Get all logs of the current Jenkins build with currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog - jenkins

I want all my jenkins logs of my current build in groovy
env.logs = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog(1000).join('\n')
This works, but the problem here is I have to specify the amount of lines.
When I use:
env.logs = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog().join('\n')
env.logs is empty. What is the right command to get all the logs without specifying the amount of lines. Is this possible?
currentBuild.rawBuild.log seems to work but is deprecated?

You can use the getLog method with a max value getLog(Integer.MAX_VALUE)

This is working for me - it reads the actual log file instead of using the API:
logFileContent = new File("${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/${JOB_NAME}/builds/${BUILD_NUMBER}/log").collect {it}


User defined script timed out. Timeout is set to 30.0 s

Hi I an integrating my python code for time series forecasting with tableau using tabpy. While executing the code as calculated field it giving this erro: "User defined script timed out. Timeout is set to 30.0 s.". I have increased timeout in default.config already. Please suggest some sulution.
It looks like the value of TABPY_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT is hard coded somewhere in the python code used for tabpy server.
check in the tabpy\tabpy_server\app\ file, if you find out any hard coded value there just change the number to your required value or else check in other python files in the folder for the hard coded value and change it.
Incase you didn't find that path check in the log file of the tabpy, you will get to know that path.
According to the documentation you can set this parameter in your configuration file and when you launch Tabpy from the command line, just specify absolute to your configuration file like this: tabpy --config=absolute/path/to/your/config/file.conf
You can find a configuration file example under the link above. The parameter which you need to set is TABPY_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT, so in your case configuration file could look like this(if you want to extend timeout time to 2 minutes, for example):
All other parameters will be taken from default configuration file.

Why is lastModifiedTime in DistributedRegionMXBean is not updated if data is deleted from a region?

When I add an entry to a region or when a server is created, my region statistics(Eg. lastModifiedTime) gets updated. But when I delete an entry, my region's lastModifiedTime doesn't change.
Is this a bug with Gemfire's statistics?
While creating region, I also set enable-statistics=true
I am using below command with GFSH
show metrics --region=region_name
With code, I have connected using JMX,
final DistributedRegionMXBean rBean = JMX.newMXBeanProxy(mbeanConnection, objName,DistributedRegionMXBean.class);
final long modifiedTime = rBean.getLastModifiedTime();
Basically I am trying get modified regions by specifying a datetime.
I know this is an old question, but I've just tried this locally with the latest Apache Geode version and it seems to be failing as well. I've created GEODE-7764 to track the issue.

Is there a way to set next Build Number manually on Jenkins

After system restart where Jenkins is stored, one of the jobs is constantly failing it is trying to create bulid with number 1 but there is already 1400 past builds. Is there a way to change it so the build will be created with correct increment so in this case 1401.
Full stactrace from jenkins:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: [Directory]\builds\1 already existed; will
not overwite with [Build.Name] #1
at hudson.model.RunMap.put(
at jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.newBuild(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.newBuild(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(
at hudson.model.Executor$
at hudson.model.Executor$
at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(
at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(
You can use a groovy script in $JENKINS_URL/script as follows:
item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("jobName")
It looks like you can use the "Next Build Number" plugin to accomplish this:
There is a file you can edit: $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/../nextBuildNumber
$ cat /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/my-project/branches/develop/nextBuildNumber
You will need to reload configuration after changing it.

