URLTrigger plugin. Need examples for TXT-RegEx or XML-XPath - jenkins

So, I try to use plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/URLTrigger+Plugin.
I want to trigger my Jenkins job when the text "Last build (#40), 17 hr ago" in the response of provided URL is changed (build number will be different after each build).
So I made following configurations:
1. Build trigger: Set [URLTrigger] - Poll with a URL.
2. Specified URL to another Jenkins: http://mydomain:8080/job/MasterJobDoNothing/
3. Set Inspect URL content option
4. Set Monitor the contents of a TEXT response
5. Set following regular expression: ^Last build[.]*
6. Set Schedule every minute: * * * * *
7. Trigger the job on another Jenkins
Actual result: My job wasn't triggered.
Then I tried to deal with XML/XPath and specify
8. Set Monitor the contents of an XML response
9. Set XPath: //*[#id="side-panel"] (also tried with one "/")
Actual result: the same.
Tell me please what I'm doing wrong? Please provide examples of RegEx or XPath if possible.
Thanks, Dima

I managed to trigger reliably with regex setting.
The regex pattern matches each line of the input.
No need to use ^ or $. it always match line start to line end.
This plugin compares the contents of the matched lines. It triggers if different.
This plugin compares the count of the matched lines. It triggers if the count is different.
This plugin uses matches() method of java.util.regex.Matcher. So the regex pattern should conform to it. (it's fairly normal regex)
As for your example,
Last build.*
may work.
Reference of regex patten:
Reference of Matcher: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Matcher.html#matches()
The regex trigger source code:

I'd recommend to use the "RSS for all" link as a trigger URL instead, and /feed/entry[1] as the XPath expression for the XML response content nature.
PS: I was using PathEnq to debug the XPath expression.


How to maintain the escaped quotes in an expression in Spring Cloud Data Flow?

When I configure my stream to be depoyed, in which I'm using a processor (transform, script or http-request), in the "expression" atribute I need to set an expression that contains quotes and double quotes (escaped). The expression works properly the first time I set and allows to deploy the stream, but if I undeploy the stream and try again to deploy it, the spring cloud data flow throws state machine exception because the backslashes used to escape the double quotes are removed.
I already follow the considerations in the Spaces and Quotes documentation, but I think that it only applies to the streams definition and not to the deployment time.
The URL of the spaces and quotes documentarion is: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#shell-white-space
And the sample of the type of expression required:
expression="new String('{\"size\": 1,\"sort\": {\"timestamp\": \"desc\"},\"query\": {\"prefix\": {\"integrationname\": \"63320e0d313862934667225f\"}}}')"
The stream could be as simple as:
http | transform | log
The firs time the expression is set looks like as follows:
expression="new String('{\"size\": 1,\"sort\": {\"timestamp\": \"desc\"},\"query\": {\"prefix\": {\"integrationname\": \"63320e0d313862934667225f\"}}}')"
Deploying correctly the stream.
Once the stream is undeployed and try to deploy it again, the espression looks like:
expression="new String('{"size": 1,"sort\": {"timestamp": "desc"},"query": {"prefix": {"integrationname": "63320e0d313862934667225f"}}}')"
Where the backslashes were removed, causing the state machine exception because of the unescaped double quotes.
Thanks in advance
We are looking at Issue #5145 and will update the issue when we have fixed it.
In the meantime I would suggest using the spring-cloud-dataflow-shell or the REST API to automate deployments where you provide the properties every time as needed.

Serilog ExpressionTemplate rename log level and apply formatting

I'm trying to use serilog's ExpressionTemplate and write the log level in the following way:
{ "level": "INF", ... }
I know how to alias #l to level - level: #l
and I know how to format the level to three upper-case letters - #l:u3 but I'm unable to combine the two
I have tried the following without success (fails when trying to format the template with an exception):
level: #l:u3
{'level': #l:u3}
At the time of writing this is a limitation in Serilog.Expressions, which will hopefully be addressed soon.
Update: version 3.4.0-dev-* now on NuGet supports ToString(#l, 'u3').
You can work around it with conditionals:
{'level': if #l = 'Information' then 'INF' else if #l = 'Warning' then 'WRN' else 'ERR'}
With a few more branches for remaining levels.
(Alternatively, you could write and plug in a user defined function along the lines of ToShortLevel(#l), and use that instead.)

