Therefore had to come up with some JS to work out the percentage in Pixels.
Something Like:
var radius = circleWidth / 2;
$jq('.circle').css('border-radius', radius + "px")
Doesn't appear to be documented anywhere either.
According to percentages refer to the corresponding dimensions of the border box.
Does you box have a defined height/width?
Does it work on other mobile browsers?
Maybe you need to add the -webkit- prefix to it.