Jenkins/Gerrit: Multiple builds with different labels from one gerrit event

I create two labels in one of our projects that requires builds on Windows and Linux, so the project.config for that project now looks as follows
[label "Verified"]
function = NoBlock
[label "Verified-Windows"]
function = MaxWithBlock
value = -1 Fails
value = 0 No score
value = +1 Verified
[label "Verified-Unix"]
function = MaxWithBlock
value = -1 Fails
value = 0 No score
value = +1 Verified
This works as intended. Submits require that one succesful build reports verified-windows and the other one verified-linux [1].
However, the two builds are now triggered by the same gerrit event (from 'different' servers, see note), but when they report back only one of the two labels 'survives'.
It seems as though, the plugin collates the two messages that arrive into one comment and only accepts whichever label was the first one to be set.
Is this by design or a bug? Can I work around this?
This is using the older version of the trigger: 2.11.1
[1] I got this to work by adding more than one server and then reconfiguring the messages that are sent back via SSH to gerrit. This is cumbersome and quite non-trivial. I think jobs should be able to override the label that a succesful build will set on gerrit.
This can be adressed by using more than one user name, so the verdicts on labels don't get mixed up. However this is only partially satisfactory, since multiple server connections for the same server also duplicate events from the event stream.
I am currently working on a patch for the gerrit trigger plugin for jenkins to address this issue and and make using different labels more efficient.
Maybe you can solve this challenge by using a post build groovy script.
I provided an example at another topic:
To be more specific as mentioned by arman1991
Install the Groovy Postbuild Plugin:
Use the following example script as PostBuild action in each of your jobs. Modify it to your needs for the Linux verification.
It will do for you:
collect necessary environment variables and status of the job
build feedback message
build ssh command
execute ssh command -> send feedback to gerrit
//Collect all environment variables of the current build job
def env =
//Get Gerrit Change Number
def change = env['GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER']
//Get Gerrit Patch Number
def patch = env['GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER']
//Get Url to current job
def buildUrl = env['BUILD_URL']
//Build Url to console output
def buildConsoleUrl = buildUrl + "/console"
//Verification will set to succeded (+1) and feedback message will be generated...
def result = +1
def message = "\\\"Verification for Windows succeeded - ${buildUrl}\\\""
//...except job failed (-1)...
if ({
result = -1
message = "\\\"Verification for Windows failed - ${buildUrl}\\\""
//...or job is aborted
if ( == hudson.model.Result.ABORTED){
result = 0
message = "\\\"Verification for Windows aborted - ${buildConsoleUrl}\\\""
//Send Feedback to Gerrit via ssh
//-i - Path to private ssh key
def ssh_message = "ssh -i /path/to/jenkins/.ssh/key -p 29418 user#gerrit-host gerrit review ${change},${patch} --label=verified-Windows=${result} --message=${message}"
manager.listener.logger.println(new ProcessBuilder('bash','-c',"${ssh_message}").redirectErrorStream(true).start().text)
I hope this will help you to solve your challenge without using the Gerrit Trigger Plugin to report the results.

URLTrigger plugin. Need examples for TXT-RegEx or XML-XPath

So, I try to use plugin
I want to trigger my Jenkins job when the text "Last build (#40), 17 hr ago" in the response of provided URL is changed (build number will be different after each build).
So I made following configurations:
1. Build trigger: Set [URLTrigger] - Poll with a URL.
2. Specified URL to another Jenkins: http://mydomain:8080/job/MasterJobDoNothing/
3. Set Inspect URL content option
4. Set Monitor the contents of a TEXT response
5. Set following regular expression: ^Last build[.]*
6. Set Schedule every minute: * * * * *
7. Trigger the job on another Jenkins
Actual result: My job wasn't triggered.
Then I tried to deal with XML/XPath and specify
8. Set Monitor the contents of an XML response
9. Set XPath: //*[#id="side-panel"] (also tried with one "/")
Actual result: the same.
Tell me please what I'm doing wrong? Please provide examples of RegEx or XPath if possible.
Thanks, Dima
I managed to trigger reliably with regex setting.
The regex pattern matches each line of the input.
No need to use ^ or $. it always match line start to line end.
This plugin compares the contents of the matched lines. It triggers if different.
This plugin compares the count of the matched lines. It triggers if the count is different.
This plugin uses matches() method of java.util.regex.Matcher. So the regex pattern should conform to it. (it's fairly normal regex)
As for your example,
Last build.*
may work.
Reference of regex patten:
Reference of Matcher:
The regex trigger source code:
I'd recommend to use the "RSS for all" link as a trigger URL instead, and /feed/entry[1] as the XPath expression for the XML response content nature.
PS: I was using PathEnq to debug the XPath expression.