Puppet3 | read values from different yaml file

So I'm using puppet3 and I have X.yaml and Y.yaml. X.yaml has profiles::resolv_conf::nameservers: [ '', '', '' ]in it. I want to add that [ '', '', '' ] as a value to the servers: which is in Y.yaml:
plugin_type: 'dns_query'
'servers': \['', '', ""\]
'domains': \['google.com'\]
'record_type': 'A'
'timeout': 5
'input_source': 'dns_query'
By doing this I want to make sure that when someone change values in profiles::resolv_conf::nameservers: that value is changed in this telegraf plugin too.
I tried multiple solution but the one that was the closest was:
plugin_type: 'dns_query'
'servers': "%{hiera('profiles::resolv_conf::nameservers')}"
'domains': ['google.com']
'record_type': 'A'
'timeout': 5
tags: 'input_source': 'dns_query'
but problem is that puppet was adding extra " " to the value and final value in plugin conf was:
"["", "", ""]" instead of ["", "", ""]
TL;DR: You can't.
From the current docs and the Puppet documentation archive, I confirm that no version of the %{hiera} interpolation function or its replacement, %{lookup}, ever supported interpolating values other than strings. That's expressed in the current docs like so:
The lookup and hiera interpolation functions look up a key and return
the resulting value. The result of the lookup must be a string; any
other result causes an error.
(Emphasis added)
What you're looking for would be supported by Hiera 5's %{alias} function, provided that the data are available somewhere else in the same hierarchy (which is also a requirement for %{hiera}). Since you're stuck on Puppet 3, however, you're probably on Hiera 2, and certainly not later than Hiera 3.
"But wait!" You may say. "I'm getting a successful interpolation, but the data are just munged". Specifically, you wrote:
problem is that puppet was adding extra " " to the value and final value
Since %{hiera()} interpolates only strings, it is not surprising that you got a string value, given that you got a value at all. I do find it a bit surprising that Puppet did not throw an error, but I'm not prepared to comment further on that without a minimum reproducible example that demonstrates the behavior.

Pass Jenkins build number to Protractor for SauceLabs

I am running protractor test cases through Jenkins, and using SauceLabs as execution environment. I am using Protractor-Cucumber-Framework. I want to pass build number from Jenkins so that I can pass same to SauceLabs to organize my test execution results.
I tried params as mentioned in this post
in Config.js
params: {
for running protractor :
protractor config/config.js --parameters.buildNumber= 1.1 --disableChecks"
using :
This gives buildnumber =xyz and not 1.1
Could you please help me here
Sorry forgot to mention that I am using browser.params.buildNumber in after hook of cucumberjs.
you should use pattern: --params.xxx in cmd line, rather than --parameters.xxx.
In your case, should be: protractor config/config.js --params.buildNumber=1.1 --disableChecks
Note: Don't insert blank space around the =, like --params.name = value, or --params.name= value.
If the parameter value has blank space, you should use double quote to wrapper it, like --params.name="I like to xxx"

Get all logs of the current Jenkins build with currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog

I want all my jenkins logs of my current build in groovy
env.logs = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog(1000).join('\n')
This works, but the problem here is I have to specify the amount of lines.
When I use:
env.logs = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog().join('\n')
env.logs is empty. What is the right command to get all the logs without specifying the amount of lines. Is this possible?
currentBuild.rawBuild.log seems to work but is deprecated?
You can use the getLog method with a max value getLog(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
This is working for me - it reads the actual log file instead of using the API:
logFileContent = new File("${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/${JOB_NAME}/builds/${BUILD_NUMBER}/log").collect {it}
