PayPal Adaptive Payments with Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking for a lightweight gem that will allow me to do Adaptive Payments with PayPal through my Rails 3 application.
I've looked at and
Neither of them have worked for me so far (tested on Heroku). Does anyone know of any up-to-date solution?

I use active_paypal_adaptive_payment and it works reasonably well. I've also sent some pull requests to it which make it work better. :-P

On rails 3 we use
gem 'paypal_adaptive', '0.1.0'
That has worked for us in production using Rails 3.0.7


Is the gem 'thredded' compatible with rails 5 api?

I am currently developing a social media-ish app, and it needs a forum. I wanted to use a gem for the forum side of the app. We are using Rails as a backend API serving json responses to the frontend using Angular.
With that, I've seen the thredded readme, and it seems that it has a view side to it which Rails 5 api clearly lacks. With that, will it still smoothly work with Rails 5 api? Just checking out if someone has tried this out already. Thanks a bunch.
if you go there home page on github you will see a message that reads
#glebm glebm Bump Rails to 5.0.1 in spec/gemfiles/rails_5_0.gemfile
enter image description here
that message will change on the next commit
now if what you are asking if they are using action cable. I did not find anything to say that they were.
but they are rails 5 compatible
I hope that this helps

OrientDB integration for ruby on rails

What are the options to integrate OrientDB with Ruby on Rails 4 ? I have found many gems for JRuby but there is no active gem for MRI Ruby.
I need document database and graphdatabase, so OrientDB should be interesting for my project.
This is a native Ruby client, though i don't think you can drop it directly into a rails app and work on it like mongoid, ActiveRecord, etc.
Its 100% ruby so it should be compatible with MRI.
We are using in production, which doesn't require JRuby, and it's been pretty good so far. We only use the REST client, which is obviously going to be slower than any of the other ways of interacting with OrientDB. The gem offers a binary client as well, but I haven't used it, and I think it's still in development.

rails apns for push notifications to apple ipad - which gem to use?

I'm looking to push notifications to apple from a rails 3.0.3 application.
I have found a variety of apns"ish" gems including apns_on_rails.
Some of them seem a bit old (1 or 2 years) and it is very unclear what would be the 'current' one to use in 2012.
Can you recommend which one to use given my criteria? Which is mainstream? Which is maintained?
I dislike custom github repositories and am looking for the best stable longer-term gem solution.
We maintain it, and I just updated it to now be rails 3 compatible.
You need to add it to your gemfile, and run
rails g apn_on_rails:install
rake db:migrate
you also need to provide all kinds of certs and credentials, as you would expect, but that is all in the readme.
I far prefer Grocer to APN on rails, its a lot more straightforward and easy to use if you ask me, and doesn't require database migrations or rake tasks to do something thats basically as simple as hitting an Apple server with a formatted JSON...

Ruby on Rails SMS sending

I'm trying to code for an sms server using this tutorial:
Here they advice us to use clickatell but i have a gateway that i can use which i would like to use. However i wouldn't know how to write the bits of code that says require clickatel or sudo gem install clickatell. I'm new to ruby and rails hence any help would be appreciated :)
I have found twilio easy to use and recommend it. They have a tutorial that works (at least in Rails 3.07).

developing facebook applications with ruby: which gems to use?

i am currently planning a facebook application to be developed with ruby on rails.
i stumbled upon the facebooker gem, but there seem to be other gems around as well - actually there is also a facebooker2 gem.
what are the current options i have with ruby on rails and facebook development? which gems are recommendable?
The Facebook developers site lists some options for Rails along with samples. See
I've been working with this over the past couple of days.
The facebooker gem is written to use the old FB RESTful javascript API.
Facebooker2 is written to use the new javascript Open Graph API. Facebooker2 depends upon the mogli gem.
I'm working with facebooker2 and hope to blog a tutorial once I've got it all worked out.
Here's my "tutorial". I hope this helps.
